V. Wristbands & Rescue Missions

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Clarke led both girls into the drop ship.  Tate watched Clarke gather seat belts and whatever other scarce materials were left in the drop ship.  "How is any of this going to help get Jasper back?" Tate asked.

"Better to be prepared for anything," Clarke dismissed her sister. She then grabbed a map and stuffed it into the duffle with the materials. Clarke then sat up looking defeated.  Tate kneeled next to her so their eye levels would match.

"We can do this Clarke," Tate reassured.

"How do you know?" Clarke snapped, "How could the Ark not know there were people down here? We've been living in a metal box in space for the last 97 years while other have been reaping the benefits of being earth born.  So how could you know that everything will be okay." Tate could see the tears forming in Clarke's eyes.

"I don't-"

"There you are!" Wells walked into the drop ship cutting Tate off and causing Clarke to wipe her eyes with her hand like nothing happened. She then swung the duffle over her shoulder and began standing up. "When my father said they didn't leave us anything, he really meant it." Wells noted in a friendly tone. Tate just stood up and stared at Wells.  That's when she noticed a large cut in Well's arm. 

Tate grabbed his arm and examined the mark. "It's just a scratch," Well's tried to dissolve her concern.  Clarke looked over at his arm.

"You're making friends fast," she commented, "keep it covered it could get infected.  Tate why don't you go outside and form a rescue party." 

Tate just nodded and started walking to the ladder to climb down to the first floor where she saw Monty waiting.  Tate didn't even have a chance to go outside the ship into the bright light before she heard Clarke and Wells following suit down the ladder.  "You're not coming with us," Tate heard her sister say.  

"My ankles fine," Wells argued.

"It's not your ankle Wells, it's you," Clarke was now on the ground looking at Tate and Monty.

"You came back for reinforcements, I'm gonna help." Wells continued. Tate had no opinion on the matter so she stayed quiet while they bantered back and forth.  Finally Monty stepped in.

"He's right Clarke, we need him. So far no one else has volunteered." 

"I'm sorry Monty but you're not going either," Clarke rejected Monty. 

"Like hell I'm not!" Monty argued, "Jasper's my best friend." The words stung Tate a little bit.  She knew that Monty had made other friends since she had been locked up it just still hurt.  Tate took a step forward and put her hand on Monty's shoulder.

"You're too important, you're the only one recruited as an engineer thats on the ground. We need you. You'll help save us all" Tate said.

"You figure out how to talk to the Ark and we'll bring Jasper back," Clarke added onto her sister's reassurance. As she finished Tate saw Finn walk under the flap and into the drop ship. "Hey you ready?" Clarke asked.

"I'm not going anywhere, and neither should any of you. That spear was thrown with pinpoint accuracy from 300 feet," Finn told them.

"So what we let Jasper die?" Monty asked.

"No." Tate said harshly, "we're not going to let that happen." She scowled at Finn. 

"Spacewalker? What a joke," her sister practically read her thoughts as they walked past him. A few feet outside the ship Octavia and Bellamy set on a log as Bellamy examined her wounds. Tate caught his eye when he looked back at group, she held eye contact for a few seconds before he turned back away to his sister. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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