Chapter 11

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-Kristen’s POV-

May 5, 2013

You really should text them…”

“You know that I can’t.  I don’t want to be a burden.”

“Kristen.  You’re. Not. A. Burden.  Do you hear me?!  They TOLD you to text them if you had any problems or anything!”

“I KNOW Jordan, but still.”

“But nothing.  SO help me Kris I will text them myself….if I had their number.”

“Thank God you don’t.”
I smiled a small smile to myself.  Jordan was right, funny, but right.  I should text them.  I looked up from my phone and pushed my sunglasses up.  I was in the middle of Polo Park, shopping for some new clothes for the spring and summer months - especially since I would be in Ireland over the summer.  Not that I needed to have ‘the look’ or anything, but because my shorts were one size to small, and my shirts were getting to the point of no return.  Let’s just say I don’t go shopping much, what with my student loans, car bills, house bills, and not to mention the price of food.   But I had decided I could treat myself.  I had been saving for a mini shopping spree already, and that is exactly what I intended to do.

I once again adjusted my sunglass, fixed my pony-tail, and went towards Garage - a pretty decent clothing store.  They had a sale on for shorts, so that’s what section I went to first.  It was going okay, they had a few good choices for less than $20, when all of a sudden a girl gasps.  I quickly turn around, flinging my shades off in the process, to see what on earth had happened when my heart stopped.

She was staring and pointing at me.

What? Have I grown a tail or something?!  I thought to myself.  That’s when she spoke.  Or at least I think she did.  It sounded like “ohmehgorchishnyellstwensestur!” which I then realized actually translated to “oh my gosh it’s Niall’s twin sister!

Oh boy.  Not good.  I quickly picked up my shades and walked towards the change rooms.  They can’t follow me in there! I thought - hoped.  I quickly hopped into an unused stall and locked the door.  That’s when the phones and papers started coming.





I was starting to feel really overwhelmed, and sat in the corner farthest from the door - which really isn’t that far seeing how if I stretched my legs out they would be sticking out from under the door.  This chaos went on for what seemed like hours - when really it was only 2 minutes, which is long enough thanks - when the noise started to quiet down.  That’s when I heard someone…giving orders??

“All right people, security here.  Let the girl go.”

I sighed in relief.  Security, I was about to be free.  I heard knocking on the door, then “Miss? It’s alright to come out now.  We’re going to escort you to the back rooms and then take it from there.  Think you can handle that?”

I nodded, then remembered he couldn’t see me. “Y-yes, that would be great thanks.  But what about my items? I haven’t paid for them yet?”

There was a short pause, I think he was talking to someone that worked there, then “open the door slowly, then this worker here will scan them through, and you can pay for them in the back rooms alright?”

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