Chapter 3- Potter, Again

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"Wake up! WAKE UP! Lily, WAKE UP!" Alice screeched at the girl in the bed next to her.

The sleeping red head stirred slightly but didn't wake. Alice glanced at Marlene, who shook her head helplessly.

"How do we get Sleeping Beauty awake?"

Once the words left her lips, Alice knew what to do. Grinning at Marlene, she cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled in the direction of the boys dormitory.

"JAMES! JAAAAAAMES!" Alice called. "We need some help here! A certain red head won't wake up and we need you to wake her up!"

Lily's eyes shot open at the mention of James' name. She shook her head wildly and screamed, "No, don't let him in here!"

Her friends just laughed. A thud and a pair of screams floated from the girl's dormitory stairs, and the girls exchanged a glance. As James and Sirius' cries of distress echoed into their room, Lily burst into laughter. Lily figured that the staircase had turned to a slide, again.

Lily quickly dressed and clambered out the door, stepping over the collapsed bodies of James and Sirius. She rose and eyebrow and the boys just groaned.

"Ah, figured the wonders of the stairs for yourself?" She asked, and poked James' side with her boot.

"Ow, Evans! That's gonna give me a bloody bruise! I have feelings even though I look like a dead body that just fell down 2 flights of stairs." James rolled away from Lily, and she held back a giggle.

"Oh shut it, Potter."

Alice and Marlene walked down the stairs and joined Lily. The two girls wrapped their arms around each of Lily's and pulled her out the common room.

"Let's go get some breakfast!" Marlene told her friends, and they all nodded.

The girls began to walk to the dining hall, chatting all the while.

"Lily?" A voice called from behind her.

All the girls turned around and reeled in shock. A dark haired, lanky boy stood before the trio. Lily immediately recognized him, with his large, hooked, nose and shrunken cheekbones. Severus.

"Hello, Snape." Lily said sharply. "What do you want?"

Severus' mouth opened and closed like a fish, for he was unsure of what to say. In fact, he was suprised that Lily even was talking with him.

"I-I-I'm... sorry, Lily. I really am... I was...I... D-d-doyouthinkwecanbefriendsagain?" Severus muttered, and Lily rose an eyebrow. Suddenly, two figures appeared behind Snape.

"Severus, c'mon, do you really need this mudblood?" The boy who Lily recognized as Avery, spoke to Severus, and just loud enough for Lily to hear.

Lily stared at Severus. Now this was his choice; Lily or his Slytherin friends. Lily crossed her arms over her chest hastily, and waited for his answer.

"You do know that you will never be a true Slytherin until you put a mudblood their rightful place in front of your leaders." The other figure said.

Suddenly, a group of Slytherin gathered in the hallway. Lily glanced around; they were surrounded.

"Do it. Do it. Do it!" Screamed the Slytherin's.

Severus' lips parted, and Lily leaned forward for an answer. She was so ready for Sev to ditch his Slytherin friends.


"Hey, Snivillus." A voice called. Lily recognized it as her dear friend, Mr. James Potter.

"Potter, what do you think you are doing here?" Severus called, clearly angry.

"Just wondering what you happen to be doing in the middle of a corridor with tons of Slytherin's surrounding my poor Lily-flower."

"Don't call me that."

Severus narrowed his eyes at his sworn enemy. The boys locked glares and it quickly became a staring contest. Both sides nervously glanced from James to Severus, wondering who would give in first. The morning breakfast bell rang, which made Severus and James blink at the same time.

"Ha! You blinked first!" James hollered.

"No, you did!" Severus scoffed.

"Both of you, be quiet. You should both be ashamed of yourselves." Dumbledore frowned at the boys. Leaning closer to James, he murmured, "If I dare say, neither of you should be afraid of the morning bell. After all, you've been hearing it for the past 7 years of your life!"

James gave the old man a light smile, and Dumbledore chuckled.

"Now all of you, off to the Great Hall! Don't want to miss the first breakfast!" With that, Dumbledore trotted slowly down the stairs.

"Hey, Evans."

"What, Potter."

He gave Lily a smirk, and looped his arm through hers.

"We... are off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz!" James sang as he dragged Lily from one arm. Skipping merrily, he laughed and burst into another verse of the song. Lily mentally face-palmed as he careened them into the now-silent Great Hall. Everyone was looking at them, and their hands. Their hands! Lily had completely forgotten. She yanked her arm from his and sat beside Alice and Marlene who were giving her quizzical looks.

"Look, I can explain." Lily panted.

"Let us guess." Alice rolled her eyes at Lily, who shrugged.

"Potter." Marlene said sarcastically.

"Again." Lily groaned, recalling their embarrassing incident on the train.

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