Ch. 21 ~ Shell Cottage

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A/N: So, just to let you know, from now on, I will only upload about two times a week.  Probably in the beginning and the beginning of the end.  Like Sunday or Monday and then Thursday or Friday.  So, yeah, just wanted to let you know.  Also, if you like my story, "Betrayal" (just "Betrayal" is the name) by GlitterInTheAir and "When You're Strange" by insertwittynamehere, then you should def. check out "The Life, Lies, and Loves of Draco Malfoy" by RoseRunyon.  It's actually a fan fiction of our fan fictions!  How cool is that?!  There isn't much of the story already developed right now, but I think it's pretty good, so check that out!

~Aleia :)

PS: <==== Don't forget to vote and like and stuff!!!



For the next few days, Harry was out of the cottage constantly.  I'd watch him as he'd leave and wait up until he finally came back in.  I know he was still grieving.  I knew he was because I was too, and him and Dobby were closer.

I knew he went there to be alone, so I didn't bother him unless it was at least semi-important, like whether or not he wanted to eat, or something.  But today was different for some reason.

"Hey," I said shortly as I approached him.  I reached out and was about to touch his shoulder when he looked back at me, tears filling in his eyes.  "Hey, Harry, what's wrong?"  I pulled him into a big hug.

"Everything is so horrible, Hay," he replied, his voice wavering.  "Dobby's gone, Dumbledore's gone, and not to mention, that's just the beginning.  There are going to be more innocent people dying, and all because of me."

"Hey, that's not true," I pouted.  ". . .  I have something to do with it as well."  He returned my light smile and chuckle.

"And besides," I continued, "it's not your fault.  Voldemort's a sick man, er, thing, I think, would be more appropriate. . .  Anyway, don't go getting a big head.  Not all of this is about you."

He looked at me with a blank expression before a small grin slightly appeared on the corners of his mouth.  "I guess. . ." he trailed off, looking back at the ocean.

"Hmm," I sighed.  "To be a fish. . .  No worries, just living a care-free life.  Well, except for the fact that you could get eaten anyday. . ." I looked over at Harry, who winced at the last comment.  I looked back at the ocean.  "And I'm really not helping, am I?"

 I stepped away from him, looking at him one last time before saying, "Don't stay out too long, alright?" and heading back to the cottage.

As I entered the shelter, every hushed whisper evaporated immediately.  Everyone was staring at me like I had a bird perched on my head.  And by this, I was completely freaked out.

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