Chapter6- Pregnant?! Again?!

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Hey Guys Another Update For You!!😜😘♥️
So I didn't see any comments.. So yeah! But I'll still take some!

Clary's POV...

After what happened the other night, we were all still shocked and confused on how he is alive! We killed him!

We get back to the house and I go to my room. I've just been feeling sick.

Jace comes and sits down on my bed while I got in the bathroom and change.

"Clary I know this isn't the best time to bring this up.. But.. What happened the other night, I can't get it off my mind! What are we going to do where do we stand" he says I sigh.

"You're right this isn't the right time Jace! Our daughter is with the guy that tried to rape me! And he has my daughter I don't even want to even think about what he's doing cause then I'll kill him! Rip his head off them burn it to the ground and laugh! So now is not the best time!" I snapped

"I know I'm sorry... Listen clary.. I'm upset to but all we have to do is stay positive.."

"Ha! That's funny 'stay positive' that's all I've been doing! But enough is enough! Jace! All I want to do is be happy! Be just like any other human!" I yelled.

"I know me to... But we can't! We aren't human! To be honest! I'm happy that we don't have a happy life or a normal one! You wanna know why Clary! Because humans have happy lives they are all ordinary! But us we are different so I'm proud of being me and so should you..." Those words Jace said hit me like a truck...

Jace's POV...

Clary soon fell asleep and I stayed up thinking. Yeah I was being a little selfish when I talked about me and Clary when I got the news about Sebastian taking my daughter. She's right we can't stay positive.

And I'm tired of biting my tongue.... There's no more let's stay positive, happy, clam. I want my daughter! And I'm going to get her back one way or another.


I woke up and took my shower remembering yesterday's event. I got out and Clary ran in the bathroom she was throwing up. I rubbed her back. "Hey Clary.. Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine.. Thnx" she grabbed a towel and whipped her face then entered the shower.

I got dressed and went to the training room. "Okay so we know who has here we just have to find the location..." Magnus said we all nodded heads.

We soon get a call I pick it up and put it on speaker. "Hello! I'm guessing you know who this is! If you don't I'll give you a guess it's the one who has your daughter..." When I heard his voice my jaw tighten.

"Sebastian I swear to god if you touched my daughter in any way I will kill you! With my bare hands!" I threatened.

"Save the threats Jace!! Give me what's mine and I'll let the brat go!"

"What do you want" I said.

"Simple CLARY!" He said smirking.

"NO!" I yelled...

"Fine then deal off" he then cut off our connection.

"If he calls again I can get a location where he is at! Then we can get Ari back" Magnus said.

I nodded I told them not to tell Clary about the call yet. She came down stairs and she looked like she was going somewhere..."Where are you going?" I asked.

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