Chapter 6- Confessions

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Lily awoke to screams from her dormitory. Her eyes shot open, and she quickly glanced around. Every single girl had whipped cream all over their hair.

"Oh, my..." Lily muttered as she tried her best to remain calm. Lily slowly raised her hands to her head and discovered that her head had a hat of the sugary topping on it as well.

James had heard the screams, and he and Sirius were giggling like girls at the base of the girls' staircase.

Lily marched down to the boys, and their laughter subsided quickly.

"So," Lily growled. "Decided to take a trip to our dormitory?"

James batted his eyes innocently, "Why, Lily-Flower, we would never dare to do such a thing! Right Sirius?"

Lily rolled her eyes, but decided to play along with the charade.

"All right, so. Will either of you kind, helpful boys like to help me get rid of this whipped cream in my hair?" Lily asked sweetly.

James stepped forward, eager to get to touch Lily's hair, but she just shoved her head into his shirt, which was now covered in the whipped sugar. The stick substance foamed on his shirt. His jaw dropped, and he was ready to attack Lily, except she had already escaped into her dormitory. She winked, and hopped up the remaining stairs.

"How do ya think it went, Sirius? Ya think she hates me?" James asked, wiping the cream off of his chest.

"I think she likes you." Sirius said, responding as he always did to try and make James happy. "But, James, remember! There are a lot of other fish in the sea. You don't have to stick with little Lily here forever! Have some fun! You're only 17 and good looking once!"

James nodded saddly, "Maybe I should go have some fun. Do you think I could hook up with Rita Skeeter? She's a pretty looker."

Sirius grinned; he finally got his friend to come to his senses.


Remus marched into the library, carrying a huge pile of books that almost reached above his head. After precarious steps, he finally reached the table where Lily sat, awaiting his arrival.

"Hey, Rem." Lily grinned, and gave him a warm hug. He was the only marauder that Lily could stand and the only one she acted friendly around.

"Hey, Lils." Remus dropped the pile of stacked books on the table, and Lily eagerly grabbed the one on the top. Remus could tell that she was eager to begin studying, so he sat down beside her.

"Um, Lily, about James..." Remus awkwardly rubbed his hands together.

"What is it this time?" Lily asked, annoyed by the pestering boy.

"He said that every time I told you that you should go out with him, I get a chocolate frog. So-" Remus felt bad about using Lily, but at least he was honest with her.

Lily chuckled, "Remus, say you said that I should go out with him about, hmm, seven times?"

Man, Remus really enjoyed Lily's company.

"Remus, do you promise not to tell anyone, and I mean anyone, about what I tell you next?" Lily lowered her voice. "I really want to get this out and to get someone else's opinion. My girls wouldn't be a help."

Remus rose an eyebrow but nodded, "I promise." For touch, he rose his right hand and made a cross over this heart.

"Okay," Lily began. "I think that I might like-"

"Don't tell me that it's James."

"Oh shove off, it is James."

Remus' mouth dropped open. "No. Bloody. Way." He muttered.

"You promised, remember?" Lily groaned.

"Yeah, I did." Remus stammered, he couldn't believe it.

"And I'm not even sure though. I really don't like his pranking attitude."

Remus blinked twice. He wished he hadn't promised anything, but he knew he had to keep his word.

"All right, Lily. You're secret is safe with me." He grinned, but Lily was already reading.


James was walking into the library when he heard a noise. He glanced toward the back, noticed Lily and Remus, and began to walk towards them. Lily stood up, hugged Remus, kissed his cheek, and walked off.

James blinked. Did Lily just kiss Remus? The tips of his vision turned blurry. No bloody way was his best friend going to take his Lily-flower.

"I should dis-own him. Or better, throw him in the lake." Revenge thoughts swirled around James' mind.

Hiding behind a bookshelf, James watched as Lily skipped out of the library, humming to herself. Then James' approached Remus.

"What in the name of Merlin was that?" James bellowed.

"What?" Remus blinked, startled.

"She. Kissed. You. Do I have to be any more clear?" He hissed angrily.

"James, I think of her as a sister, nothing more, honest." He spoke calmly and quietly to his friend, though on the inside he was nervous. Would James hate him even though he did nothing wrong?

"I-I-I, are you sure?" James suddenly realized his foolishness.

"James, do you ever think I would betray my friends who accept me?"

James sighed. "You're right, I'm sorry Remus."

The two walked off, side by side.

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