Chapter 9

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-Niall’s POV-

April 20, 2013

“How can you be sure she’s not faking?”

“She just wants you and your family for the money.”
“Can you say F-A-K-E????”

“Theyy dontt evennn loookkkk relateddd!!!!!”

“That is so cool! I’m glad they found each other!”

“I am so jealous! Congrats on the new family member!”

“I hope she treats you guys well! And you do the same!”

“Man, it must be that luck o’ the Irish!”

My face was a mixture of emotions going through me timeline.  I mean, I had te laugh at some of the things people were sayin’ about the whole situation.  They don’t even know us, or the whole story, so they don’t exactly have the right to judge me family.  I just chuckled at the silly tweets and turned off me phone.  No use in listening to that nonsense.  I don’t need any doubts creepin’ into my head.

Even if I already did have some.

But no one needs t’ know that, now do they?

-Kristen’s POV-

Sighhhhhhhhhh…I don’t know what to do anymore.  I have to go back to my own apartment soon, and go back to my university, but Maur- mom – wants me to go to Ireland with them.  I sigh again in frustration and look out my window.  The snow has already melted, and flowers were starting to grow in the window box, sprouting their tiny multi-colored heads through the soft soil.  But on the inside, it was as if it was fall again.  Everything seemed cold, as if the leaves were falling from the trees instead of growing again.  And if this continued, snow would be here soon.

And I didn’t want that.  Not at all.

“Kristen? Are you up there?” My mum – ‘adoptive mum’ – shouted from the bottom of the stairs.  I yelled back that I was, and soon I heard her feet softly padding up the carpet towards my room.

“Honey, everyone is out in the back but you.  What’s wrong?” She asked, coming to sit on my bed.  I sighed, once again, and looked at her.

“I don’t even know.  I don’t know what to do about school, travelling to Ireland with them seems great, but I really want to finish this course, and get my degree.  But it’s not even that, I would miss everyone here.  I can’t just transfer schools, it wouldn’t be the same ya know?” I spilled out.  It felt good to get that off my chest, to finally tell someone what I was feeling.  I glanced back at the mother I had grown up with, and she just smiled.

“Oh sweetie, all of us parents talked about it, and we decided that we would let you finish this year, and then you go out there for the summer.  That means you would come back and finish in the fall.  How does that sound?”

I just stared at her.  Why hadn’t I thought of that?!  I told her that that would be amazing, and we proceeded to go outside to the barbecue.  Maybe with this solved, I could just breathe and relax.


Never mind, I spoke too soon…

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