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Life is good.

After reconciling with Freya, Apollo realized that being with her is the best damn thing that happened in his life. It is no longer KEA anymore. He even adjusted his working hours so he could see her after her work. That's how crazy he is for her and they are not yet doing anything beyond kissing and some touching. He wouldn't deny that his desire for her is getting stronger every second but he was contented by just being with her. Eating with her. Laughing with her. Stargazing with her.

He already told Chaigne about his relationship with Freya and she promised that she won't tell a soul. He was really lucky to have her as his secretary, so very supportive and very understanding.

Eros was also aware about them as Freya talked to him and he congratulated them with a reminder to Apollo that he should not hurt Freya. Even without Eros reminder, Apollo wouldn't do the same mistake again. His goal now is to make Freya happy. Always.

"Hey, baby. Good morning." Apollo greeted Freya who is cuddling beside him and looks so cute in her sleeping clothes.

She only groan then pressed herself more against him. He gulped as her softness made him hard instantly so he reached a pillow from his back and placed it between their crotches. Though he respects her a lot, still, he is no saint and the most frustrating fact is she was unaware on what she could do to him. For the past nights, they are sleeping together. Literally. And it was so difficult to maintain his self-control.

"Come on, let's get up." Since he is staring at her face directly, he felt his heart skips a beat when she slowly open her eyes and smiled lazily. "Morning, baby." He greeted her again.

"Morning." Then she suddenly covers his eyes with her hand.

He chuckled. "What's wrong?"

"Stop looking at me like that."

He removed her hand then grinned at her when he noticed the redness on her face. "What kind of look?"

Her face flush even more. "A kind of perverted look."

He throws his head back and laugh. "I am the most innocent man on earth."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right." Then she holds his face as he lean his face towards her, aiming for a morning kiss. "Don't. I just woke up."

He removes her hands off from his face then rolled himself above her but carefully not giving all his weight. "They say that the best kiss happens in morning." And before she could even react, he already claim her lips. Thanks to the pillow, she won't feel the evidence of his desire for her. As he slowly broke off the kiss, he smiled playfully at her. "See?" Then he groan inwardly when she bites her lower lip and he lifted himself off from the bed before he do anything then he open his hand. "Rise and shine, baby."

She only smiled then accepted his hand and they went to the dining area of her apartment after a quick trip at her bathroom. "Don't sleep here anymore."

He pout. "Why?"

"I had to wake up early because of you."

"But I love waking up with you." Then he placed two bowls in front of them and pours the cereal.

She giggled. "And I don't."

"That's so mean." He pout again while pouring the milk on each bowl.

She giggled once more and lean slightly against him then kissed his cheek. "Sulking doesn't suit you."

He smirked then envelope his arm around her waist. "Why? Because I am too handsome?"

She elbowed him. "Jerk."

He laugh and kissed the top of her head before releasing her. "By the way, how's working with BBS?" He asked her while eating. She already finished six voice recordings and need more four recordings.

"It's fun. The staffs were kind to me and tomorrow night is the episode where my voice will be heard first, right?"

He nodded. "Nervous?"

"Very. This is really different compared with MBS."

He chuckled. "From what I've heard from BBS, they were satisfied on the outcome of your finished voice recordings and speaking of MBS, they offered you again for another drama participation but since BBS' drama is already on-going, I told them that we will give our response after your current project." MBS drama's last episode where Freya's voice was used got high ratings and received good feedbacks. DJ Goddess is definitely at her peak.

"Can you decline them soon?"

He frowned. "Why? Did something happen?"

"Nothing really happened but the staffs was not that totally nice. They were civil though but a bit aloof."

"Why you didn't tell me about this before?" So the rumour about MBS staffs' rudeness was somehow true.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I thought they won't send another offer so I didn't tell you."

"Does Aleena know anything about this?"

She nodded reluctantly. "But I told her not to mention anything."

He sigh. "I need this kind of information because I don't want any of KEA's artists to be treated poorly."

She tapped his arm. "Yes, boss. I will take note on that."

He smirked. "It's good to hear that you know who the boss is."

She rolled her eyes. "Jerk."

He laugh. "Let's visit Mom and Dad tomorrow."

She smiled nervously. "Do they know already?"

"Not yet. Mom will surely demand to always visit them and we were too busy in the past weeks."

She smiled again but this time, she seems calmed. "How much profit you will loss if you decline MBS?"

He chuckled. "Don't worry, it won't make KEA go on bankruptcy."

She pout. "Be serious."

He grinned. "I am serious. You have lots of offers so I am not getting worried and Nights With Me is doing well too." Actually the whole radio station is being more profitable as well. Not only because of the new and improved programs, it was also because of the participation of other KEA artists.

"Can I meet your other artists?"

That surprised him. "You sure?"

She nodded. "I saw them on your party and they seem nice."

"They are all nice. Some of them were even fans of DJ Goddess."

She smiled brightly. "Now I have more reason to know them. You meet them every quarter, right?"

"Yeah and the next meeting will be in two weeks."

"Alright. Count me in."

