Chapter 8

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Lucas's POV

Maya, Farkle, and I were sitting in the waiting room. We hadn't heard anything about Riley since we got here. Maya had found Riley's phone in her backpack and had texted her parents to tell them what had happened. Riley's mom was a lawyer and was in a case right now so she couldn't come, but her dad was on the way.

I was really worried about Riley. I didn't really know her, but she already seemed so nice. She had come and talked to me on the subway. And I wasn't for sure but I think I liked her as more than a friend. Riley, Maya and maybe Farkle were the only people who had been nice to me since I came here.

I could tell the others were worried to so I decided to talk and try to lighten the mood.

"So how long have you and Riley been friends?" I asked Maya.

"About two days." She replied.

"Two days?! You guys seem like you have been best friends forever!!" I exclaimed.

"Well we haven't." She said,

"What about you? Why are you even here?" I asked Farkle.

"Listen. I know you guys don't like me, but I'm not like the other populars. I don't even like any of them!" He exclaimed.

"Then why do you still hang out with them!?" I asked him.

"Because I had a life like yours before!" He yelled. "When I was younger I was a complete nerd. I never had any friends and everyone hated me. I got pushed around just like you do. When I came to this school I didn't want a life like that anymore. I wanted to have a good life. I wanted friends. I didn't realize that you had to be a jerk to be popular." 

"Then why don't you just stop being their friends?" Me and Maya said at  the same time. We looked at each other and smiled.

"Because I don't want to have to live like that again." He said.

"You can be friends with us. We have each others backs." Maya said.

"You guys would really let me hang out with you guys?" He asked.

"Of course." Me and Maya said at the same time again. We looked at each other. Are eyes met and we both smiled.

"Thanks." Farkle said.

"Of course." Me and Maya said at the same time. "Stop it." We both yelled. The three of us started laughing.

A man came bursting through the doors. "Maya is she okay?" He asked as he walked over to us.

"We don't know yet they haven't told us anything." She said.

"Can I help you sir?" A nurse asked the man.

"My daughter is Riley Matthews." The man, Riley's dad, said.

"She has a small concussion but she will be alright." The nurse said.

The four of us all sighed.

"Can I please see her?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"Of course, right this way." The nurse said.

"Can we come to?" Maya asked.

"Sorry, family only." The nurse said as she and Mr. Matthews walked away.


Hey!!! Hope you enjoyed this part. I included a little Lucaya for you guys :) Thank you so much for reading it means a ton!!! 20 reads, 15 votes and 2 comments until I update again! Bye!!!!!!

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