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It makes me that much stronger

Makes me work a little bit harder

It makes me that much wiser

So thanks for making me a fighter

Made me learn a little bit faster

Made my skin a little bit thicker

Makes me that much smarter

So thanks for making me a fighter

Never saw it coming, all of your backstabbing

Just so you could cash in on a good thing before I'd realize your game

I heard you're goin' round playin', the victim now

But don't even begin feeling I'm the one to blame

'Cause you dug your own grave

After all of the fights and the lies cause you're wanting to haunt me

But that won't work anymore, no more,

It's over..

Christina Aguilera - Fighter

Tom's P.O.V

I woke up with a banging pain in my head and guts. I held the side of the blanket, and then I realised I wasn't in my bed, this wasn't my bed and my room didn't look as neat as the one im in right now. Getting up from the king size bed I was half naked, the only thing I was wearing was a pair of white boxers. Did I sleep with a girl last night? I looked to my right and saw the girl completly dressed up. I was reliefed but I still didn't know who that girl is. I rose to my feet and looked around the room, it was massive. Black carpret, white king size bed, light purple walls and dark purple silk curtains that looked too familiar. The girls hair looked familiar too, I walked to her side and looked at her trying to figure out who it was. It was the one and only Angel Skies. She looked peaceful while sleeping. She looked like a baby with her black curls covering half of her face. I moved the hair on her face to the side and her eyes shot open. "Dont touch me" she growled at me. Somebody is defintly not a morning person.. "Christ on a bike, calm down" I said and looked for my jeans to check my phone. Angel walked in to the bathroom, just amazing! 31 texts from the family and 46 missed calls. That means im dead.. The clock showed 12, missed school. The shit is piling up on my head. "Aren't you going to school today?" I yelled to Angel. "of course not." she stated. "Why is it so obvious to you?" I asked. We were both supposed to be at school now. "We dont go to high school on thursdays" she stated. "Why?" I asked confused. "Because its the day after every party" she stated again and I didnt want to ask anymore questions. I put my clothes on and went out of the room. I ran down the stairs and was amazed by all the fancy furniture. Here lived a family with style. I walked to the frontdoor to go back home. Mum is pissed enough. "Where do you think you are going Parker?" Angel was standing right infront of me. I left her in the bathroom and now she is here? There's gotta be some sort of paranormal activity in this house. "h-home" I stuttered struggeling to find the words. "Tomorrow, at 9, follow the light that is coming from the forest. This will be your only chance to get in, if you dont take it it means that you will be back at one." she said and opened the frontdoor and as soon as I stepped out she shut the door so hard that I could feel the ground shaking under my feet. Angel might be diagnosed with ADHD. This girl is crazy. My mum was standing in the frontyard with her arms crossed. I am dead. "where have you been Thomas?" she asked. Calling me Thomas means that the third world war has begun. Hitler is going to attack me in any minute. "umm.. my friend Max had a little party yesterday at his and um.. Angel was driving me back here but I fell asleep in her car." I said as I scratched the back of my neck nervously. "This is not the whole truth Thomas." she said. "What happened next was that I woke up in her room, I didn't go to high school because it was late when I woke up.." "YOU SLEPT WITH HER?!" she whisper yelled as her eyes shot open and her mouth widened. "No, mum. Nothing like that happened I swear.." I tried but she cut me off immediatly. "Thomas, you should remember that Angel is not your type, she is your fathers boss's daughter. Do you understand?" she said and I didnt know what to do at this moment. "Mum we are just friends, calm down! its not like I walk around shagging girls! Im not like that, Im better than what you think I am! please understand me just for once, please that's all im asking for!" I yelled at her and few of the neighbours looked at us suspiciously. The frontdoor was open so I ran past her feeling broken, my own mother thinks that Im some sort of hooker but Im not. That's what everyone thinks about me. I ran up to my room and attacked the bed and nuzzled my face in the white pillows.

