Chapter 8

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-Kristen’s POV-

April 18, 2013

BEEP…BEEP…BEEP.  BEEP.  BEEP.BEEP.BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP SMACK!  Ugh, I hate alarm clocks, I am fully convinced that they are bullies in a box.  I look over and see that it is 7:30am.  Why on earth did I set my alarm for-ohhhhh right.  I’m showing my biological family around the city today.  Haha, boring old Winnipeg.  Nothing exciting there!  I mean, there is the Parliament buildings, the polar bear statues, stuff like that.  Nothing compared to England though!

I get up and go to the bathroom down the hall.  As I turn the sink on to wash my face, I notice my reflection in the mirror.  Wow, I look like I got hit by a truck.  Staying up till 3am maybe wasn’t the smartest thing to do.  Whatever, I have a good excuse!

Back in my room I throw on some shorts and my favorite sweater.  Might as well be comfy if we’re going to be taking the bus pretty much all day – unless they want to walk.  In that case, I should probably pick comfy shoes, so TOMS it is!  Well, they aren’t actual TOMS, just $8 knock-offs from Giant Tiger called STEPS!  BOO YEAH!  I just saved 60 bucks.  Yea, I’m too cheap to buy $70 shoes.

“Andrea!  Get your butt over here!”  I yell towards her room.  I knew she was up, I could hear her Thousand Foot Krutch cd playing in her room.

“What?” she asks, finally dragging her butt into my room.

“What color?” I ask, holding up one pair of purple STEPS and one pair of dark blue.  Andi  looked at the shoes, then at my maroon sweatshirt.

“Dark blue.” She stated and then left to her room again.  I put my other shoes away and go downstairs, making my way to the kitchen.

“Hey Kris.”  Greg says to me.


“Sorry.” He laughs.  I seriously had no idea he was down here too.  “What’s up with your mood?” He asks, munching on some FrootLoops.

“My attitude is sponsored by my alarm clock.” I mumbled, to which Greg just laughed.

“You sound exactly like Nialler in the morning!” He stated, and I just rolled my eyes.

“Yupp!  Exactly like-OOF!” His words were cut short by a pillow coming from the living room and smacking him in the face.  I was curious to who it was, and turned around to see Niall standing there with a smirk on his face.

“Oi!  Greg!  I told ya not te tell what I’m like in the morning ya?” He said, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably.

“You know Niall, for being such a crab in the morning, you sure know how to make everyone laugh.” I state.

“Yea, yea, yea.” He responds, waving his one hand as if in dismissal. “I have a talent fer making people laugh, even when I’m miserable.”

I just look at him and laugh as I get myself a bowl from the cupboard for my Mini Wheats.  I can feel them watching me as I grab a spoon from the silverware drawer, and the milk from the fridge.  I swear, if this milk has been tampered with…

“Is the milk here good?”  Greg asks slowly.  I turn around and give him a funny look.

“Uh, duh.  It’s the same kind of milk that you guys have out in Ireland.  Unless you drink unicorns milk.”  I say with a smirk.

“Actually, we do, and we only expect the be-“ Niall is suddenly cut off with a smack to the back of the head.  I giggle as I see Maura – err, mum? – smile triumphantly.

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