Ch2 - Long Lost Cousin

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To avoid confusion (and to make it easier) I will now put HTTYD1 Hiccup in plain text and HTTYD2 Hiccup (and any other HTTYD2 characters) in bold text. Enjoy!

HTTYD1 - The Kill Ring

"Quite down! The elder has decided!" Stoick's monstrous voice boomed. The crowd instantly hushed, they knew better than to contradict their chief. Gobber had Hiccup at his side and a fuming Astrid at the other. He held his hook over the blonde's head, who tried to give a reassuring look to the old lady. The elder shook her head and Astrid scowled.

The hook was held over Hiccup's head. The lady's lips curled into a smile as she nodded. Everyone cheered, but their celebrating was cut short by a bright flashing light and a rather loud bang. The village looked around shocked, some even let out a small scream. They all looked to the source of the sound to find a man dressed in leather armour, looking rather stunned.

Hiccup blinked his eyes a few times, getting them used to the bright light. He found that he had his helmet on, when did that happen? Hiccup got up and looked around, only to find many eyes staring back at him. He instantly recognized many of the faces to be people from his village. What on Midgard had happened? A loud voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Hiccup turned his face to the sound, only to see another familiar face, one he thought he would never see again.

"Dad?" The muffled word escaped his lips without his permission. Stoick went from angry to confused. He instantly went back to angry when he realised that this man was probably crazy, after all he did come out of nowhere.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Stoick roared, making everyone jump. Hiccup thought for a second, then came up with a name.

"Henry, my name is Henry" He said, trying his best to sound calm. He had never the best at lying.

Hiccup looked inquisitively and the masked-man, that voice sounded rather familiar. No one else seemed to notice anything off, so why did he? Stoick went on, his temper getting worse. How dare this man interrupt his son's moment of glory!

"Henry? Just Henry?" The man shrieked, eye brow raised. Hiccup quickly thought. He had no idea why he was here, or how. For all he knew this could be a dream! He decided it was better to play it safe. Hiccup came up with a brillant-ish idea. It wasn't the best but he decided to go along with it.

"Haddock, Henry Haddock" declared Hiccup. The glance Stoick gave was no short of surprise.

"I think we should take this to the great hall" He said rather grimly, "Everyone go on with your day! I have some business to take care of..."

"Who are you?! What are you doing here!? Why do you share my name!?" Stoick had plenty of questions to ask the mysterious man. Said man hesitated, obviously not knowing what to say. Stoick came up with another question.

"Why don't you take your helmet off?" He investigated. The inexplicable man fumbled before answering.

"I, uh, can't" Stoick raised his eye brow, before indicating for him to go on.

"I, um, have a horrible scar on my face! Yes that's it!" The chief decided not to question the man's strange reason, but rather he let the matter go.

"Anyway... as I asked before, why do you share my name? Haddock that is." He quizzed the man. A cool breeze made the pair shudder as light flooded the empty hall.

"Dad I..." The young Hiccup trailed off, seeing the mysterious man and his dad. Hiccup looked shocked, here it was, younger him!

"Son, may I introduce Henry, Henry Haddock" Hiccup's eyes widened, then went back to normal. So that's why he sounded familiar, they were related! How though?

"Henry Haddock?" He said. Stoick nodded in agreement.

"Yes, that is a question we still need an answer to"

"Um... well you see... we are long lost cousins! And my tribe was, uh... under attack by dragons, so I fled! And that's where I got the scar! Yes and I fled here!" Stoick had never been a smart man, so he took it as the truth. On the other hand, Hiccup was. He didn't exactly buy the story, but he shrugged it off as nothing.

"What tribe?" The chief asked, hooked onto the story. Hiccup racked his brain for other tribe names.

"The Bog-Burglars!" He declared. Stoick looked baffled.

"But aren't the Bog Burglars an all-women tribe?" His eyebrow raising, once again. Hiccup tried not to laugh.

"Yeah but you know they still need men for you know, um, reproducing" Hiccup said, lowering his voice at the last part.

"Oh, yes, right, of course" Stoick said, coughing awkwardly.

"Anyway, since there's nowhere else for you to go, and winter is coming up, would you like to stay here on berk for a while?"

"Oh, yes thanks" Hiccup gleamed, he didn't know why he was here, or how, but he wouldn't mind a bit of quality time with his dad.

"Great! You can stay in Hiccup's room!" Stoick said, clapping his great hands together. Hiccup didn't know what to feel. Annoyed at someone else in his room? Happy that he could watch the strange man even closer? Not that he spent that much time in his room anyway.

"Oh and Hiccup, please take Henry on a tour around the village." Stoick told the younger boy. Hiccup, or should I say Henry, rolled his eyes. Show him around the village! He knew this village like the back of his hands! Not that they knew that. He went along with it anyway.

"Come along, I'll show you around. Maybe introduce you to a few people as well" Hiccup said warily, not really caring that much. He had wanted to visit Toothless, and to maybe come up with a good plan on how to avoid his final exam, but hopefully with the sudden events that wouldn't happen now.

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