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While Freya is doing her thing at the bathroom, Apollo was keeping on walking back and forth. He was nervous and excited at the same time. If his wife is really pregnant, he would be the happiest man in the world.

As the bathroom's door opens, Apollo held his breath then his chest pound hard upon seeing his wife being teary eyed. "How was it?"

She bites her lower lip then showed him the pregnancy kit test. "It's positive."

Joy filled his heart while looking at the two lines at the tool then he lifted her up and carefully sways her around. "I love you Freya."

"You're not mad?" She asked after he put her down.

He shakes his head then gently wiped off her tears. "You made me happy."

Her eyes became warm. "What we are going to do now?"

He inhales deeply. "The plan will still continue."

"Shall I announce my pregnancy as well?"

He nodded. "They'll know it eventually so better to tell them as early as now."

"I'm nervous."

He kissed her forehead. "Everything is going to be alright and I'm just here but let's see a doctor first."

She only smiled. After having their brunch, they went to a private doctor referred by his Mom.

"So the rumor was true after all. You two even married each other secretly." The doctor said and she seems on her late forties. Apollo only chuckled while Freya's face flush and seems embarrassed. "I once asked your Mom if there is really something going between the two of you but she was just diverting the discussion into something else."

He smirked. "I could imagine how hard it is for Mom to not to tell anybody."

The doctor laugh. "I could imagine that too. Knowing her." Then she cleared her throat and smiled gently at Freya. "Shall we start on your examination?"

When his wife looked at him, he squeezed her hands for encouragement. "I'll just wait here."

She only smiled then turned her attention to the doctor who is now smiling widely at them. "Sorry. I couldn't help it but you both really looked good together. I just don't understand why there is a need to hide your relationship from public."

Freya only laugh softly while he smiled widely, definitely pleased to hear those words. Well, he was always like this every time he hears anything good about him and Freya.

After a while, the doctor brings Freya on the other room. As he waits, he kept himself occupied by reading magazines about pregnancy and babies. Minutes passed, he found himself more excited about his wife's pregnancy. Before meeting her, he couldn't imagine himself being a married man so his life turned into something totally different after meeting Freya. He was definitely such a lucky man to have her.

When the door opens, Apollo quickly stands up and grasped Freya's hands. "You okay?"

She nodded then they both seated. "I am on my sixth week already."

He frowned while looking at her flushing face as it seems she knew that he was trying to remember if they were at somewhere special place on the day they formed their soon to be baby. They normally made love at their apartment so he chuckled when he finally remembered that they were at his parents' house that time because someone followed his car after leaving the radio station. Then they both looked at the doctor when she cleared her throat.

"First and foremost, congratulations to the both of you. Pregnancy is such indeed a good news. It is something that should be celebrated for."

Apollo and Freya stared to each other while smiling. He knew that she was excited as well. "Thank you."

Then the doctor gave them instructions and reminders until she told them something that made his chest to pound so hard. "Freya, before I totally forgot, you are not just bearing a single baby."

"A twin?" She whispered in surprised so he hold her hands tighter.

"That's what I am not certain at the moment as I think that I heard three tiny heart beats when I did the examination earlier."

"Triplets?!" He found himself blurting out because that was really shocking news. Well, he didn't get that surprised if she will bear a twin because she has a twin but having triplets was really too surprising.

The doctor laugh softly. "Possibly but I could be wrong so make sure to visit me every two weeks so I could monitor Freya's condition."

He looked at Freya who still shocked on what the doctor just said. "Hey, you and our babies will be fine."

She bites her lower lip then only nodded. Later on, they bid goodbye to the doctor.

"I am going to take this opportunity to have a photo with you. I am a DJ Goddess fan. My husband and our two daughters as well."

Freya smiled gratefully at the doctor. "Thank you for the support." She said after Apollo took a photo of them.

"Oh that's okay! You helped us in some way anyway."


The doctor nodded then smiled sheepishly. "Let's have a selca together. I want to be the first to have your photo together." After taking the photo, she giggled. "My daughters will definitely get envy of me as they both believed that DJ Goddess is in a relationship with her boss."

Freya only giggled while Apollo just laugh. With this kind of reaction from a fan, he is more hopeful now that others will have the same reaction with her.

"By the way, happy birthday Freya. Now I already have an idea what you will announce later."

She laugh softly. "My pregnancy was just an addition."

The doctor smiled. "Be more careful and cautious now. It is not only you anymore."

"I will."

When she entwined their fingers together, he hold her tighter. "I'll take care of them as well."


As they exited the private clinic, Apollo comfortably placed his arm around her shoulder even he knew that they already gathered some attention from the people around. In return, she smiled then wrapped her arm around his waist and pressed her body against him. "You probably know what will happen next." He said as they started to walk towards his car.

She giggled. "It seems you have two meanings of it."

He only grinned. When they get inside of his car, he made sure that she is seated properly. "It seems the bastard already knew where our apartment is."

