These Are My Confessions (9):

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Today was the day that I would have to face the music. Put on the biggest show that I could and pretend that everything was going to be perfectly fine. I knew that my little vacation would have to end sometime soon but, never this early. I walked up to the elevator pressing the button to floor. Once I got in an earie feeling washed over me. When I got off the elevator I received a bunch of blank stares. I walked up to Monica's office.

"Hey girl why is everyone acting funny?" She got up from her desk. She closed the door behind us before letting out a huge sigh.

"A couple days ago there was a huge incident."

"What happened?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Aiyden stopped by looking for you. I told him that you haven't been at work because you were working on a case. Every day for the past couple days I told him the same story when he came up here. Yesterday he decides that he was going to cause a scene by throwing things around the office. A couple of police officers had to escort him out."

"Oh my God Moni are you serious?" I brushed my hair to the back of my head.

"You need to leave the kid alone. He is obviously psychopath."

"I know, I plan on moving in with Tyler." She looked at with a big grin on her face.

"That's where you spent your 'vacation' huh."

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." I smirked. She shrieked making me cover her mouth.

"Wow bitch I can't believe you didn't tell me. Did the two of you have sex?"

"No we didn't have sex and because it was none of your business."

"Well excuse the hell out of me. Damn why you getting all the fine brothas?"

"Shit you can have Aiyden's crazy as."

"Nah baby girl I might be crazy but, not that crazy." We both laughed.

"Let me get to work before they fire my ass."
"Ok boss, we still down for lunch?"

"Yep three o'clock." I walked to my office with my keys in my hand. When I walked in there was a box sitting on my desk. I unraveled the bow that was on top. When I pulled the wrapping paper back there were a bunch of pictures scattered all over the box. They were all of me either going to the therapist office, going to the house, even me at Ty's house. I thought I was so careful. There was a note attached to the lid of the box.

'I hope you had your fun while it lasted because you have some explaining to do. Remember I can find you anywhere.'

I threw the box in the trash.

"Fuck." I screamed out loud. There was knock on the door before Riley.

"Hey Ms. Jackson."

"What's up?"

"I wanted you to know that I took care of all your cases like you asked."

"Thank you." I plastered on a fake smile. She did the same and stood there for a while. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Actually I don't me to be intrusive but you should really be careful on who you associate with you could real give this company a bad reputation." I laughed like it was the funniest thing on earth. I couldn't believe she would say to me.

"Excuse my rudeness but, you're hilarious. I think it's comical that you think we are cool enough where you think you can actually have an opinion about my life." I chuckled a little to myself. "You know what, I appreciate your advice but, I think I can handle it from here on out. Have a nice day Ms. Whiteman." She turned her face up at me before walking out my office. I took a seat at my desk trying to collect myself. The door opened again. "How can I help you?" I heard the door close. There was no answer so, I turned around. Aiyden was sitting on the edge of the table with a calm expression.

"You've been avoiding me ma."

"No, I've just been busy."

"You know for the first two days, I actually believed that. Until I did some investigating on your whereabouts. You should really start looking around your surroundings."

"Is there anything I can do for you business wise Mr. Kingston." He rubbed his hand over his goatee.

"We on last name bases now?" He quickly grabbed me by my neck. He pinned me against the wall. I tried to pry his hands off. The more I struggled the more his grip tightened. "I'm going to make myself perfectly clear. You are mine, I own you. The next time you decide to leave someone will get hurt ma. I expect to see your ass at home. Do you understand?" There was knock on the door and then it opened. He released his grip from my neck and I could finally breathe.

"Baby girl I brought you your favorite." My dad entered the room with my sister.

"Thank you daddy." I said running to him.

"Who's this?" Mariah asked.

"I'm Aiyden your sister and I are dating." She looked at me giving me the eye.

"Robyn why didn't you tell us you were seeing someone? He's cute girl." My dad looked at him while Aiyden extended his hand out hand.

"Nice to meet you sir."

"What are your attentions with my daughter son."
"Well sir I plan on treating with the up most respect. I really care for your daughter and one day I plan on marrying her." He pulled me into him kissing the top of my forehead.

"Daddy I think that Aiyden should come to family night." I glared at Mariah for even suggesting it.

"No, I'm sure Aiyden has something to do. Thanks for the invite though." Aiyden tighten his grip around my waist.

"I would love to."

"Perfect its Wednesday at eight."

"We'll be there."

"Alright pumpkin we love you and don't burn yourself working. I hope you make sure that she doesn't." My dad said the last part looking at Aiyden.

"Trust me sure I personally make sure that she is home by eight."

"I like you boy." He chuckled. "Let's go Riha."

"Bye sissy love you."

"Love you too." They both left the room. I felt him release my body pushing me away from him. He checked his phone then looked at me.

"I got to go but, I better see your ass at home." He walked out the room. I laid my body against the wall sobbing to myself. Its three thirty and I'm supposed to meet Moni at our favorite restaurant across town. I tried to get up from the position that I was in but, my body was in too much pain. I scooted my body over to my chair gradually lifting my body. When I got I slowly walked over to the door. Inhaling a deep breath I walked out trying to strut like nothing is wrong. When I made it to the elevator I felt something tap my shoulder.

"Robyn if you are not too busy can you help me go over some cases. I could really use your opinion on the matter." Michael asked.

"Sure tomorrow."

"Alright good night."

"Goodnight." The elevator closed. I walked to the car and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I looked at the clock which read four fifteen. I decided to give Moni a call but, her phone was going straight to voicemail. I left her message before driving home. When I got there Aiyden was sitting on the couch watching TV. I walked passed him going into my room. It reeked of cheap perfume something I clearly wouldn't wear. I stormed back out into the living room. I turned off the TV.

"Have you lost your damn mind?" He barked.

"No but I'm about to. Who the hell did you bring in my house?" He smirked this evil grin before licking his lips.

"A friend, you know kind of like the one you been spending you time with for the last two weeks."

"Nigga me and your situations are totally different. I never cheated on you not even once."

"Who said I cheated anyway I just need the company." He shrugged his shoulders. I looked in his eyes and they were kind of foggy. I could tell that he had been smoking.

"Aiyden I don't want to fight with you tonight I'm going to bed." I knew better to pick a fight with him when he is like this. I got into bed and tried drifting off to sleep.

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