Chapter Seven: My Girl

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Angelica's POV:
I woke up to Crawford lightly shaking me. "Ang, Matt's plane landed." He said. As much as I wanted to see the guys, I didn't want to leave Crawford's arms. They were so warm, and I felt safe in them. I groggily lifted my head from his chest, before I put my arm loosely around his neck to keep me from falling off his lap, since he moved his arms. "Where are they?" I asked, searching through the crowd of people for any of them. "Probably getting their luggage." Crawford said. I got off his lap when I saw a flash of very familiar blonde hair. "Matt!" I squealed, running up to him. 

He dropped his bag and took off full speed towards me, lifting me up and spinning me around. "Ang!" Matt exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. People would of probably thought we were dating, based on our actions. We were always like this around each other. "I missed my favorite girl." Matt said, finally setting me down. He got his luggage. "I missed you too." I said, earning a huge grin from him. I smiled at him before we made our way over to Crawford, Chris, and Karisma. Matt loosely slung his arm over my shoulder. I noticed Crawford tense up the moment he noticed Matt's arm. "Hey bro." Matt said, bro-hugging him and Chris, and giving Karisma a quick hug. "Bro, can I talk to you for a second?" Crawford asked Matt. He simply nodded and both boys headed out of earshot. I hoped there wouldn't be drama between us.

Crawford's POV:
Once I was sure no one would hear us, I turned to Matt. "Why the hell didn't you tell me that you knew the Angelica Hastings?" I exclaimed. "I don't have to tell you everything Crawford." Matt said, rolling his eyes. My blood was boiling, and I had to clench and unclench my fists to remain calm. "You knew how much I like her! A good friend would've told me!" I yelled, frustrated. "I knew that if I told you, you would've just gotten in the way of everything!" Matt snapped at me. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, confused. "She's always been my girl, and I'm not about to let a stupid crush ruin that. It's bad enough that I had to watch Sam sweep her off her feet for two years." Matt said. I couldn't hold in my anger anymore, so I grabbed him by his collar. "It's not some dumb crush, and you know it! You don't want to admit to yourself that Angelica might like me the way that I like her!" I yelled, before roughly letting go of his collar. I was fuming, and all I wanted was to get out of the airport and away from Matt. 

I stormed over to Angelica, who was talking to Cameron and Nash, who had just gotten their bags. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the guys and dragged her outside. Once we were outside, I turned to her. "Crawf, what the hell is going on?" Angelica asked, confused. "It's nothing, I just needed to get out of there..." I trailed off, not wanting to tell her what really happened, knowing it would crush her. She hated when people didn't get a long. "Crawford, I know you're lying. What's the real reason you brought me out here?" She asked quietly. I knew I'd have to tell her eventually. "Matt never told me he knows you, because he doesn't want me getting in the way of you being 'his' girl. That's why I got mad in the fort." I admitted, putting air quotes around the word 'his'. I didn't dare look at her. 

Angelica didn't say anything, just stayed quiet. "Matt's going to have to accept that I'm not his girl. If I like you, that's my choice, and he should accept that and be happy for me." Angelica said, looking at the ground. I felt bad for putting a frown on her beautiful face, all I wanted was for her to smile again. "Try telling that to him."  I muttered, rolling my eyes. It was silent for a moment, before I heard the sound of Angelica suppressing a sob. "I'm s-sorry I'm ruining your f-friendship. I hope you know that I never planned on d-doing that." Angelica stuttered, her voice cracking.

 She was trying her best not to break down. I mentally cursed myself for putting that heartbroken look on her face, and all I wanted was to take the pain she was feeling away. "Hey, hey. It's alright babe, this isn't your fault." I said softly, pulling her into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me, before she broke down in my arms. I soothingly ran my fingers through her soft brown hair until she calmed down. She eventually pulled away, not wanting things to get weird between us again. I noticed she still had tears on her face. I softly took her face in my hands and wiped her tears away with my thumb. After I had successfully dried all her tears, I kissed the top of her head. "You look beautiful when you cry." I complimented, earning a blush from her. "Thanks, Crawford. You're an incredible guy." Angelica smiled, before going on her tip toes and kissing my cheek. I swear my cheek turned pink automatically. 

We made our way back inside, before she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I smiled at her before lifting our intertwined hands up, and pressing a kiss to her hand. She giggled. Karisma and the guys stared at us as we approached them. I could see Matt glaring at me. "We should get to the hotel." Chris said, and we all agreed. Cameron and Nash were too busy staring at mine and Angelica's intertwined fingers. "Aww, I ship you guys so hard!" Nash said, with a fake white girl accent. 

We laughed before making our way to the car. Matt didn't say a word, just kept glaring at us, me in particular. When we got to the car we realized that there weren't enough seats for everyone, so Angelica climbed into the far end of car, where all the bags were. She hadn't let go of my hand, not that I was complaining. She only briefly let go of it when she climbed into the back, but she immediately laced our fingers together once we were both seated. Matt was sitting on the other side, with Nash and Cameron in the middle. 

The two of us kept trying to get Angelica's attention, but she was more interested in her music. "Ang, is there more room up there?" I asked, getting an idea. "Yea there is, why?" Angelica asked. I didn't respond, just hopped over the seats and took a seat next to her. She playfully rolled her eyes at me. "Can I see your phone?" She asked. "Why?" I asked, confused. "I want to look at your photos." She replied nonchalantly. "No way!" I said, not wanting her to see some of my embarrassing photos. "Please?" She pouted. I knew I wouldn't be able to say no to her. "Ugh, fine." I groaned, before passing her my phone. "You've got him wrapped around your finger Ang." Karisma said from the front seat, making Angelica laugh. "I do, don't I?" She joked while she scrolled through my photos. I stuck my tongue out at her, before taking an ear bud from her ear and placing it in mine. "Throwback music!" I exclaimed, earning laughs from everyone, even Matt, though he tried to hide it. I wanted to work things out with him, but he needed to understand that Angelica can choose to like whoever she wants. Hopefully, this would all blow over soon.

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