Angel's P.O.V


Today will be the day that Claire will rest in peace. She will be looking down smiling at me from heaven. I wore a pair of black sweatpants, white sweatshirt and my red and black Adidas sneakers and headed to the forest where the fights took place every friday. The forest was abandoned, nobody had the guts to take a walk or even pass by it. It's darker than the other forests and there's a story about a man who was slaughtered in the middle of the forest and his soul is walking around the forest haunting his killer. Everyone was standing in a circle waiting for me to arrive. "Alright, start the first show" I said and two guys entered the circle, Cody from Jonathans gang and Max. Max made the first step forward and punched the lads jaw, Cody punched Max in the guts. Max was now mad, he jumped on Cody and they both fell to the ground as Max straddeld the poor lad and made his face look like a map. He stood back up and Cody was on the floor moaning and groaning in pain, his face was now covered in blood. " We got a winner!" Jay screamed. Cody was dragged out of the game now. "Next fight!" somebody shouted and I started looking around for Tom. Joe from Jonathans walked in to the circle confidently. The scar on his eyebrow was something I left him with last year. I spotted Tom standing a little bit away leaning on a tree. "Take your chance now Parker" I said and watched his confused face. "What?" he kind of whispered "The second fight is yours, get your arse to the circle" I said and his jaw dropped. "I have never done this Angel! oh my god you cant do this.." he stuttered. "Shut up! You wanted to be in so you better go to the circle right now or you will be back at one!" I said angrily. I could feel my temprature rising a tad bit. Anger filling my body. I couldn't see Jonathan anywhere. "Look what we got here, a skinny loser!" Joe said. Other things were going around about Tom as he walked closer to the circle nervously. I could tell he was scared.

Tom's P.O.V

My legs were shaking so much. Do you wonder how im feeling at the moment? well, scared, nervous, weak and insecure. Nathan and Siva ushered me in to the circle and that's when I had to face the man that im going to fight. Tall, muscular body, dark blue eyes and blonde-brown hair. He had a scar on his left eyebrow. It was hard to ignore the scar while looking at his face. His clothing looked similar to the others, black jeans, white shirt and a leather jacket. "READY, STEADY AND GO!" Siva screamed and the guy infront of me attacked me with a punch on my right eye. I could feel a bruise forming as I felt the pain reach my brain.  His group was screaming which I assumed was his name Joe. Before I could react he punched my guts. The pain made me weak at the knees I fell to the ground, blood dripping from my mouth. Joe moved his leg to make his final move and his group cheered. I can't lose this fight, its my only chance to get in. Before the kick I grabbed his foot and twisted it and he fell to the ground screaming in pain. I got up and whiped the blood from my mouth with my sleeve. The cheering died and the only sound remaining was Joes screaming. "now shut the hell up cunt!" Max screamed with his strong Manchester accent at him as he hugged me. What? just a few days ago he had his hands around my throut wanting to kill me?  "Congratulations mate, you're in" Nathan and Siva said at the same time."The last fight today is between the bosses." Jay stated and I dozed off for a second. The bosses? who could they be? When that question crossed my mind a guy as tall as Jay and Siva walked in the circle and Angel did too. WHAT? not Angel oh my god, this cant be true. Angel put her hair up in a messy bun and rolled her sleeves up, that's when I realised that she had one of her wrists tattooed with some thing I couldn't see in the dark. "AT 3! 1, 2, 3!" Jay screamed signaling that the fight has begun. With that, both attacked each other..

A/N CLIFFHANGER!! DUN DUN DUN! what do you guys think? Who is going to win the fight? still Claire is unknown. Claires story will be revealed in the next chapter. I'll try my best to update as fast as I can. I was thinking of writing a Siva fanfic. should I or not? 372 reads and 34 votes on this story?! oh come on I never even thought that This would get 10 reads!! Thanks to everyone who is reading and I love you all!!

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