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Abby Griffin was terrified.  How was it possible that she was pregnant... again.  Her first daughter, Clarke, took planning and months to conceive, but here she was after one mishap.  Pregnant again.  She knew the consequences of having this child, yet she saw no other way to get around this mess.  Her position in the hospital and close friendship with the young Chancellor might be able to get her out of being floated along side her husband.  She couldn't let Jake and herself be floated.  If she did then her barely 2 year old daughter would be left an orphan and the unborn child as well... unless they floated her whilst pregnant.  She shuttered at the thought and quickly pushed it out of her head and began searching for a plan or anyway to get out of the mess she was in.  Speaking to the Chancellor might be the best option- the only option.  


"Thelonious, please," Abby pleaded to the Chancellor.  She sat in the Chancellor's dorm living room.  Wells slept in Thelonious' lap and Clarke bounced on her husband's hip as he paced behind them, nervously.  

"You are aware of your crimes, and I understand it was a mistake but unfortunately I cannot give out special treatment." He sighed, telling Abby exactly what she had not wanted to hear.  

"We can't leave Clarke, she can barely speak in full sentences." Jake cut into the conversation still pacing from one end of the room and back while holding a babbling baby.  

"Jake, I know." Thelonious said sternly, looking down at his own son.  "There is only one other option I can give you.  I normally wouldn't consider this but because of your positions on the Ark and your relationship with my family... you are not expendable. But- I'm afraid you will not like this option anymore than the first." The young couple's eyes lit up, waiting for the Chancellor to tell them how to keep their family together.  

"I don't care if I have to cut off my right hand, I need to keep my children safe." Abby commented, encouraging Thelonious to tell what they could do.  

"When the baby is old enough to care for his or herself they will go to the skybox, we pump less air in the jail to save for the rest of the Ark, just one person is enough to offset the consumption."  The man told Abby and Jake.  They looked at each other, both knew this was the best option for their family even if it mean giving up their unborn child whom they had already began to love very much.  

"We'll do it, if it keeps us a family" Abby confirmed, looking at her child and husband meaning them.  Thelonious nodded to her.  

"I'm sorry it had to be like this, Abby." He told her again.  

"You shouldn't be sorry, you have done enough to allow us to have a family and for our children to grow up with parents." Abby finished, Thelonious replied in a curt nod.  She stood up, thanking him once more before the small family left his quarters and walked into their own.  


Tate Griffin was the second light of her parent's life.  She had a sister she loved more than anything and parents who adored her and gave her anything in their power that she wanted.  Her dad was often jealous of Clarke watching her mother during surgeries so he took Tate and taught her the ways of being an engineer.  She loved it as much as her father had, mostly because of her father, of course.  

Although they had told her about the deal they had made in order to keep them together, nothing could have prepared her for when the guards came to collect her on the 12th birthday.  She tried to fight but it didn't work.   She didn't cry, she just watched the heartbroken faces of her family as she was taken to the home she would know for the next 6 years of her life, until she was reviewed.  

Life in the skybox was a lonely one for Tate Griffin and she longed for the monthly visits her family did.  Often one or two of them would miss for a surgery or an environmental engineering emergency (whatever that was) or school.  But she spent her days drawing, drawing what earth might be like.  She tried to remember what she saw in the textbooks when she was younger and still got to go to school or how her parents used to draw it for her.  

Being brought to the skybox was the second worst day in the young girl's life but 36 visiting days came and passed and close to her 15th birthday, her mom and sister came for a visit.  

"Hey guys!" Tate smiled from ear-to-ear.  Abby tried her best to return it but Clarke, her older sister, stood their with an angry look on her face.  

"Tate, honey, your fa-"

"-Dad's dead.  And it was Wells' fault," Clarke cut off her mother's attempt of a slow burn and instead ripped the bandaid right off Tate's heart.  Or so it felt. 

"W-What?" Tate sputtered out.  She began harboring and intense hatred for the young Jaha.  How dare he take away one of the most important pieces to Tate's life. That was the first worst day in all of Tate Griffin's life.

After that, what was left of her family rarely began to visit, Clarke didn't visit at all since their father died.  The visits got scarcer and scarcer until they were gone as a whole.  Tate was left in the Skybox for what felt like an eternity, but according to her tallies it hadn't even been a year since her father died but this meant the young blonde was almost 16 and she knew she needed to get out of there.

OH MY GOD! Prologue is done!! So the prologue was fairly short but to be honest who wants a long prologue.  Anyways, I'm not going to publish this without chapter 1 as well so no need to worry because you can go read that now! 

I hoped you liked it and I hope I didn't get any facts wrong lol but here's to trying!

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