Chapter 14- Busy

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It took a week for James to become well again, and he couldn't say that he missed his classes. To add onto his good luck, he even got daily kisses from Lily.

Christmas time was approaching rapidly, and Lily was internally panicking. The Slug Club Holiday Party was next week, and she had no date. She was considering asking James, but she was slightly afraid of him saying no.

Her friends constantly pushed her to ask James out, but Lily's fear of rejection overpowered her panic.

One day before the party, Lily met with James after Transfiguration.

"I-I was wondering... I mean... I-" Lily's face was a dark shade of crimson; James just grinned at her flustered self.

"...Would you like to go to the-uhh-I mean... Just please come with me to the Slug Club Party!" Her exasperated voice shook James from his daydream.

"Hm? Oh, sure thing, Lils! But only if you come to my family's new years party." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. He heard her mutter an embarrassed "sure" and he smiled into her red locks.

Lily turned around to face James; her mittened hands pressed against his chest.

"I wouldn't miss it for 100 galleons." She whispered into his ear, and James grinned. 

He nuzzled his nose into her hair, and she ruffled his hair to tease him. James could feel her smile, and he rested his chin on her fire-red hair. She leaned into him, and the two of them watched the snow delicately fall onto the ground in the courtyard.


The holiday season snuck up on the new couple, and soon enough there was mistletoe hanging from the Head Boy's dorm with a note that read:

Dear Mr. Potter,                                                             12/22 

I have noticed a certain relationship blossoming between you and Miss Evans. Use this sprig of mistletoe to your good guidance. Of course, I am suggesting you use it for potions, but who am I to stop you from using for something else. 

-Dumbledore ;)

James noted the winking face at the end of Dumbledore's signature, and he realized how on-top of things Dumbledore was. After re-reading the note, James decided he would choose to use the mistletoe for the second reason, kissing. 

"Time to put 'Get Lily To Kiss Me' into action!" He chuckled at himself, realizing that his plan "Get Lily to Kiss Me" (GLTKM for short) was what he had been aiming at for seven years. 


"What do I wear?" Lily frantically called to Alice and Marlene, who were laughing their heads off. 

"Not that dreadful thing, darling." Alice snickered, and Lily shot her a sad look.

"If I don't find anything that makes me look good, I'm not gonna go and James isn't going to go either." Lily pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Uh, fine. We'll help ya!" 

Lily sighed in relief, because she knew that her own fashion sense was not up to par. Her friends blamed it on "too many books and too little social time", but Lily just continued to read. And she thoroughly regretted ignoring their advice. Now, when she actually needed help, she had to beg for it from her more-fashion-forward friends. 

A half hour later, Lily was wearing a brand-new silver dress that ended just above her knees. Her friends lathered on praise of how well she looked wearing the dress, so Lily decided to buy it. 

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