Chapter 1- Hogwarts Bound

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Disclaimer: I own nothing, all rights belong to JK Rowling

"All aboard!" The train man yelled from the first compartment, using his wand to magnify his voice. "All aboard the train! We're going to leave in 5 minutes!"

Lily sighed, wishing she had a few more moments with her parents before leaving them for the last time.

"Bye Mum! Bye Dad!" Lily waved to her parents as she hauled her trunk behind her. Once she entered the train, she headed for the prefects compartment. The door slid open smoothly, and Lily shoved, or tried to shove, her trunk into the compartment. Being short at 5' 3", she had to stand on her tip toes to barely reach the edge of her trunk.

The trunk was about to fall out onto Lily, when a hand reached up and held the trunk, pushing it into place. Lily turned around to look at who had caught her trunk, and she saw James. James.Bloody.Potter. The insolent toe-rag who would stop at nothing to make Lily embarrassed.

"Hello, Evans. Good to see you."

"Mhm. My pleasure, Potter."

Lily turned towards the prefects compartment, and was surprised when James decided to follow her.

"Potter, you do realize that this is the prefect's compartment? You obviously don't belong here."

"Oh, Evans, I'm 200% sure I've got the right compartment." Potter said smugly, pointing at the badge on his chest.

Lily's mouth dropped open. She had not noticed the shiny piece of metal attached to Potter's chest. Even worse, it did not read 'prefect'; it read 'Head Boy'.

"You? Why you?" Lily couldn't believe what she saw. Potter? A Head Boy? Lily could barely see him as a prefect, much less Head Boy.

"Why the tone of surprise, love?" James flashed a set of pearly whites.

Lily snarled at James, "Don't call me that."

"Anything for you, love."


Lily stormed into the prefect's compartment, as James chuckled behind her. Catching Remus' eye, she tossed herself down in the seat next to him.

"Hey, Rem."

"Hi, Lily."

"How was your summer?"

"The usual. You?"

"Great, if you ignore Petunia."

Remus nodded and stuck his nose back in his book. Lily decided to read as well, and soon got caught up in the fictional world in her book. About 2 hours into the ride, the door swung open and 3 boys flounced into the carriage. Potter, Black, and Pettigrew.

"Rem! Whatcha doing in this boring compartment? C'mon and play Exploding Snap with us!" James pleaded, giving his friend a knowing smirk. Then he saw Lily, and his hand lept to his already-messy hair.

Lily prodded Remus. "Go. If you don't, they'll start playing Exploding Snap here!"

Remus sighed, but reluctantly stood up to join his friends.

"That's a good boy!" Sirius Black hooted. Remus sent Lily a fake worried glace, which of course, made Lily laugh.

"Maybe Lily should come along, to make sure our game doesn't get out of hand! " Sirius said, almost as if he was reading off of a script.

"And to fix the bad stuff that will happen to us during the game!" Another forced line from Peter Pettigrew.

"Yeah, c'mon with us Lils!" Remus sounded genuine.

"Fine." Lily gave into the boy's begging.

Smiling at Remus and shooting James a dirty glare, she followed the boys out of cabin and into the one they called their "Man Cave".

There was hardly any room to sit, for it was chock-full of candy. Wrappers of all candy were strewn about the compartment, and Lily once again doubted the correct placement of James as Head Boy. With a quick wave of her wand, the compartment was clean.

Lily sat next to Remus, and the pair continued to read.

Suddenly, the train stopped.

"We're here!" A deep voice called from outside. "First years, come here. Oh yeah, Head Girl and Boy, come 'ere too!"

James had a shocked expression on his face.

"What?" Lily asked.

"I just thought I would get to ride with my friends..."

"No, you idiot, don't you remember riding with the Head Girl and Boy when we were 11?"

"Oh yeah. I'll miss you guys." James hugged his friends.

"He acts like this is the end of the year and we are all parting separate ways." Lily murmured under her breath.

"He's a very emotional person, Lily." Remus murmured back.

"I'll miss you guys, but I won't mind spending a little more time with Lily-flower, here." James repeated and gave Lily a smirk.

"Don't call me that." Lily hissed.

"Shh, you know you like it."

"Do not!"

"Do to!"

"Just admit it Lily!"

"I have nothing to admit!"

"Both of you relax. Don't get your wands in a twist before the school year has even started!" Remus had a calming effect on the arguing pair.

They both sighed and looked at eachother.

"Just for today?"


And together, the pair walked out of the cabin, to greet the First Years eagerly walking out of the train.

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