Dream Stolen Kisses

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In my mind, the dream always plays so good.

It goes from flowers to kisses in seconds.

I look at you and ponder if the risk will pay off with a great reward.

I just want to grab your face in my hands, and slowly work my way in; savoring every corner of your lips. I imagine how soft they will feel against my own.

I wonder how your 5 o'clock shadow would feel against the softness of my skin.

I wonder if the risk of just stealing your lips, if only for seconds, would release the tamed beast in me.

If you will kiss me with as much intensity as I would you.

I replay the scene of that stolen kiss, over and over again. Hoping and wishing that one day it will be real.

And when that day comes; I will steal them bravely as I did in this dream.

Steal kisses from you. Even though I know it will never be enough...

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