IV. Glowing Trees & Flying Spears

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NOT PROOF READ (I put these mostly for myself to remind me to edit them, they will be deleted soon though!)

Tate woke up early the next morning, the six were still searching for Mount Weather but when it got dark Clarke demanded they all slept until light.  Tate looked around at the people sleeping around her.  She had been using Monty's shoulder as a pillow and he was leaning his head against hers.  Call it re-bonding.  The blonde blinked several times, trying to adjust her eyes to the soft glowing light.  Once she finally did she saw what culprit for the glow was- the forest.  

The trees appeared to be glow-in-the-dark, the way the shone supplying light for the girl to see.  That's when Tate noticed that two from the pack were missing.  It was Clarke and Finn.  What kind of trouble was Spacewalker getting her sister into?  Tate decided not to wake anyone else up but instead she stood up and slowly maneuvered into the glowing trees.  It was amazing.  Compared to what Tate had grown up seeing- grey walls and fluorescents- this was the best thing she had ever seen.  She wished she could take a photo or that she had a pad of paper to draw what she was seeing.

Tate reminded herself to remember exactly what she was seeing in front of her.  Earth was extraordinary so far, and wished more than anything to be able to document it.  The blonde continued, stepping as lightly as possible. She was afraid if she made a sound then the trees would, for some reason, stop glowing.  She looked at each and every glowing branch as she walked under them and soon after walking she heard two voices she immediately recognized.  Tate stayed behind a tree to not be seen and listened in on the conversation. It was rather hard to hear considering Clarke and Finn were both facing in the opposite direction as the girl.  

Tate took a small step forward to see if she could hear better but as soon as her foot touched the ground she felt a large hand cover her mouth.  Which was smart of the person to do because Tate tried to scream, but failed as it was muffled.  She hoped that Finn or Clarke would still hear the squeak as the person who had grabbed her pulled her back behind the tree and to them.  She widened her eyes scared of who had grabbed her but when she saw who it was she just wanted hit them.  

"Shhh," Jasper, the culprit of the grab, told her and placed a finger to his lips while slowly taking his other hand from her mouth.  

"Are you crazy?!" She whisper-yelled at Jasper, "you scared me half to death!" She hit his shoulder, not to roughly but enough to make him step back a small bit.  Jasper just chuckled at the upset girl.  

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Jasper put his hands up in defense- still whispering, "It was kind of funny though." Tate pursed her lips as to say 'No it wasn't' but she just laughed along with him.  He was right it was kind of funny, why would she get so scared, no one else was out here besides the six of them.  "And how could you be at all upset with this surrounding you?" He asked, gesturing to the glowing forest.  

"It's pretty magical," she agreed, then changed her gaze from the trees to Jasper. Who was also looking at her.  A pause in the conversation resulted until Tate averted her look and stopped the semi-awkward exchange.  


By the time the sun has risen all six of the adventurers were up and going.  Octavia, Monty, Jasper, and Tate had been talking and bonding for what seemed like a couple hours, while Clarke lead the way and Finn was trying to talk to her the entire time.  Clarke tried not to let herself get too distracted as she had a map to read.  They reached a large cliff, that dropped off into a river below and on the the other side was where they were supposed to be.  How were they going to cross a rive because Tate was she as hell not getting into the water again.  

Finn stood at the top of the cliff with a large vine that looked like it could support a lot of weight.  Jasper stood there as well trying to prepare himself for what they were about to do. Finn also looked quite nervous and not 100 percent sure the vine would hold his weight.  Monty, Tate, Clarke and Octavia watched the two boys getting ready from the rocks below, right next to the water.  

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