Ch. 7 ~ What He Feels

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OMG!!!! I got on the 'What's Hot' list!!! Thanks to all you wonderful people!!!! I'm also #18 on the 'Fan Fiction' list!! This is AMAZING!!!! Again, thank you!!!

Tell me what you thought and what you want to happen and what I can improve on 'cause I know I gotta be getting things janked up. . .

But, yeah! Spill!!

~Aleia :)


~Draco's POV~

When we kissed, it was lightning strikes on my lips.  OUR lips.  I know she felt it, too.  I know now that I wasn't the only one who felt it.

Ever since that first time I saw her on the train, I've been in love.  But it's not like I could tell anyone.  I mean, who am I gonna tell that's not: A) Gonna make fun of me. Or, B) Beat me senseless?

That's right, no one.

As I felt her give into the kiss a little, my heart lifted.  But then it was torn out as she pushed me away and ran.

I remember the first time I felt like that. . .

_______________[The first time Draco met Hayley]_______________

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted as a scrawny girl with long dark hair, deep green eyes, and crooked glasses rammed into me.

I brushed off my expensive clothes, smoothed back my white-blond hair, and wiped dirt off my hand.

"S-sorry," the girl stuttered, looking embarrassed.  But she regained her composure and asked in a stronger voice, "Have you seen someone that looks like me, but is a boy?"

I shook my head, no, at first, but then remembered the Potter kid I had asked to hang with me.  Yeah, they looked a lot alike. . .

"Uhm, yeah, I have."  I nodded this time.

There was a glint of hope in her eyes as I said this, and it was then I realized how beautiful she was.

Her hair was pitch-black and made her look quite mysterious.  Her green eyes were nothing short of striking.  And though her glasses were askew, it made her look adorable.

"You have?!  Which way did he go?"  Her smile was intoxicating.  It was beautiful.  She was gorgeous.

"Over there," I said, though I pointed in the wrong direction.

And she was so trusting.  She smiled and said thanks and ran off to where I pointed, though I knew it didn't lead to Potter.

I watched her while she ran off, my heart already hers.

_______________[Present Day]_______________

After that flashback, I knew I would try everything I could to gain her trust.  Even if it meant doing a LOT of stupid things.

I ran out the door to my house's common room.  I ran to my dorm, sat on my bed, and looked at my checklist.

1) Get her alone and tell her how I feel. -Done
2) Get her to trust me. -
3) Prove to her I'm not a joke. -
4) Get her to admit she feels the samw way I do. -


One step down, three to go.

This is gonna be fun.


Okay so I was wondering, could you guys suggest an awesome cover for me or something, 'cause mine is kinda lame. . .

I don't have a picture editing thingy to where I can make collages, so could you tell me a website that does. . . and the website's free?

If not, that's fine, I was just wondering. . .

Thanks a bunch you wonderful people you,

Aleia :)

P.S. IDK why I added a checklist. . . is it lame?

P.P.S. I think you guys are gonna like the next chappie!!! ;)

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