II. The Griffins & The Blakes

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I have so many gifs of the actress playing Tate, they are all so perfect for this book!! 

Anyways this has NOT been proof read.

Tate Griffin pulled away from the embrace and held her sister out at arms length.  She took in Clarke's more mature looking features.  Clarke's blonde hair was up in a loose bun and tendrils stuck out, framing her face.  "What are you doing here? Please don't say you got yourself arrested to protect me or something," Tate questioned her older sister.

"No, I didn't," Clarke began with an airy laugh, "I got arrested for treason." The older Griffin changed her demeanor to a more serious one. 

"What kind of treason?" Tate asked, eyeing the blonde.  Clarke looked around causing Tate to follow her gaze.  Many of the drop ship prisoners had stopped and stood around the two girls, curious.  Clarke looked back from the listeners and into Tate's piercing blue eyes, which matched the other Griffin's eye color perfectly.  

"We'll talk about that later," Clarke told her little sister, not prepared to tell the others exactly what she knew about the safety of the Ark.  Tate nodded her head.  Clarke took in her appearance, "You've grown up so much in the last year."

"That happens," Tate let out a small chuckle, "y'know life and stuff." Clarke smiled contently at her little sister.

"I can't believe I'm finally seeing you again.  I thought I was going to be floated next week." The older blonde commented making Tate have a realization.

"Your birthday!" She exclaimed, "It's next week, isn't it? Happy early birthday, sis." Upon Tate calling Clarke 'sis', the girls heard a few gasps from around them.  Having a sibling on the Ark was very rare and as fare as Tate knew, her and her sister were the only two people lucky enough to have a sibling.

"Listen, no machine hum," A boy said, cutting Clarke and Tate out of their sisterly trance.   

"That's a first," Another kid responded.  Tate realized how silent it was, how glorious to not here the sound she had known for her entire life.  Tate closed her eyes and just listened to silence.  Except she heard her sister's voice break it.

"Finn, is he breathing?" She heard.  Tate turned around and saw the shaggy haired, spacewalker checking the pulse of one of the boys who had gotten out his seat.   Not a bad looker.  Tate's thoughts were interrupted once more. Turned out Finn was still alive, but the boys who followed him were not.

"The door is on the lower level of the drop ship," Tate heard a kid say so of course, she followed the many criminals who were practically crawling over themselves to get to the lower level and possibly outside.  The blonde didn't rush as much.  She knew the air could be toxic resulting in all 100 of them to die almost instantly.  She didn't see the need to open the door right away.  Her sister appeared to share her concerns.

"The air could be toxic." Clarke echoed the other's thoughts.  

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway." An young guard snapped at Clarke.  His brown hair was slicked back and he had these big brown eyes.  Wow, It seemed to Tate like she was missing all the hot guys being locked up all her life.  Which was understandable of course but at least she was finally free- if they all didn't die when the doors open.  

"Bellamy?" A pretty brunette pushed her way up to the boy that shared similar features.

"My god, look how big you've gotten," Bellamy- the guard, took in the appearance of the brunette.  This conversation seemed very familiar to Tate, like it just happened with her sister minutes before. 

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