Ch. 17 ~ Unbelieveable

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~Draco's POV~

I stared at her, not caring if the shock showed on my face or not.  How could this happen?  How could I let this happen?  She used to mess me up.  I used to feel intoxicated just at the sight of her deadly-gorgeous smile.  There was a time when I thought that she was part-veela.  But that would be ridiculous. 

After she left me sitting outside in the cold, I tried to bury all those feelings and decide to focus on the most important thing right now: my mission.  But apparently, I gave in to the feelings in which I had not fully gotten rid of.

And now, here she goes saying she's expecting a goddamned child, and it's mine.  As if I need any more stressful rubbish in my life!  What will I tell my father?  My mother?  She'll be so disappointed.  Not to mention the Dark Lord.  He'd probably kill me on the spot.  I can't let that happen.

But this is an infant, we're talking about.  My son or daughter.  I should care more about their life than mine.  And I think I do. . .  This is just a lot of pressure to put on a sixteen-year-old's shoulders.  Too much, quite frankly.

The Dark Lord wants me to murder the only person who is able to protect Harry. . . and Hayley. 

I didn't even think about what he's going to do to Hayley.  Sure, he didn't even know she existed at that time.  In fact, no one but Dumbledore, McGonagall, and that giant oaf, Hagrid.  Harry didn't know she existed until the first train ride to Hogwarts.

Of course the whole wizarding world heard about her afterwards.  Someone let it slip.  So she became The Girl Who Lived.

The Boy and Girl Who Lived.  In their first year, they, together, faced Professor Quirrel.  In their second year, while Harry battled the basilisk, she used a basilisk tooth to destroy the Horcrux.  They faced Sirius Black and our werewolf teacher their third year.  In fourth year, though, as Harry fought in the Triwizard Tournament, Hayley dug up things about Barty Crouch's son, which led her to find out that it was him that entered his name in the Goblet of Fire.  Just last year, they fought my father and other Death Eaters for the prophecy.  But this year, they can't imagine the dilemma they'll have to face this year.

I looked down at her now, and see that she looks so fragile.  Nothing like the girl I know.  Nothing like the hardcore, no-giving-in, strong, independant, hilarious, brilliant, beautiful Hayley Potter that I know and fell in love with.

And I did that to her.  I broke her heart more than once.  I was going to kill the only man that she ever fully trusted besides a select few.  I wasn't even one of them.  She didn't tell me her dirtiest little secret.  She knew, deep down inside, that she didn't fully trust me.

And I don;t think she ever really will.  Especially after the crime I'll commit.

But right now, though I'll be faking it, I have to let her go.  For the better.  For her.  For Hogwarts.  For her brother and friends, though it kills me to admit it.  And also, for the baby.  OUR baby.

That felt weird saying, but I'd better get used to it.

I looked down at her for one last time before I walked away, my heart shattering from the impact of my own death blow.

~Hayley's POV~

I watched as he left.  I watched as he walked away from me and our illegitimate "baby".  So that leaves me not having to really go into depth about how I faked being pregnant just to piss him off and teach him a lesson about messing with people.  I could just tell him it died, or something.

I could tell he was upset when he slumped away, his arms hugging his chest.  Quite frankly, I was, too.  Upset that that wasn't the reaction I'd hoped for.  I'd hoped for him to start flipping out.  Screaming at me telling me why I had to get pregnant.  That way I could scream back that it wasn't my fault that he didn't think of the repercussions of getting me drunk.

But he didn't.  He just walked off nonchalantly, though it seemed to pain him a bit.  I guess that worked out better than I imagined.

Okay, no, it didn't.  While I watched him go, a part of me was sincerely let down.  I though he'd at least say he loved me before he walked off.  But what was I thinking?!

If there's one thing I've learned from Malfoy after all these years, is to never get your hopes up.  Miracles and rubbish like that never occured around him, or because of him.

I'd made that mistake before.  I can't believe I let it happen again.


The next couple of months passed by uneventful.  Harry still did extremely well in Potions all because of the ever-so-mysterious Half-Blood Prince.  I'm guessing Malfoy finally realized that I lied to him after I didn't get fat or anything.  Harry, Ron and Hermione still didn't know about that and I didn't plan on telling them anything.

But one day, in the evening, I was walking by start of the staircase of the Astronomy Tower when I heard a great ruckus coming from up the staircase.  I instantly had my wand out and ready, poised to pounce or curse at a moment's notice.

I walked extrememly slow up the stairs, being more cautious than necessary.  I heard Harry and Dumbledore's hushed whispers as Dumbledore pleaded Harry to hide and not to try and stop anything from happening.

I followed the sound of Harry's light footsteps and found him standing, completely hidden, looking at the scene unfolding above him.

From the darkness of the staircase, I gaggle of people stepped out, showing their faces.  I though I recognized a few as Death Eaters, and my suspiscions were confirmed as I saw Bellatrix LeStrange step out of the shadows, an evil smirk plastered on her pale face.  Harry and I immediately pointed our wands up at her, thinking the same thing at the same time: Avengance for Sirius.

But one face that, though it shouldn't have surprised me, took my breath away, causing me to gasp, though not audibly.  Draco.

I instantly looked over at Harry who was looking at me, a scowl on his face.  He mouthed, 'We'll talk about this later,' to me and I blushed sheepishly.

I heard someone beside me, though, and I spun to look over at whoever, or whatever, was there and I found I was looking in the eyes of the dark Professor Severus Snape.  He held his finger to his lips, indicating we be silent.

I watched as he climbed up some steps to meet the people who were now surrounding a very bored-looking Albus Dumbledore.  I heard Draco mumbling some stuff to Dumbledore before Snape pushed him aside and did the unthinkable.

I watched as everything went in slow-motion.  I listened as I heard Snape yell, "Avada Kedavra!"  It took me a moment to realize that was the Killing Curse.  Then I watched as a bright green light escaped from Snape's wand and smacked right into the chest of Albus Dumbledore, one of the most powerful wizards of his time.

I watched as Draco stood there helplessly, a horrified look on his face.  I watched as Snape lowered his arm slowly, looking as shaken up as the rest of us, but only for a split second.  I stood there as the man whom has been trusted with my life ever since I was born was killed and then fell out of a window.

It probably took me a good minute or so before I finally realized what had happened and it finally sank in. 

I dropped to my knees and  then, everything went black.


Here it is! Tell me what you thought!! :D

I was thinking about splitting this up and making this the ending to THIS story, though there would be another; a sequel would follow in pursuit.  But I didn't, sooo yeah... So, this isn't the end!!

Hopefully this wasn't confusing.

And this was probably the longest chapter in this entire story!!!  Yeah me!!! I made it longer than one or two pages!!! xD

But, I hope you enjoyed!!


BTW: Sorry about the small wait, but this is how it might be for a while.  It's just that my grandmother just got surgery and so I'm taking care of her.  I GET PAID!!!! Unless I don't help her.... that's why this chappie had a little wait attached.

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