Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

-Kristen’s POV-


April 15, 2013

“I cannot believe that it has already been 17 days!” I exclaim, falling back on my bed.

“I know!! Are you nervous?”  Jordan asks.  We were talking on the phone, and I could hear that she was chewing something.

“Are you eating?  ‘Cause I’m starving!  And yes, I am SO nervous!”

“Ya, Oreos, you jealous? And well, I understand.  I mean, if I had this happen to me, I have no IDEA what I would do!”

“Save me some would ya!  And Jordan,”


“You would go crazy.” I state simply.

“Exactly!  I don’t know how you do it!”  We continue to talk her going crazy, and go on to talk about other things – like Marcus Butler and Dan Howell, Oreos, kittens, and school – until we finally call it a night.  After a 3 hour chat, I was wiped.  I lie down in my bed, and think about what I’m going to do in two days.  What will I say?  Will I embarrass myself?  How awkward is it going to be?!  These thoughts continue to tumble through my mind, as I myself tumble into a dreamless sleep.

April 17, 2013

Today is the day, the day I meet my birth parents – and step father?  This is so confusing.  Instead of just having two dads, I have three.  Well, aren’t I a lucky little bugger?  They are coming sometime around 4:00 p.m., so that Andrea will be home from school.  I am seriously so nervous.  I have about 3 hours to get ready, and before I know it, those hours fade into 10 minutes before they arrive.

“Kristen, you have GOT to calm down!  Andrea isn’t even as nervous as you!” My dad says.  I look over to Andi, and see that she is sitting doing her homework. Pffttt. As if she is this calm.

“Where is my sister, and what did you do with her?” I joke.

“Kristen, mum and dad are right.  Calm down.”

As if she just- my thoughts are cut off as the doorbell rings.  I look around for a place to hide and slowly die.  Maybe if I leap over that couch…

“Kristen!  Someone is here to see you!” My mum calls from the front door.  My eyes narrow in her direction.  Traitor.  I paste a smile on my lips and go to the front door.

“You must be Kristen!” A lovely looking woman exclaims.  I nod my head and smile.  My mum invites them in, and Andrea comes to help me with their bags.  Well, they sure know how to pack in style, I think as I notice the Louis Vutton and Gucci bags.  As we lug them into the guest room, I notice that there is only one guy about my age here.  He looks slightly familiar, but I can’t think of where, so I shrug off the idea that I’ve seen him before.

Rejoining my families in the living room, my birth mother introduces everyone.

“This here is Bobby,” she says, pointing to an older gentleman, “my husband Chris, and me oldest son Greg.”  She beams.  I shake everyone’s hands, and the idea that I know them from somewhere keeps coming to my mind.

“Sorry that me other son is late, traffic.” She laughs.  I laugh along with her.

“That traffic eh?  It sure gets ya!  I notice you all have accents?  Where are you from?” I ask.

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