Chapter 2

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4 years later....
Clarys POV.....
It's been 4 years since I saw my family and friends. I had a baby girl her name is Aria she's 4 and she is really amazing. I still live with Miria,Zack and the rest of them. I just finished training and now I'm playing with my daughter." Ready.... I spy something red." I say she looked around." Oh.. My shirt!" She yells tome I nod then I hear someone screaming my name." Clary come to the library NOW!!!!" Miria says. I nod then I pick Aria up the run to the library. ". What is it." I say worried. " There has been a lot of strikes happening to mondanes and wolves. So help is coming we don't know we're they are from but we know when there coming it's tomorrow." There dad said I nodded then I could finally breath again. I let Aria down because she wanted to play with Vannisa. Then we diciest to get ready for there stay here.
Jace's POV.....
It's been 4 whole years since we heard or saw Clary and I have been a reck with out her. I miss her laugh, and her smile, and how sometimes she's clumsy. We're going to Los Angela's to go help the stile on the humans,wolves,and we are packing for tomorrow. " Jace are you finished packing" izzy said to me. " Now I am." I say placing the suit case on the floor then sitting on the bed. " Okay we're leaving in the morning at 8:00." Izzy says then closing my door. I nod I can't stop thinking of Clary I need her back in my life she's my other half.
Isabel's prov....
I woke up at 7:00 taking my shower,putting on my clothes then took my suit case down stairs to were everyone is at. " Ready Everyone." Magnus said we all nodded then steped through the portal. We got to the door then Jace knocked on the door. We opened it to a really cute little girl. " Aria what did I tell you about opening doors. You might not know who they are." To a fimiliar voice we looked up and it was Clary. Our mouths dropped. " Sorry mommy I didn't mean too." The little girl said Clary nodded did the little girl just call her mom. She looked at us." Guys?" Clary asked I ran and hugged her so did everyone else besides Jace. Clary looked happy until she saw Jace. " Clary!!!! Who's at the door." A boy about a few years later. " Oh hi." He says. " Hi we're the help." Alec says. He nodded then other kids come out and a girl that looks our age. " Come in." The first girl says we come in. " Mommy?" The little girl says Clary looks at her." yea?" " Can we go to the park Now!!" She says in a hurry. We look at her with our mouths dropped then over to Jace the little girl looks just like him. " Ummm..... Can we go in 1 Minute I just need to talk okay." Clary said the little girl nodded the grabbed Clary's hand then we went in the living room. Clary sat on the couch with the little girl on her lap. " You had a kid?" Alec asked. She nodded." Aria can you say hi." Clary said the little girl looked up at us. " Hi I'm Aria I'm 4" she said with a smile we smile back.
" I'm Isabelle but my friends call me Izzy, this is my brother Alec, this is Magnus, this Mia, and Jordan this is Simon, This is your grand parents Jocelyn and Luke, this is Jace." I said pointing to all of them. They all smiled. " I'm Miria, this Zack,Joe, Jake, Miriana, And this is Vannisa." Miria said pointing to them we waved. " We'll we're going to give all of you some time to catch up." She said as the rest of them getting up and leaving. " Mommy how do you know all them?" The little girl Aria said smiling at Clary. " Well this is our family." She said smiling." Who are they to me." Aria asked wow that's a real good question. " Well um..... Those are my parents so there your grand parents.... Um Izzy is your aunt along with Mia..... Your uncles are..... Alec,Simon, and Magnus, your dad is...... Jace!!" She said a little mean on his name we all had a look on our face that was kind of saying *i knew it* face. Jace looked up with wide mouth. " Yup... I was going to tell you but umm.... You was busy..... So....." She said mad. " Clary I have to explain to you what happened." Jace said sitting up."What that your sorry for cheating on me." She said with a tear. " No that's not what happens you have to believe me." He said more tears came down. " Mommy why are you crying?" Aria asked sad. Clary shook her head. Then I got up so I can take the little girl in the other room. " Here let me take her in the other room." I said. The little girl wasn't scared of me we all got up so that Jace and Clary can talk. We walked in the other room everyone was talking about what just happened. And we also played with Aria.
