Chapter 11- Hogsmeade Part One

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Dumbledore waved his hands, immediately silencing the crowd.

"As some of you know, our annual trip to Hogsmeade is commencing after breakfast today! I hope all of you did not forget to get them signed!" Dumbledore frowned as some people groaned.

Dumbledore's words faded as mulitple senarios ran through James' head. Should I ask Lily out? Or should I play it safe with my friends?

Sirius nudged James gently, snapping James out of his thoughts.

"Well, Marauders, since its our last year, let's all go together! One last time!" Sirius whisphered, trying to hide his mischievious grim from Dumbledore.

Before he knew what was happening, James nodded and Sirius flashed a thumbs up at him back.

Fighting the twinge of disapointment, he shook himself. Why was he feeling this way? All they did was kiss.

"Mate, you all right?" Remus shook James lightly, and he snapped out of his daze.

James blinked blankly, and nodded. He would have to ask them out himself then, for he was sure that Lily would want her friends coming along too.

Lily was whispering with her friends, as they all decided what they would wear. Lily, being the most laid-back of them, was just staring her bowl of cereal.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, and she glanced up.

"J-james?" She twitched slightly at seeing someone behind her, but she relaxed once she saw it was him.

"Hey, so, about the trip..." His voice trailed off.

Lily rose her eyebrows and hid a smirk. Trying to look innocent, she batted her eyelashes and said, "Hm?"

James could tell she was playing with him, so he smirked and twirled a stray strand of hair that had fallen into her face.

"Well, darling, I just came to see if you and your lovely friends would like to join me and my gang on the trip."

"My gang and I- come on James, you are 17! Oh, and sure." Lily winked and kissed James on the cheek, causing him to go red and Severus spit out his milk.

Marlene and Alice looked at each other with confusion.

"Since when did Lily start to kiss James on the cheek?" Marlene muttered, and Alice just giggled.

"Well, I think it's bloody adorable."


Lily wrapped a scarf around her neck and shrugged herself into a heavy gray coat. Just as she put it on, she felt Marlene take it off.

"C'mon Lils! Let him give you his jacket! It would make it romantic!" She swooned, and Lily obliged. Instead, she put on a light sweater so that she wouldn't freeze.

Glancing outside at the winter snow, it hit her how close to the holiday's it was. A thought hit her suddenly; she needed a partner for the Slug Club Christmas Party. Maybe she would ask James?

James tugged at his Gryffindor tie awkwardly. He didn't see any sense in wearing it, but Lily like neatness, so on with the tie. Remus rolled his eyes at James' struggles, but didn't lift his eyes from the book he was reading.

"Okay, let's get going." Remus called, "I promised the girls that I would get you to Honeydukes at 10."

Sirius stumbled down the stairs, a comb in hand. "Remy, I need some more time to get my hair in perfect shape!"

"Why, are you worried that someone might see you with bad hair?" Remus teased, waggling his eyebrows.

"No- I mean- yes- I mean no. Ugh, why is this so confusing?" Sirius yelped, and shot a sad glance at James.

"Is Sirius in loooove?" James called, his friends immediately making kissing sounds behind him.

"Oi, shut it, Prongs." Sirius turned a dark shade of crimson, and the boys just burst into laughter.

"Okay, just lemma guess who it is. I mean, you've never been in love have you, Mr. Player?" James cracked a grin, and Sirius glared at him.

"Fine." Sirius growled, knowing that his friends wouldn't let him off the hook if they didn't know.

"Hm, is it Alyssa?" Sirius knew his friends were teasing him, so he played along.

"Nope! And by the way, you only get 3 guesses!" Sirius lowered one of his fingers, leaving his middle and pointer finger extended.

"Wait, I think I got it! It's Sarah!" Remus grinned, and Sirius shook his head.

Only his pointer finger remained extended.

"Okay, one more shot." James rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Quit playing around, Prongs. You know just as well as I do."

James grinned and screamed at the top of his lungs, "Sirius! You! Love! Marlene!!!!"

"Hm? Did someone say my name?" A light voice carried itself up to the boys' dormitory.

Sirius shot James a murderous look, and the boy just grinned.

"If you don't tell her, I will." James teased, wanting to get his friend to confess.

"No! Please! Don't tell her!" Sirius groaned, as Marlene waltzed up the stairs to the dormitory.

"Tell me what?" She said innocently, sticking her bottom lip out a slight bit.

Peter's eyes nervously flicked from Sirius to Marlene to James and back again. If looks could kill, James would have been dead by now; Sirius was one step from murdering his best friend.

"W-well, Mar. U-um--"

"Sirius has something very important to tell you, Marlene! I think Peter," James shot a look at Peter, who stood up, "and I will be going now! Adios!"

James grinned as Peter shuffled out, and he shut the door. Somehow, Sirius knew that James was listening right outside of the door.

"Marlene, I just- I was wondering." Sirius tried again, and he could feel his face heating up.

"Marlene, would you, uh, like want to go on a date with me?" Sirius blushed as she rose an eyebrow.

"So, do you like like like me or are you just gonna use me?" Marlene stated bluntly, her eyes unamused.

"Um, I'm not sure, but I definitely like you," he paused, "I really might just love you, Mar. I don't know...." His voice trailed off and he glanced to the side. "If you don't like me back, I get it- I mean, I've been nothing but a player all these years." Sirius stared at the floor between his feet and slowly glanced into Marlene's eyes.

She grinned, "How 'bout a first date at Honeydukes, hm?"

Sirius grinned slowly, and held back the urge to fist pump. Well, today was starting to look up.

He linked his arm through hers, and led her out the door where James and Peter weren't eavesdropping. He felt a pressure on his cheek, and glanced down to see that Marlene has given him a quick peck.

"Now only if James could have the same luck as me." Sirius muttered, and an idea slowly slipped into his head.

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