Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

-Kristen’s POV-

March 29, 2013

“It’s FRIDAY! FRIDAY! FRIDAY!” Andi screeches down the hall.

“Andi, SHUT. UP!” I yell in response.  Seriously, that song is so annoying.  Nothing against Rebecca Black, but seriously, the auto-tuning was horrible.  I know she is a pretty good singer, but in Friday…well, let’s just say it’s like Zayn and the water in the music videos – they want to kill them.

“But I like this song!” Andi wails back.

“Andrea, just give some peace and quiet!  I am trying to study!”

“I know, and I am trying to sing!”

“Trying and doing are two different things!”

“Ouch! You wound me!”

“Ya, well the truth hurts my dear!”  After that, I hear nothing.  I smile and get back to studying.


“Nice try Andi”

“But, how?!”

“Dude, when it’s quit for more than 30 seconds you’re either dead, or planning to scare someone.  You’re just too predictable.”

“Am not!” We say together.  I just give her the ‘I’m right, you’re wrong, and you know it’ look, and she sulks off to her room, turning on One Direction’s Take Me Home CD and blasting it.

“That’s it!” I yell, and run to her room.  I tackle her to her bed and tickle her until she can’t breathe.

“I give! I give!  Please! Stop!” She laughs.  Satisfied, I go back to my room and study in peace for the next hour.  After I’m done studying, I go downstairs and ask my parents if we could talk.  After they sit down, I join them with tea and three mugs.

“So, I’ve been thinking.” I start.  I glance around to make sure that I have their attention, and then continue.  “I’ve been thinking that as soon as we meet these people, I am going to move back into my house.  By then Hunter will have her stuff moved into her fiancé’s apartment, and I can start cleaning it out.  I want it down for the summer, that way, I can go on a vacation with Jordan!  Maybe catch a One Direction concert in the States!”

My parents nod slowly and my dad finally speaks.

“But what if you want to move out to where you’re birth family is?”

“I’ve thought about that, and…I’m not really sure.  I mean, I was hoping for a relaxing summer, but I guess you have a valid point.”

“Yes, and your father and I have decided that we would pay for it.”

“No.  I won’t let you guys!  I have some saved in the bank I can take.”


“Really!  I am and adult!” I smile. “Even though I can be pretty immature sometimes.”

“We have some news for you Kristen.”  My dad states.


“Yes, we heard from the cop that not only will your birth parents and brothers be here, but your birth mother’s second husband as well.”

“Ooh…awkward turtle.”

“Yes, well, they all want to meet you.  Apparently your twin moved in with his dad before moving to where he currently lives.  I’m not sure about your older brother though.”  My mum adds in.

“Oh, cool.  So he must be a cool guy.”

“We would hope.”

“Maybe he eats children!  Maybe you’re just his next victim!” Andrea yells down from upstairs.  I roll my eyes.

“Maybe he only eats people named Andrea Shaelynne Brooks!”

“Pfft!!!” It’s funny, you could practically see her eyes roll at that.

“Also Kristen,” my dad says, redirecting my attention back to him, “we now have a date.  They will be here April 17th, and then stay until the 24th.”

“A whole WEEK?!” I exclaim.

“Yes, they will be staying in either the guest room, or the hotel.  I think they said that they would prefer to stay here, but circumstances may prove different.”

“What circumstances?”

“We’re not sure.  Either way, they have a week to get to know you, hang out with you, and vice-versa for you.” My mum adds.  Ok, a week.  Awesome.  It’s not that I don’t want to meet them – it’s just that I’m super nervous.  Like, so nervous that I feel like I’ll faint – and I, Kristen Nicole Lyn Brooks, do NOT faint!

“So, that means that they’ll be here in…” I mentally count the days in my head “in about 19 days.” I finish.

“Yes, so you have 19 days to be prepared.  Both emotionally and physically.  You can start by cleaning the guest room.” My mum smiles.  I smile back and roll my eyes.  The guest room.  Oh boy.  We haven’t cleaned that place for so long.  We haven’t needed to.  We mainly use it as storage space anyways.

“Or, they could stay with you at your place!” My mum suggests, as I walk over to the cleaning supplies closet.  I think it over and shake my head.

“No, I’d prefer it to be here, that way, everyone meets everyone!”  I say back.  I grab the essentials – Windex, Mr. Clean, sponges, mop, broom, garbage bags, and paper towel – and head to the guest room.  As I open the door, I stand there shocked.  I forgot how dirty this place was!  As I look around, I notice a nearby plug in.  I quickly run up the stairs to my room, grab my laptop, and run back down.  I plug in my laptop once I reach the guest room again, and put all of One Direction on.  Might as well enjoy something while I clean!

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