Ch. 9 ~ Dreams

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I ran down the corridor as fast as I could.  I was dripping sweat and completely out of breath, but still, I ran.  I had to.

I had to get to Draco before he did.  I had to get to Draco before he hurt him.

But, wherever I looked, I couldn't find him.  I searched everywhere.  I searched in every nook and cranny of the school.

As I ran down an unfamiliar hallway, I stopped dead in my tracks as I came to a mysterious door.  One that did not really exist.  One that couldn't exist.

As I tried to open the door, I found it was locked.  "ALOHOMORA!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.  But it didn't do any good.  The doors didn't budge.

"You don't have to shout," I heard a voice calmly say.  It sounded so genuine.  So. . . familiar.

"Harry," I squeaked as I spun on my heel and found my worst nightmare.

In his clutches was Draco.  Draco was bloody and bruised and beaten unconscious.  I had to hold back a sudden sob as I saw the man I loved nearly dead in my brother's arms.

All of a sudden, Harry started violently shaking Draco, screaming, "What the hell did you do to her?!  You brainwashed her, you evil bastard!"

I ran to Harry, trying to get to him before he killed Draco, but my legs felt like jelly.  Right before I reached them, I collapsed to the ground. 

But when I looked up, we weren't in the hallway anymore.  In my head I knew we were in the nonexistent room.

It was huge.  It had a glistening chandelier and walls painted the color of pearls.  There were windows everywhere and out of them, you could see the water surrounding the school.  But outside, the waves weren't calm like I normally see.  They were ginormous and crashed into the rocks with such force, they split them in half.

I stood up and looked behind me where I saw Draco on one end of the room, and Harry on the other.  I was smack dab in the middle.

"Choose," Draco said quietly.  He looked up at me, his eyes watering.

I shook my head, not believing my ears.  Did he just ask me to choose?  Choose what?

"CHOOSE!"  A voice boomed.  I twirled around and found Harry standing there, his face flushed with anger.

"I can't," I whimpered.  "I can't choose between you two."  I tried to walk away, but a cold hand gripped my arm tight, not letting me go.

"You must," it whispered in my ear.  "You must."

I shoved the creature away and burst out of the room.

But what I saw was the most horrible thing ever.  Harry had Draco backed against the wall, his wand pointed at his neck.

I didn't actually hear him say it, but I saw the words mouthed.  Avada Kedavra.  There was a sudden flash of brilliant green light and I heard him drop to the ground, obviously dead.

As I ran to his side, I broke out into hysterical sobs.  This was all my fault.  If I would have just chosen him, this wouldn't have happened.

As I knelt on the ground, I gripped his hand until it went cold.

I watched the light fade from those eyes, so utterly identical to mine.

_______________{In the real world}_______________

I was awoken by Ginny shaking me.  I was covered with sweat and my breathing was erratic, just like in my dream.

"Oh my gosh, Hay.  Are you alright?"  Ginny was smoothing my drenched hair back from my face, and soothing me at the same time, though I couldn't talk for a while.

"I-I'm ok-k-kay, Ginny," I reassured her.  "J-j-just a h-horrid dream."

She sighed.  "Okay," she said finally. 

I pushed her lightly and chuckled.  "Now go on,  GIT!" I joked.

She smiled a bit and went back to her bed, but, I know, didn't fully settle down until I'd completely fallen asleep.

After that horrible dream, I had a much nicer one.

_______________{Dream numero 2}_______________

I held her tiny hand in mine as we walked along the beach, barefoot.  She toddled along so happily by my side that I couldn't help but smile and laugh.

As I laughed, she looked up and grinned, her beautiful gray eyes sparkling slightly. 

She was a perfect mix of us.  My long, dark hair, his beautiful eyes.  She was ours, there was no doubt about that.

As I shooed her off to go play in the sand, I felt strong arms sweep me off my feet.  When I turned my head and looked into his eyes, the first thing I noticed in them was the true happiness.

As he bent down to kiss me, I realized, right then, that I had made the right choice.

_______________{Real World}_______________

I knew what I had to do.

I was going to tell Draco I was in love with him.

Right now.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I cut you guys off at the interesting part. . . at least I think it was the interesting part. 

I'm sorry I don't have the attention span to write long chappies so... sorry, again. :(

But, um, yeah! Hope you like this chapter!

~Aleia :)

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