Chapter 5- Oh No!

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How Clary and Jace Slept!

Hey Guys I Need to know about the new character I want you guys to creat so I can put it in the book! I want to let you guys come up with one so the best one I like WINS!

It can be a boy or a girl! But they have to have a back ground! Who should they like or dislike she/he they be evil or nice! PLZ comment and the Contest is over on Saturday !!

Thank You And Love You Guys So Much😘😘💘💘!


Jace's POV....

After yesterday I don't know what to do about clary. We all headed to the kitchen to talk about it.

We were about to talk but we heard foot steps. We soon saw two people that we thought would never come down. Clary and Maria. Then came in Ari.

"Daddy! Daddy it's my birthday today!!" She yelled jumping in my arms.

I smiled and looked at her "I know my baby girl is growing up fast!" I said spinning her around.

He laughed and went to go to everyone else. I looked at Clary along with everyone else.

I went up to her and I saw her beautiful smile I haven't seen in a long time. I went to her and hugged her.

"This is just for today Jace don't get attached I'm like this for my daughter!" She whispered in my ear then went to where everyone one else was.

I sighed putting my head in my hands then looking up again.

Maria looked at me and patted my back leaving.

We decided to go out for breakfast for Ari. We went to IHOP I think... Is that what it's called?

Ari sat in the middle of me and Clary. Simone and Izzy was on the opposite side of us. Alec and Magnus was at the end and Maria was next to Clary.


The day has actually been great. Minus the part when it started raining on us when we was in the park.

We get home all soaked. We all got into new clothes. We all got into the kitchen and all of a sudden all the lights turn off.

It was pitched black. I had a flash light and I looked at everyone to see if we were all safe.

Everyone was okay and Ari was in Clary's arm. We all had flash lights then.

"What happened to the power!" Simone asked. "I don't Si... I don't know" Clary said.

I went to check it out with Alec we happened to see that the wires were cut.

We run upstairs to see everyone still there and safe. Soon we saw the demons attacking us.

"Jake!!! Take the kids with Marianna and STAY SAFE!!!" Me and Clary yelled.

We got ready to attack I took out my swords. Ready for anything. Then the charged. I got this big guy I slit his throat and then stabbed him in his heart.

One came after Clary and looked like she needed help. I stabbed the demon off of her the snapped his head.

She looked at me and nodded then hugged me and I gladly hugged back soon all of the demons were dead.

And then we all went to where the kids was I saw Marianna crying.

We ran to them. "What's wrong" Izzy asked.

I looked at all of them but I quickly froze their was 1 kid missing. And that kid... Was...

My Daughter! "Guys w-w-where I-I-I-is Aria...!! Guys! Where's Ari!" Clary screamed she started to panic along with all of us.

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