"Sure. You'll meet the new artists as well." Then he raised his eyebrow when a suspicion arises in his mind. "Are you somehow not interested in one of KEA's actors or one of the male idols?"

She burst out laughing. "What are you saying? But don't worry, you are the most handsome man in my eyes."

He smirked. "That's good to know."

Then the next day, Apollo visited his parents together with Freya. He could imagine his Mom's reaction once he told them about his relationship with Freya.

"Apollo, I missed you dear." His Mom hugged him then kissed his cheek. His Dad just tapped his shoulder. Then his Mom turned her attention to Freya and hugged her. "It is really good to see you again."

Freya hugged her back then only smiled shyly.

"Let's go inside, folks." His Dad said. After they settled at the dining table, his Mom immediately start to talk.

"I watched the last episode of that MBS drama, your voice suited that cameo part."

Freya smiled. "Thank you."

"And I am so excited on your participation in BBS drama, when it will be by the way?"

"Tomorrow night, I am going to promote it later."

"Perfect." Then his Mom looked at him. "Dear, our wedding anniversary is coming. Make sure to bring Freya."

"Of course, Mom." Then he cleared his throat. It's time to tell his parents. "Actually there is a reason why I brought Freya today."

Dad chuckled, obviously had an idea already while Mom frowned then suddenly her face brightens. "Oh my God, are you going to tell me what am I thinking?"

Apollo laugh. "Well..." He get Freya's hand and clasped it together with him then smiled proudly at his parents. "Freya is my girlfriend already." And saying those words were more than enough to make his heart flutter. But to his odd, she seems surprised on what he said.

"Oh I am so happy! How long you are dating each other?"

"More than a month already."

His Mom pout. "And you only tell us today?"

"We were busy and I know how this news will excite you, Mom."

"Our son is right, honey." His Dad said.

"Fine. Freya, is our son treating you well?"

Freya glanced at him then smiled at his Mom. "Yes. He is very attentive."

He found himself grinning, too pleased to hear that from her and even feeling too handsome at the moment.

"That's good to know. If he ever makes you cry, don't hesitate to contact us."

He groan. "Mom, that's not going to happen."

His Mom giggled. "Make sure of it." Then she looked back at Freya. "So when will you marry my son?"

Freya coughed while he felt slightly embarrassed and his Dad just laugh. "Mom, stop it."

"What? I wanted to see my grandkids already."

He groan again. Though the idea is very appealing, still, his Mom should just let him do his job. "Mom, let's deal with that later."

His Mom was about to protest but his Dad stopped her. "Hon, let them enjoy each other first."

His Mom pout. "Fine. Just don't make me wait for too long."

Apollo only shakes his head. Sometimes, his Mom is not his favourite person.

Later on, they bid goodbye to his parents as Freya is going to work in few hours.

"Come back here as soon as you can, okay?" His Mom said to Freya.

She smiled. "Sure and thank you for the great meal."

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it, dear." His Mom hugged her then kissed her cheek.

"Be careful on the road." His Dad tapped his shoulder then smiled at Freya gently. "You are always welcome here."

She smiled back. "Thank you."

After a while, Apollo and Freya start to travel. "Mom is quite pushy so please bear with her." He said while driving.

She giggled. "She was already like that since I met her." Then she smiled playfully. "But I didn't know that I am already your girlfriend."

He smirked. "What's wrong with that? You are really my girlfriend."

She chuckled. "Well, I thought that we are just being casual."

Aside from hearing those words, he detected a hint of wariness in her voice that captured his full attention so he stopped the car at the road's side area then looked intensely at her. "What makes you think that?"

She shrugged her shoulders uncomfortably. "Though we admitted that we do like each other but I didn't remember you asking me about being your girlfriend."

He stopped for a moment until he cursed silently. "I didn't?" When she shakes her head, he groan. "I'm such a fool."

She smiled sheepishly. "Not really. I know that you never ask a woman before to be your girlfriend because they are coming to you effortlessly so it was somehow understandable."

He grabbed her hands and stare at her with seriousness. "Don't compare yourself to others because you are nothing like them especially to those women whom I got acquainted before. With you, I am seriously serious." His chest starts to pound when she smiled warmly. "And being casual with you never occurred in my mind because it only means that I still must be okay even when I found out that you are going to be with someone else where in fact that I won't ever let it to happen because you are mine."

Her face flush. "You are being ridiculously sweet, Apollo."

He blinks his eyes for few seconds until he found himself laughing when he realized that those words didn't sink into him immediately. "Don't worry, you are going to discover more about that in me." Then he smiled mysteriously. "And Freya?"

"What?" A cute frown becomes visible between her eyebrows.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

She gasped lightly, obviously got surprised then his heart rejoiced when a smile slowly formed on her pretty lips until that smile turns bigger. "Yes." At the moment, Freya is smiling brightly at him. Just like his favourite photo of her at her living room.

Then he grasped the back of her head and pulled her into him until a thin space left between their faces. "I love you." It made them freeze like he said an alien word. Then he was about to pull herself away from him but he firmly held her and looked at her with somehow gained confidence. "I mean it." And he crossed the gap between them.

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