Chapter Three: Movie Night

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Angelica's POV:
I was sitting on the couch, looking through the movies we'd be watching for our movie night, when I heard Crawford yell.  "Krizzy get the hell off me!" They appeared in the living room, with her on his back, and him trying to get her off. It took him a few minutes, but he eventually managed to get her off his back. I laughed at them. They had basically proved my thoughts on them still being close, even though they argue like there's no tomorrow. It was actually quite entertaining to watch.

After Karisma had finally given up on annoying Crawford, she plopped down on the couch next to me. "So, what movie are we watching first?" She asked. "Well, we have Just Go With It, The Conjuring, Minions, The Exorcist, and Meet The Parents." I said, looking at the stack of movies in front of me. "I vote for Minions." Crawford said sitting on the other side of me. "No! That movie's for little kids Crawf! We should watch Just Go With It." Karisma argued, making both Crawford and I fake gasp. "You take that back! Minions are awesome, your just jealous that you're not as cool as them." I joked, sticking my tongue out at her, making Crawford laugh. "She'll never understand the importance of minions." Crawford joined in, before slinging an arm over my shoulder. I tried my hardest to hide the blush that was making its way to my cheeks, but failed miserably. I wouldn't admit it, but I didn't want him to take his arm away. 

Karisma took note of Crawford's arm over my shoulder immediately, and didn't hesitate to speak up. "Can you not flirt with my best friend? She's not another one of your bets that you can toy with." Karisma snapped. Crawford took his arm off me quickly, as I widened my eyes in shock. Did Crawford really use girls like that? I would definitely have to ask him about that later. "Shut up Karisma, that was a long time ago and you know it!" Crawford yelled, making me wince due to how loud he was. "Guys, stop fighting, please." I begged, trying to defuse the situation. However, Crawford had another idea. 

He just got up and stormed into the backyard, without a single glance at either of us. "What the hell is wrong with you Karisma?" I asked, catching her off guard. "What are you talking about?" Karisma asked, confused. "Why did you have to bring up something he clearly doesn't want to talk about?" I asked, more calm this time. "I'm sorry, I just don't want him to lead you on and hurt you like he used to do with girls." Karisma said. I hugged her. "It's ok Krizzy, I know you only want to look out for me." I said as we sat there hugging for a moment. "You should go check on him." I said "I'm pretty sure that you'd have a better chance than I would." She replied. "Fine, then I'll go check on him." I said as I got up. Karisma nodded before I walked towards the backyard, praying that everything would turn out alright.

Once I walked into the backyard, I found Crawford laying on the grass, looking up at the stars. I hesitantly lay down beside him, not knowing what to say. It was silent for a few minutes, both of us just staring at the stars, until I finally broke the silence. "Are you alright?" I asked, looking over at him. "Yea, I'm fine." He said, not taking his gaze off of the sky. I could tell he was lying. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, hoping he would at least look at me. "You wouldn't understand." He muttered, closing his eyes tightly, as though he was trying to block something out of his mind. "Try me." I said, looking back at the beautiful sky above us. "I was a stupid kid. I hurt innocent girls. I made those stupid bets so that I could fit in. I was so obsessed with being popular back then, I didn't realize how badly my actions could hurt others. I regret what I did to those girls back then, which is why I've tried so hard to push those horrible memories behind me." He said, finally looking at me. 

I could see how sincere he was by the look in his eyes. "You shouldn't beat yourself up over the past. People make mistakes all the time, that's what makes us human. No one is perfect." I said, and gave him a slight smile. "You probably think I'm a horrible person now, don't you?" He muttered, turning back to the sky. "No, I actually think you're an great person." I replied, wanting nothing more than to see that adorable smile of his. "Thanks Angelica, you really know how to cheer someone up." He said, before getting up and giving me a small smile."I try." I joked, before getting up as well. 

My Best Friend's Brother // Crawford CollinsWhere stories live. Discover now