Chapter 1

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Hey everyone this is my first story on Wattpad and English is not my native language so I apologise for any mistakes. Anyway, enjoy the story!

Joanna's POV

A quick look on the clock. Shit 8 o'clock! I should really leave for my first day of my last year in high school. I should be happy because it's my last year ,but I recently broke up with my girlfriend Rosie. She cheated on me. Cheating just makes me so angry. Even though I still loved her,I decided to split. Also things will get awkward because we have mutual friends .. With those thoughts on my mind I jumped on my bike and went to school.

I arrived just in time. I checked my schedule and got to see wich teachers I had to handle with the coming months: Mrs. Rodriguez, a potato on legs. I let out a sigh , Mr. Graham, uhg he's deaf. He doesn't hear anything we say . It can be quite funny sometimes. By the next name my heart skipped a beat. Ms. Mitchell is going to teach me history and French. Ms Mitchell is a 23 years old teacher . she has blond hairs and bright blue eyes. She's openly gay, everyone liked that about her and oh she has a 2 years old son. How do I know all of this? 3 years ago Ms Mitchell just started her career as teacher. She was so vulnerable, no one ever listened to her. I was the only one who helped her to clean up. While doing that we talked a lot and got to know each other very well. We really had a click. A year later she got pregnant. Rumours told me that it was from a one night stand and she was really drunk. I know her after all those conversations we had and I know she would never ever have sex with a guy even if she was drunk. Hmm, let's see when I get to see her again. 2nd period. Perfect!

First period with Mr. Graham went by so slowly. I thought it was never going to end. As soon as the bell rang, I packed my stuff and ran to Ms. Mitchell. As I walk into the room I see Martin sitting in the back. I run up to him and give him a big hug. I'm glad that we have at least one class together. He's my best friend since we were toddlers .

Alex Mitchell's POV

'Oh gosh', I mumbled when I saw all those teenagers sitting in front of me. 'Why can't I just have normal students instead of these monkeys?' I thought. But then my eye fell on Joanna. Wow, that was a long time ago since I've seen her. Maybe this year is going to be a good year. The start of this class was one with a smile.

Joanna's POV

"Okay", Ms Mitchell started after we all introduced ourselves, "I need a babysitter for my son, if you're interested, just write your name and number on a piece of paper and hand it to me after class." There was 20 minutes left. I wrote my number and name on a piece of paper. I tried to concentrate , but I always got distracted by her smile. I had to do something to stop staring at her or she'll think I've become a creep. So I just started talking to Martin about his gameblog. The bell rang. Slowly I packed my stuff and walked to Ms Mitchell's desk. Two other people already gave their number. She was busy writing when I handed her the piece of paper. She looked up to see who it was and a big grin appaered on her face when she saw it was me. She stood up from her chair. I'm almost as tall as her. "So, how are you?", she asked. "Not that good", I answered. Ms. Mitchell looks at me with her typical question-face. "We broke up" , I sighed , " Finally", she mumbled. I ignored it. Rosie was not really loved in this school: she was known as the badgirl, she keeps the record of most detention, she skips school more than she comes to it. Luckily, Ms. Mitchell changed subjects and we talked about her citytrip to Londen . The bell rang again. "Break's over", she said, "yeah, see you soon", I smiled and I walked out of the room.

Alex Mitchell's POV

I watched her leaving the room. I couldn't help but I was staring at her. She got a bit taller, her hairs were a bit lighter from the sun and her braces got off. Three years ago , I already thought she was beautiful, but now she is just stunning!

Joanna's POV

While walking down the hallway, someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around and saw it was Rosie. She was still beautiful with her long red hair and pale face. " Are you trying to avoid me?!", she asked angrily. "No..", I said, still a little vexed, " I was just talking to a teacher." "Look, this is my life,Rosie and I know we agreed to stay friends and don't start acting weird and stuff, but I don't want you to run after me while I try to go on with my life,it doesn't mean I'm avoiding you!" and I walked away without looking back. It hurts me to speak to her like that , but I have to hold on. We're not getting back together.

A few hours later I meet my friends - and Rosie- at our lunchtable. All my friends I have in school are straight so they won't understand my gay struggles, but I love them anyway. First we have Lindsay, she talks a lot about her boyfriend and sex, everybody know all details about her sex life. Then we have Kelsey, she's just a normal girl and sits in my soccer team. Sophia is a quiet girl, if she talks it's mostly about fanfiction and stuff, she kinda is the nerd of the group. Last but not least we have Ailene, she is a popular girl, nobody understands why she's sitting with us, because she's got so many popular friends. We all like her and let's say.. She isn't ugly.

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