Chapter 7- I Need You...

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Hey Guys I'm So So So Sorry! I went away to my grandmothers and she had no connection😂! Boy I was so angry, but then I went to a beach house so I was okay😏😈!

Up Top Is Maria!!!!!!!!!!

Jace's POV...

We jumped up to our feet after Izzy said that and we put on our clothes and ran out. When we ran out we went into the woods.

We split up, me and Clary, Izzy and Simone, Magnus and Malic, Jake and Marianna. Me and clary went to the back door. I stopped her and stood in front of her in a protective way.

We walked in and I grabbed one of the guys by his throat and covered his mouth slicing his throat. Clary nodded and we ran straight.

When we got to the end of hallway and Clary panicked because it was a dead end. I thought and I walked back and fourth. I heard a crick come from the wood. I touched the wood and it sounded weird.

I punched my knife through it and I kept doing it over and over again. When I finished was a secret passage.


She came over and smiled I jumped down first then Clary and I caught her making her land safely on her feet.

We look around in the hallway. We stop at a door and we here screams. I know those screams I look at Clary and we ran the fastest to the room. I was locked.

I smirked and kicked it making it fly open. I see Ari in chains all bloody and Maria being beat. I ran to Sebastian and tackled him.

Clary helped Ari and Maria. I punched Sebastian in the face. I took out my knife and held it to his throat.

"Don't move" I yelled I looked at clary. "Jace she's not breathing! Ari's not breathing!!" She yelled crying.

She started beating on Aria chest and I heard the creep laugh. "S-s-she might not m-m-make it... And that's one less p-problem" he mumbled.

I growled and then my rage took over I slit his throat. I watched as he dropped to the floor.

I ran over to Clary, she cried in my shoulder and I  stroked her long her and let the tears fall out of my eyes.

Maria hugged us as well. But we stopped when we heard an angel like voice. "Mommy, Daddy"

I smiled and I grabbed Ari pulling her to a tight hug. We had a group hug then we heard foot steps that belonged to Malic and them.

When they saw us they smiled. We laughed a little and hugged each other. "MARIA" Jake and Marianna yelled running in her arms.

They cried on each other smiling. I looked back and I didn't see Sebastian I started to panic a little.

"It's okay we'll get him.. Jace" Magnus whispered to me I nodded.

We left and my daughter was where she was supposed to be all along in my arms safe and sound.

We headed home. And Vanessa and Aria hugged each other tight. I smiled I looked at clary and she looked sad.

Since it was 1:00am we put Ari in the room besides us. I took a shower and I saw Clary hugging her self.

"Hey what's wrong" I said moving some curls out of her face. She looked up and me and shook her head.

"Clary you can tell me anything.. What's wrong" I said again she shook her head even more I tried and tried to talk to her but she kept saying no.


"Nothing's wrong jace!!! Just leave it!" She snapped she got up and slammed the door.

I sighed dropping my head. I just left it alone and went to sleep.


Maria's POV...

I woke up from a nightmare about Sebastian. I started crying a little bit, I stopped because I felt my self throwing up. I ran into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and sighed I knew I was pregnant because I was 1 week late. And I was still a virgin.... Before Sensation took that away.

I could still feel him and his presents. I started to shake but then I stopped when I saw Jake behind me... I sobbed and he held me tight.

I cried on his shoulders. "Don't tell nobody besides Marianna.. Okay?" I whispered he nodded I grabbed Marianna and pulled her into my room locking the door.

"What's wrong Maria"

"I'm- im- I'm- I'm pregnant" I said playing with my figures. She gasped and hugged me. Me and Jake made her not tell anyone.

"How about just us and Vanessa and Joe go out today" Jake says I shake my head roughly.

"Okay we'll leave you to get dressed" Marianna said I nodded and half smiled before they left I pulled them into a tight hug.

I pulled away and went into the shower.

Clary's POV...

I know I'm supposed to be happy that Ari's back and safe but I'm supposed to be her mother!

How could I let this happen to her! She was a-a-all bloody and b-b-beaten! I can't believe I let this happen. And I put Maria's life at risk as well.

That's why I've been so distant from Jace and everyone except for Ari and Maria.

Everyone went out today except for me, Jace, and Ari. We stayed home, Maria told me the only thing he did to Ari was beat her he didn't rape her or anything.

Ari had a nightmare last night and woke up screaming. It just broke my heart I'd rather have this happen to me and not her.

I was sitting at the table just staring at the window. I felt someone tap my shoulder and jumped but it was only Jace.

"You okay" he asked me I nodded "oh and Ari's asleep in my room" he told me I nodded.

I left the room and I went into mines. I rubbed my stomach. I can't keep Ari safe how am I going to keep my new born safe. In two days is my doctor appointment.

I started to cry this whole week I have been an emotional reck. And this just literally broke me.

I started to scream and fire was coming out of my hands, and hair. My tears were boiling hot. I feel on the floor crying.

My eyes were black, Jace busted in the room and looked at me he was shocked. "C-c-Clary what's wrong... W-"

When he touched me he burnt his hands. But that didn't stop him, he rapped his arms around me and hugged me protectively.

I stopped there was no more fire, no more black eyes. Just tears I put my head in his shirt.


"Yes Clary.."

"I Need You" I said to him looking him in his eyes.

"I Know.. And I'm Going To Be Here..." He told me.

Hey how was it???

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I love you guys I love how you all vote for this book and comment! I love how this book just became known so fast! Thank you I love you all!!♥️♥️😋

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