Chapter 15- Pranks and Parties

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"Just one more firework." Sirius muttered as he and James loaded the Mess Hall with explosives and smoke machines.

It was Sirius' idea to rig the place and release their plans on the day before Winter break; and James easily obliged.

Glancing at the clock, James read "5:24", and his eye's widened. 

"Dude! Hurry up!" James urged his friend on as Sirius put the final touches on his contraption. 

The sounds of footsteps drew nearer, and the boys fell into a panic. 

"Let's hide under the table." Peter suggested, and the boys all crouched under the wooden benches as the doors to the Hall swung open.

"Homonym Revelio." A familiar voice rung through the halls and Remus bit back a curse. 

It was Lily's voice, and she clearly knew someone or something was hiding in the Hall. 

"I knew it, Mar. I told you that someone was making loud noises in the Hall!" James heard Lily's voice from the north entrance and shot an angry look at Sirius. 

"Not my fault, mate. That girl has crazy hearing!" Sirius hissed in response to James' I-am-so-ashamed-of-you look.

James raised a finger to his lips; no sound was being made. James noticed that Remus cast an invisibility spell on himself and was (hopefully) working on a way to protect the rest of his gang. 

He heard the door open, close, and footsteps exit. Glancing again at his watch, he noticed the time. 5:48.

James silently cursed under his breath, and stuck his head outside of the bench. 

"All clear, mate."

James crawled out of his hiding space, and turned to help Sirius up. 5:50.

"Going somewhere?"

James almost wet himself in surprise. 

"I-uh-we-well..." James stuttered, shoving Sirius back under the table and hoped Lily had not seen his partner in crime.

He met eyes with Lily, who looked 100% annoyed. She rose her eyebrow, and a wave of guilt washed through him.

"Sorry, Lils. I kinda got caught up, er-- under the table?"

"Well what were you thinking, James? The party starts in 6-" She glanced at her watch, "4 minutes."

James sighed and muttered a half-hearted apology. "Sorry, Lily! I just was reaaally busy and lost track of time!"

Lily nodded, but James could tell that Lily didn't buy it and suspected more.


James picked at the small flecks of ice cream still in his bowl. He scowled at the table, clearly unhappy. He honestly hoped Lily would see his discomfort and let him leave, but Lily's main center of attention was focused on the conversation over the table. 

"If she wants to torture me, she sure tortured me well." He thought miserably to himself. 

The little amusement James had was to glance across the table at Severus, another of Slug Horn's prized students, and preform something flirtatious with Lily. Of course, Lily blushed and pushed him away, but Severus was silently fuming. Just seeing Severus get ticked was something that sent the urge to laugh into his brain; and he had to try very hard not to laugh. 

If looks could kill, James would have been dead on the floor with a glaring Severus to blame. 

But eventually, his fun faded away; and James was left to poke with his devoured-too-quickly ice cream.

"-absolutely can not wait for the Potion exams!" Lily's voice brought him out of his daze. 

"Who in the right mind would want to take the potion exams?" James thought to himself.

As if Lily could read his thoughts, she shot him a "be quiet or else" look. James put his hands up in a mock-surrender, and Lily rolled her eyes and blushed. Shortly after, Severus shot James a dirty look, and James just winked back.


As James and Lily walked back to their common room, James awkwardly tried to keep conversation flowing. Lily's responses were short and cold, so James assumed she hadn't gotten over the Mess Hall Incident. 

"Lily. I'm sorry for being late, okay? I really regret disregarding something that was so important to you. I'm sorry." James rubbed the back of his neck, and Lily's green eyes softened. 

"It's all right, James." 

Lily watched as James visibly relaxed, and she felt a grin creep up on her face. 

"Since I am forgiven, you won't mind if I~" James teased and snaked an arm around her waist. 

He felt Lily gently shove against him, but he knew she didn't want him to let go. Only once he started to pepper her cheeks with kisses did she push a little harder. 

"Oi, let go, git." She laughed and put her hand against James' forehead. "We are already at the common room."

James sighed; he was really enjoying his time with Lily. 

"All righty then. Sleep well, my Lily flower."

Lily's cheeks turned to a colour that rivaled her hair, and she turned her back to James. 

"Night, James."

"Oh yeah! You're coming to my place on December 29th, right?"

Lily rolled her eyes; she felt as if this was the hundredth time she told him. 

"James, I think we have addressed this already." She shouted from her Head Girl's room. "Yes, I am coming over on the twenty-ninth."



(A/N: Oh yeah! Thank you guys all for 1,000 reads !!!)

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