Jace's prov:
I after Izzy took Aria I had to explain to her. " I was at the bar she came out of no we're Nd kissed and then I was going to push her off till you came." I said begging for give
ness. " Sure." She says angy." No Clary I love you ever science you left I couldn't stop thinking about you. Clary you need to listen to me I love you." I said." Fine but we're not together I have to think for now I think Aria needs me to explain to her." She said clammer. I nodded and went to the kitchen when everyone looked at us to. " Mommy are you okay." Aria said running towards her and smiling. And Clary nodded " Are you okay." Izzy asked she nodded once more. " Ummmm..... So um..... How as the talk." Alec asked Clary chuckled." Are you guys together again." Izzy asked we looked at each other." No I um.... Just need to think." Clary said they all nodded at her. Then I got to meet my daughter she was amazing. Full of laughter and hope. We talked and played then. " Sorry to enter uptrend but we need to go to the library." Some girl named Mira said and we nodded and got up. When we reached the library there was a lady talking." As you know Mondanes and werewolves so we have to figure out who this is before it's to late." The lady said we nodded." I think it's demons." A guy said holing his hands in surrender smiling then Clary chuckled and so did he then they made contact.... Then everyone looked at them. " I don't think it's the demons." The lady said he nodded then walked over to were Clary was and sat down. Then he told her so ing in her ear to make he laugh then he smirks. ' are they dating or something' I thought to my self then the lady speaks again. " Alright training will began." The lady said they all nodded then clary ran to the bath room to get changed when she came out she had her hair in a high ponytail and a black shirt with legging and combat boots. My mouth dropped she looked amazing. " Ready?" She said to the guy he nodded then Aria said something." Mommy when are we going to the park." She whinnied. " Um after this I promise." She said bending down Aria nodded and ran out of the room." Go!!!" The lady yelled then they fought. He tried to kick he but she blocked it then flipped him. The she punched him. He tried to get back up then she did a backflip and knocked him down. Then walked over to him." You can never let me win can you?" He asked in pain she's hooked her head and laughed. She let out her hand to help him up and he took it. When she Turns around we have schooled faces on. " We're did you learn to do that." Izzy asked. " Oh... Him but then I became better then him." She said smiling he roles his eyes." I let you win." He says. " So you let me win everyday." She says laughing then everyone else laughs. " Shut up and let's take Aria to the park before she gets mad." He says annoyed she laughs harder and nodded then left." Wow." Izzy said. " That was so good." Simon said they al noded. " I heard she's one of the best." Magnus said we were all shocked. " Anyone wants to come to the Park with us." Clary says Izzy,Alec,Magnus and me nodded while Jocelyn and Luke unpacked.
Clary's Prov.......
While walking to the park Aria was in Jaces arms laughing and Zach was next to me telling me jokes making me laugh with Miria and Izzy. When we got to the park Aria played with Vanessa and the rest of the kids while the older ones sat on the benches. " Hey... Do you think that donkeys are horses but the uglier ones that's why they gave then a different name." Zach said to me I widen my eyes and look up at him and laugh so hard. " That's a really interesting question. I think so." I said trying to stop laughing Miria is still laughing. " how do come up with these questions." Miria said smiling he shrugs his shoulders. Then everyone looks at us confused. " Why are you guys laughing." Alec asked I smilied. "Zach came up with this question it was.... Do you think Donkeys are horses but uglier ones so they named them a different name." I said he nodded then everyone bust out laughing besides Jace. " wow." Alec says trying to stop laughing. Then Aria runs to me. " Mommy I'm hungry." She says." Hey where is my money you ow me from our bet yesterday." She says to Zach crossing her arms we look at him." Fine here's ten dollars like promised." He says angry. We laugh." Your child has a real gift." He says crossing his arms. " I know." I said then she put the money in her pocket and ran to Vanessa smiling." You lost a bet to a three year old." I say busting out laughing like everyone else. " Shut up. And she's four"He says pushing me a little I smile. Then we get up " Come on guys were leaving" I scream then they all come running. Then we left while walking Aria feel asleep in Jaces arm. And I was getting sleepy my self so Zach asked if I wanted I piggy back ride and I said yes. Then we got there to all the adults talking and laughing. " What are you guys talking about." Zach said still carrying me. " Nothing. Dinner is made." They said Zach admiditly dropped me on the floor and I glared at him and he started laughing and Jace helped me up." Thanks. And your a Jackass Zach." I said he laughed and Jace nodded and then Zach pulls me into a hug then let's go. Me Zach and Miria are really close we're like brother and sisters. Then I wake up Aria and she sits in the middle of me and Jace, and Izzy was on my Right. Then they gave us our plate. " Who made this cause mom do sent cook that good none of the girls in this house is so who made this." Zach said me and Miria hit him I kick his foot under the table and she slaps the back of his head." Damn I was just asking Aria am I right remember when mommy tried to make you something to." He said and Aria just froze. " No." She says he sighs and looks at her. " Lira that's not what you told me." He says. " I'm only four." She says we laugh. " I made it." My mom said

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