She got startled. "Really?"

He nodded. "Well, his car was just few meters away from us but it's possible that he just followed us from the nearest street at our apartments. Anyway, we'll go directly to Mom and Dad's house just to be sure."

She nodded. "He definitely get a photo of us together now." She said as he started to drive.

He smirked. "Let's give him what he wanted. Anyway, it's been a year since he is following us."

She chuckled. "He'll definitely get promoted with this."

Apollo only laugh. When they reached his parents' house, his Mom immediately hugged Freya. "Happy birthday dear. It is like it is my birthday as well. You made me so happy." She only smiled. "How's your visit with Milla by the way?"

"It went well." Then she smiled happily. "We are going to have twins or maybe triplets."

His Mom gasped. "Oh my God! That's so great!"

"Congratulations." His Dad said.

He tapped his Dad's arm. "Thanks Dad. We'll stay here for a while by the way."

"Sure! Have an early dinner with us, okay?" His Mom said and since obviously too delighted with the news, she would definitely not to take a no for an answer.


"Freya, don't hesitate to tell us what you needed."

Freya nodded then smiled at his Dad. "Thank you."

Then Apollo grabbed her waist. "We will just take our rest."

When they reached his room, he pulled her in his lap after sitting on the bed. "It's either I forgot to drink my pill or the medicine just didn't worked well that time."

He chuckled. "Whatever it is, I am glad that you are pregnant with these little punks." He caressed her stomach. "They just came at the right time."

She grinned. "We don't know yet their gender and the doctor weren't even sure yet if we have twins or triplets."

He smirked. "I have a feeling that they will all be boys. This maybe called a father's instinct."

She laugh then wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you Apollo."

He buried his face on her neck and inhale her scent. "I love you more and our soon to be babies." Then he started to unbutton her blouse. "We still have few hours before dinner."

She only giggled. After having dinner with Apollo's parents, he and Freya started to travel going to radio station. "Everyone was throwing tantrums because we did not answer any of their calls." While they were busy at his room, Chaigne send him a message that they've become the trending topic because the bastard and some people around the street posted of their photos together when they left the clinic.

He chuckled. "Let them be. We'll just talk to them later."

As they reached the radio station, they saw many media members were scattered around so when they noticed his car, they tried to stop his car but good thing he already alerted the security team while they were on their way so they were able to enter the building without being interviewed.

When they ride the elevator, Apollo held Freya tight and squeezed her body. It is like he is giving her a silent assurance that they are going to be fine. He knew of course Freya's fears and even this was the third time they used the elevator, she still shaking so he definitely going to slowly help her in overcoming her fears.

"Why you are not answering my calls and texts?!" Aleena immediately sulk at Freya as soon as they saw her.

Freya smiled apologetically. "I preferred to talk about this with you in person."

Aleena snorted. "You should have at least gave me a hint this morning after you cancelled your supposed to be birthday treat to us. Imagine how many calls and messages I've got after those photos surfaced the online news this afternoon." Then she inhale deeply. "Anyway, are you really pregnant? You won't visit a private gynecologist doctor without a valid reason."

She glanced at him then chuckled as she looked back to Aleena. "I am. I just found out this morning because I realized that I still haven't my period so I took a test then we went to the doctor afterwards."

Aleena's face brightens. "Congratulations! Being pregnant was truly a blessing." Then she raised an eyebrow at Apollo. "You didn't do this on purpose?"

He laugh. "Of course. Maybe the pill that she partakes was already expiring."

Aleena rolled her eyes then she turned her attention back to Freya. "Are you going to announce your pregnancy as well?"

"Yeah. I am going to tell everything tonight."

"That's good. So you both could do now what normal couples are doing."

Now that excites Apollo more.

Later on, Freya entered her booth with Apollo beside her. As Nights With Me finally started, he noticed that she was nervous so he massaged her free hand. She only smiled at him. Well, he was nervous too.

"Good evening everyone." DJ Goddess begin to do her usual greetings with the listeners. "Tonight is going to be a special birthday episode of mine because my guest for tonight is my so-called mystery man." He chuckled as he sensed that Freya really didn't like that tag. "Actually he is just beside me who is nervous as me..." He laugh softly. "And though probably all of you already know who he might be but I wanted to be the official announcement comes from us. But before that, let me check our website first." Freya clicked her computer and there are lots of comments already. Good comments actually. Thank goodness. "Wow." She choked a bit so she cleared her throat. As much as he wanted to help her relax, he just remained on her side and gave her an encouraging smile. "Thank you everyone. I can't read them all loudly because I might burst out in crying here." Then she inhale deeply. "First and foremost, thank you everyone for this never-ending support. Whether, on my career or personal life, you are all always with me so I am truly blessed to have you all." When she glanced at him, he found himself giving her a quick kiss so he made a peace sign with Aleena upon realizing what he just did. "Anyway, let's have our first caller now." Then she pressed a button. "Thank you for calling Nights With Me..."

