Chapter 12- Hogsmeade Part Two

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A snowball collided with the back of Lily's head, and she blinked as the snow came raining down on her back. Shivering slightly, she turned to face her attacker, only to get a handful of snow on her face. And she thought that the Hogwarts grounds were safe from snowball fights.

"Oi, sod off. You bloody git!" She hissed, and rubbed away the snow from her eyes.

She held back a gasp when she saw James, grinning and looking as perfect as usual.

"Wait, did I just think he looked perfect? Woah Lily, calm down." She told herself, but couldn't help but gaze into her deep, hazel eyes that she could stare in fore- "Wait woah, what is going on."

She shook her head and grinned at her foolishness. "Hey, James. Fancy seeing you here."

"Well, we are going together for Hogsmeade, ya?" He added stupidly, and relaxed at the sight of her smile.

Slightly zoning out, he thought of what they would do together, how much fun they would have, what-

He was brought out of his dreaming state with a face full of white, cold, snow.

"Evans!" He yelled, and he heard a giggle from behind him. Blindly running, he dashed toward the sound and was met with another round of snowballs.

Wiping his face clear, he formed a snowball in his hand and called, "Hey, Lils! Cease fire! I think we're even!"

After his statement, he saw a tuft of red hair peek out from behind a tree. Bingo.

Her green eyes met his, and he winked. She stepped out, and flashed a pearly white smile. Pointing above James' head, she called, "Drop it!"

James could see nothing but white, and could feel nothing but cold. Letting out a girly squeal, he shoved his way out of the snow and ran straight into Lily.

"Get off, you git!" She squeaked, being crushed by James.

James smirked, and leaned down so they were nose to nose. He could feel her breaths tickling his cheeks.

"Now we are even," he said, and placed a small kiss on her lips. He could feel her grin against him, and he lifted himself above her with his elbows.

A flash went off, and James cracked an eye at Sirius, who winked and flashed a thumbs up. Before he could look at Sirius for longer, Lily pulled his tie toward her, and kissed his nose.

"You're cute."

James blinked, and flushed red. Lily took this opportunity to slip out from under James and skip off. She walked over to her friends who were hiding in the bushes, and blew a kiss backwards to James.


The ride was very uncomfortable. Since the Marauders and Lily's group wanted to go together, they decided to ride in one carriage. Good choice? Wrong.

A traditional carriage was meant to hold four, and seven people (Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Alice, and Marlene) were to fit in it. At first they tried to cram in, but their hopes were fruitless. They finally decided on having the girls share seats with the boys, which resulted in the girl practically sitting on the boys' laps.

James, of course, had no objections to having Lily sit on his lap and having the opportunity to put his chin on her slightly-snow-covered red hair.


When they finally reached Hogsmeade, they found yet another way to have conflict.

Which place would they go to?

Lily listened as her friends all complained and tried to convince people to go to a certain store with them. "Hey, guys. Why don't we all just split up and meet here in, like, three hours?" She offered her suggestion, and they all nodded.

Smiling at her work, she didn't notice James slink his arm around her waist. She looked up to her right at James' soft, contagious, smile; and couldn't help but smile back.

She put her head on his shoulder, and they walked together through the bustling town. After buying licorice wands and chocolate frogs (for Remus), wandering the shops, and drinking hot chocolate together, they met back at the planned place in front of Honeydukes. Remus was already there, rubbing his eyes free of the snow.

James glanced down at Lily, who had scatters of snow on her hair which looked like a crown.

"Fit for a princess." He muttered and twirled her hair with his finger. He could feel her smirk, and wrap her hands around his shoulders.


"And then, she told me that I was cute! Cute!" James slammed his empty fire whiskey cup on the table and signaled for a refill.

Sirius grinned, "Well, Marlene kissed my cheek!!" The alcohol was slurring both boys' words, and made their stories sound funnier than what they would normally find funny.

"Lily, kissed me on the lips!"

"Marlene is a better girlfriend!"

"Nuh-uh, Lily is the best."

"Okay, relax it you too." Remus eased the cups out of his friends and shot an apologetic look at the bar tender.

"I think you should both go outside and clear your minds. You're going to wake up with a massive hang over." Remus lectured and shoved both boys outside after he payed the bill.

"Why can't they just act sensible for once?" He muttered to himself, glancing at the group of girls giggling to each other and sipping Butterbeer. Turning to the window, he saw James and Sirius making goofy faces at the girls, and the girls were laughing. James waved his hand toward him, almost asking the girls to come outside, and, unfortunately, the girls obliged.

Remus sipped his tea and watched with amusement and the girls had snowball fight with the drunk boys.


"Hey, Lily." Lily turned around, out of breath.

"What, James?" She muttered, trying to peg Marlene with a clear snowball hit.


She fully faced James, her nose slightly red from the cold. "What?"

He put his arms on either side of her head, and Lily rose an eyebrow.

"What?" She asked again.

"Hm, nothing. I just wanted to say hi." Lily could smell the alcohol on James' breath. She pushed him away and laughed.

"Okay, hello James."

She turned back to Marlene and threw another ball at her friend.


"What!" She cried, exasperated. "And if you just want to say hi, so bloody help me I will strangle you."

James effectively shut Lily up by leaning closer. She could feel his lips brush hers when he spoke.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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