Ch. 4 ~ Not a Disappointment

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AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Thanks to everyone for all your comments!!!  You guys are so nice!!! I'm sorry I took a little longer for the last chapter, I was just sidetracked for a few days.  But thanks for the encouragement everyone!

~Aleia :)



"Hayley, are you alright?"  Hermione looked at me with a hopeful-yet-worried look.  "You've been acting weird lately."

I scoffed.  "Me?  Weird? No way!" 

She just stared at me.  It didn't work.

"I-I don't want to talk about, 'Mione."  I nearly broke down in sobs.  I was this close.

She scooted closer and placed her hand on my shoulder.  "Hay, you know you can tell me anything.  I promise, nothing you say can make me hate you."

"No."  I shook my head.  "You would hate me.  Trust me, I even hate me.  I betrayed you."  I felt silent tears run down my face.

Hermione chuckled.  "Hon, I think you're blowing this waaay out of proportion."

I sniffled.  "Maybe you're right.  Maybe I am blowing this out of proportion..."

She nodded and wiped the tears from my cheeks.  "Come on, sweets.  Spill."

"Okay."  I turned to face her.  "Draco kissed me."

Hermione stared, open-mouthed.  But after a few seconds, her shock was replaced by fury.  "Jpw dare he?!" she boomed.  "That no good son-of-a-bi-"

I  clamped my hand over her mouth.  She was being too loud.  We were in the library.  So, to me, the safest place in the whole school.

"That's not even the worst part," I moaned.

"What did he do, Hayley?"  Hermione raised her eyebrows.  "You better tell me right now, missy.  What the hell did that freak do wrong, after that?"

"Nothing," I whimpered.  "He did absolutely nothing wrong.  Hermione, I..."  I trailed off, not knowing how to put it.

"What, Hay?"  Concern filled her voice.

"Hermione, the kiss...  I didn't hate it..."

By the way she looked at me, she still needed help fully putting the puzzle together.

"'Mione!" I sobbed.  "I liked the kiss."  My voice was barely above a whisper.

To say she was shocked was nothing compared to what showed on her face.  I had disappointed her.

"At least, it wasn't completely revolting...  I'm sorry.  I disappointed you..."

Hermione shook her head.  "Hayley," she said through a heartbreaking smile, "You could never disappoint me."


I know, this chapter is really short.  Sorry, I just got a case of writer's block.  Plus, I have a LOT of things going on right now so...

But anyhoo, tell me what you thought! Comment!  Vote! And dare I say... Fan?!

Also, check out my other story... It's a GLEE fan fic.  (I love GLEE so much, whenever I mention it, it HAS to be in all caps!)

So yeah...



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