And then Apollo patiently stays beside Freya until it is time for her to give her announcement.

"Over a year ago, my life revolved just being DJ Goddess but my life changed after my former boss decided to sell this radio station to the young and very handsome CEO..." She bites her lower lip in order not to giggle as he looked at her having a very wide smile. "Of KEA. At first, I despised him because he was a typical type of happy-go-lucky guy for me and I knew his reputation when it comes to women." She smiled sheepishly when he pout. "He even tried to harass me during our first meetings." And that almost made him laugh. Good thing he was able to clear his throat before it had happened. "He was full of himself so we ended up always bantering with each other." Then she smiled happily at him. "My manager told me once that I am not on a normal self whenever he was around but I ignored that. Maybe because I was in denial that I was starting to like him already. Then as the days goes by, many circumstances happened that lead me to know him more until I realized that I've fallen in love with him already." His chest is now pounding hard. "He maybe a very playful guy before I've met him but it was all in the past. He already proven to me many times that I am his only one now." He smirked. "Everyone, I apologize if it took me one year to finally admit that I am in a relationship with my boss. Well, the reason why we hid it was the contract I signed so I hope for everyone's understanding." Then she inhale deeply. "I also understand that some of you got mad or disappointed with me but like everyone else, I just fell in love." After wiping her little tears away, she smiled at him. "Falling in love with him was something that I didn't expect to happen but as what DJ Goddess always say, falling in love was something you cannot prepare in advance. Once it hit you, it's either you go through with it or get over with it." His chest pound harder. "Anyways, we will start now our usual question and answer session with our guest." Then she inhale deeply again. "But before that, let's hear our guest's greetings first."

Apollo cleared his throat before turning on his mic. "Good evening everyone, this is Apollo Kwon. DJ Goddess' guest for tonight."

"How you doing?"

He chuckled. "I'm nervous as hell."

She giggled. "I think I know why. Anyway, let's read the first question from our listener." Then she smiled in amusement. "Tell us your real relationship with DJ Goddess."

He dramatically paused then chuckled. "I am DJ Goddess' husband." Then he smiled widely as he saw Freya's flushing face. This is one of the things he love about her, he can still make her blush. "We got married very privately and it was more than a year already. Right, baby?"

She bites her lower lip then hit his arm to obviously cover her embarrassment. "Let's read the next question." After clicking, she cleared her throat and he grinned as the next question makes her face flush more. "Did you make our DJ Goddess pregnant?"

He cleared his throat as well. "Yeah. Freya and I only found out earlier that we are going to be soon parents. This pregnancy was only just an addition to her announcement tonight."

She smiled at him so he found himself kissing the back of her hand. "Our last question is..." She clicked again the computer screen to randomly select a question then he suddenly felt a lump in his throat upon seeing the last question and when he looked at her, she is now on the verge of crying so he formed circles on her hand using his thumb to help ease her emotion. It seems it worked as she asked the question without bawling. "DJ Goddess' happiness is ours too so can you promise to us that you will love her for eternity?"

He kissed the back of her hand once more then smiled at her. "I promised that I will love Freya until whenever and I promised that I will cherish and treasure her forever."

She smiled back at him then inhale deeply once again. "That's it everyone. Thank you for participating and listening tonight. Your continuous support is the best birthday gift I have this year so I am really grateful to have you all. For to those who asked if Nights With Me is now going to end, the answer is no but I'll definitely take a break once I need to go on maternity leave so Nights With Me is going to be on air for as long as I can." Then she smiled. "Thank you for tuning in to Nights With Me. Good night everyone and have a sweet dreams."

As soon as Freya put down her headset, Apollo cupped her face then kissed her. "I love you baby."

"I love you too."

Then they laugh when Aleena appeared on their side. "Excuse me lovebirds, continue that somewhere." Then she hugged Freya. "Happy birthday. Time surely flies fast."

"Yeah and thank you for everything."

Aleena smiled. "You're always welcome. Anyway, there are reporters outside so let's be careful." Then she looked at him. "Shall we set a press conference about this?"

Apollo shakes his head. "Not necessary anymore."

"Alright. Eros called by the way. He already reserved a restaurant for us. Others were there already."

He smirked. "Let them wait for the meantime. We cannot leave here at this moment. The media people will surely chase us."

She rolled her eyes. "Do I have a choice?"

Freya only giggled while he just laugh. After Aleena left them, Apollo pulled Freya against him. "We can now go on date."

She laugh softly then wrapped her arms around his neck. "Let's attend Roubin's movie premiere night."

He snorted. "No."

She chuckled. "We owe something to him and it's still more than a month away." When he didn't respond immediately, she rubbed herself against him then smiled playfully. "Please?"

He groan. "Fine."

She giggled. "I love you Apollo."

He smiled widely then slowly bent his head towards her. "I love you too."

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