Ch. 2 ~ Home Sweet Home

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, I haven't read ALL of the Harry Potter books.  I know, how can you do a Harry Potter fan fic if you haven't read all of the books?  But that is what I love about Google!!! But if I do mess up stuff, PLEASE TELL ME!!!  I don't want to look like an even bigger idiot, so tell, tell, tell!!!!!!!!


Aleia (aim07734)



Besides the few interesting turns on the train, the rest of the ride to Hogwarts was pretty dull.  The thestral that carried our wagon was, as usual, invisible to everyone except me, Harry, and Luna.  Ron, Hermione, and Ginny still don't know about them, but then again, maybe that's the way we like it.  Us three's secret.

We all headed to the Great Hall when we arrived.  But, when I got separated, only for an instant, I felt someone grab my hand and lead me out of the crowd.  I was giggling my head off.  I thought it was Neville.

Neville was one of the sweetest guys I knew.  He was kind and considerate and he listened when no one else seemed to.  He sometimes even outdone Ginny, and believe me that was very hard.

"Neville!"  I screeched, barely able to to contain my laughter.  "Where are you ta-"  I finally saw who was dragging me.

His gray eyes glinted mischieviously.  "Got a thing for Longbottom, I see," he grinned into his comment.

"What do you want, Malfoy?"  I complained.  "Why can't you ever just leave me alone?  Please!"

"Oh, you're down to begging?"  Malfoy said, his sly grin becoming even wider.  "I don't see you on your knees yet, though..."

"In your dreams," I muttered, starting to walk away.  But he just pulled me back.  He didn't lose his grip on my arm.

"I said, on your knees."  His teeth were grinding each other.  He tried shoving me down on the ground.

"And I said," saying just as venomously, "in.  Your.  Dreams, you perv."  I shoved him away from me and started running.

But he caught up, seeing as my leg was injured this morning during a football game, and forced me against the wall.  "You tell anyone," he said, spitting in my face, "I will kill you."

"Ooh," I said, "I'm real scared now.  You wouldn't dare, Malfoy.  Not here, at least."

"True... I wouldn't kill you here.  But after this school year, you won't have Dumbledore or your precious brother to protect you,"  he said back.

"Is that a threat?"  I snapped.  "Because if it is... You. Don't.  Scare.  Me."  And with that, I pushed him off me and ran even harder and faster than before.

Freak.  Bloody freak, that's what he is.


I ran into the Great Hall along with the last few people who had gotten off the train, you know, last.  

Hermione spotted me first and waved me over in desperation.  When I made it to the table, she embraced me. 

"Where the bloody hell have you been?"  Ron asked, a grin spreading on his adorable face.

So, I had a crush on Ronald Bilius Weasley.  I melt at the mention of his name. I've had since I first laid eyes on him.

I remember it like it was yesterday

----------------------------{The First Time I Had Ever Seen The Hogwarts Express}------------------------------

"Ouch!  Fred!"  The voice was like music to my ears.

I spun on my heel to come face-to-face with a ginger-headed, freckled boy.  "Oh, um, sorry, ma'am," he said, a blush blooming on his face.

"S'okay,"  I mumbled, becoming equally red.

Just then, a pair of hands came down on my shoulder.  I looked up to see a similar-looking face spying down on me.  "Aww, Ickle Ronnie's got a little crush!" the face said.  And then a twin voice said, "She's adorable, Ronnie-kins!"

I blushed even deeper and took a step away from the ginger kid behind me, but I wound up a step closer to the one that I nearly ran into the adorable boy in front of me.

He looked at me with wide eyes.  "Hey. didn't I just see you?"  he asked.

I shook my head.  If I had ever seen this boy before, I would know, believe me.  His freckled face and ginger hair were hard to forget.  And he was especially hard to lose, even in a crowd.

"No, no, Ron,"  the boy behind me said.  "That was definitely not her we saw get on the train.  That person was not as cute as her... Amd besides, that kid was a boy."

"I swear you guys were identical," Ron muttered to me.

"It was probably my brother!"  I exclaimed.  "I've been looking everywhere for him!  Which compartment was he headed to?" 

Ron pointed in the general direaction, and before I could stop myself, I kissed him straight on the lips.  'Oh, thank you!"  I shouted.

That was the first (and last) time I had had the nerves to kiss Ron Weasley.  Damn.

------------------------------{Present Day Again}--------------------------------

"Oh, just got sidetracked," I told everyone.  Hearing the doors opening, I glanced back to see Malfoy strolling in as if he hadn't tried to kidnap me five minutes ago.

"Ugh," Hermione groaned.  "Malfoy thinks he's at the top of the world, that git.  I'd love to show him a piece of my mind, I swear..."

I nodded my head in approval, but when I glanced back, I saw him staring at me.  Not glaring, no scowling... just staring.  The anger was flushed from his eyes.  Something in me felt bad about wanting to kill him.  But it only lasted about a second because he must've regained his senses as he stopped staring and his eyes were blocked once more.


Did you like it? I see the reads and stuff, but as of 6/13/11, there are no comments... COMMENT PEOPLE!!!! I need to hear what you have to say!!

Yours Truly,

Aleia :)

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