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Vili-we has another Fangirl!!

Merry-who is it?



Vili-tell us a bit about yourself

Alya-I'm an elf, Legolas is my brother...

Merry-does that make you princess of mirkwood?

Alya-I guess! ^.^


Legolas-*enters* yep she's my little sis

Alya-Legolas! *hugs*

Livia-*enters* you didn't tell me you had a sister!!! Omg we can be friends!!!!


Vili-ummm yeah anyway you can go back to explaining about yourself

Alya-I'm adventurous and kind, I like to draw, I use a bow and I also play he saxophone!

Vili-OOH can you play something for us????

Alya-sure! *gets out saxophone and plays awesome song*

Merry-you're really good!

*Elladan enters*

Elladan-I heard some wonderful music so I came to see where it was coming from

Livia-Elladan!!!! Brother!!!!!!

Elladan-hello Livia!

Vili-Elladan!? You haven't been in the chat yet!!!!! Welcome!!!!

Elladan-ummm yeah

Alya-so you liked my music?

Elladan-yes very much!

Alya-*blushes* I could play more for you if you'd like

Elladan-I would like that!

Alya-let's go ride to Rivendell! *hops on her horse, Luna*

*both ride away*

Vili-how on middle earth can we combine their names for a ship?


Vili-good enough

Livia-I wish Elrohir would have shown up too....

Legolas-let's go to Rivendell and find him!


*Livia and Legolas ride off*

Vili-for once I think we are the normal ones



Welcoming AnoukWisse!!!!!! I hope you liked it!!!

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