Pink Sunglasses

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That is the only word I can use to describe what I am feeling.

I know I disappointed you. But you disappointed me as well.

Not just once but multiple times.

You play my like a fiddle. And I was at your every beck and call.

I realized not what I was doing.

I was harming myself physically and emotionally.

You were harming my soul, my feeling, my mind and body.

You are a grown man.

You knew EXACTLY what you were doing.

And like a stupid little girl. I fell for you trap.

I laid barren inside of it. Letting it consume my entire being.

It took me eternity to realize what YOU were doing to me.

And still I made up excuses for you. For your behavior.

And as soon as I stopped with the excuses.

My pink colored sunglasses slipped off.

And I saw you for what you truly were.

The pink hues of this crush no longer blinding me.

You could have had us. You could have had something great.

But you chose to betray me instead.

I am now a grown woman. Who will never let a grown man treat me the way you did and still do.

I am no longer blinded and you saw that too.

I know my soul will find it's true soul. And for once I am glad it's not you.

He will be kind, just like my before.

Then when you look at me beaming. You will then realize what your soul will cry out to you.

It will cry out in pain. Because your hands did not remove my pink sunglasses to show me a beautiful world.

But rather they fell on their own. And for that your soul will never forgive you.

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