Ch5 - Jealousy

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Hiccup and Henry walked back to the great hall together, side by side and mostly in silence. Henry honestly couldn't think of anything to say, he knew pretty much everything anyway, and Hiccup was to shocked to speak.

By the time they reached the hall the sun was setting, and the night's cold wind was already starting to blow. Many heads turned to the door, before settling back to their meals. Hiccup led Henry over to his standard place, an empty table down the back of the hall.

"Why here? Why don't we sit with the other teena-"

"No! No way!" Hiccup cut Henry off, "there is no way I'm sitting with them!"

"Why though?" Henry asked inquisitively, he really couldn't remember why he didn't hang out with the gang after Toothless started showing him ways to win in the ring.

"I don't know... They seem to really like me now just because I've been doing well in the ring, it's weird! Well all of them but Astrid..." Hiccup sighed. Henry nodded in understanding, he could vaguely remember feeling somewhat like this back in the day.

"Hello!" A voice interrupted his thoughts, a rather feminine voice belonging to a certain blonde. Astrid sat down right next to Henry, grinning up at him while looking rather... Flirty?

Hiccup immediately saw what she was doing and felt a surge of anger. How dare she go for him! Henry felt shocked as he registered what the younger girl was doing. Watching the younger Astrid flirt with him was really weird. The youthful girl continued, unaware of the pair's reactions.

"So, Henry, how are you? How do you like Berk?" she inquired, looking up at him with sparkling eyes. "Uhhhhhh" was Henry's only response. He was to shocked to respond. Back at Berk, well, his Berk Astrid hardly ever flirted and, if she did, it would usually be laced in quite a lot of sass.

"Great! It's very... pretty" He finally responded, unsure of what else he could of said.

"That's great, I'm SO glad you like it." Astrid continued, asking him what he thought of different parts of Berk. Hiccup watched the exchange take place, completely silent. The boy knew that if he opened his mouth to say something, it would never closed. It was better to bottle up his boiling anger for later.

Henry finally got out of the rather one sided conversation, claiming that he needed to get some rest. Astrid replied with a bleak yes, obviously sorry to see him go. Hiccup, hearing the excuse, instantly made his way to the doors at the other side of the hall, anxious to leave the sight of a flirty Astrid.

The pair walked back to Hiccup's house in silence. Henry could sense the seething anger reeking from the young boy's body, getting worse by the minute. As soon as they entered the house, Hiccup let himself loose.

"What in THOR'S NAME was THAT?" He practically screeched. Hiccup's anger was obviously exaggerated from the time he had spent pondering on it and bottling it up. Henry had a rather shocked, but understanding, look plastered over his face, even though Hiccup couldn't see it through the mask.

"I don't know!" He said, throwing his hands up in defence. Little him could be scary. Speaking of the devil, Hiccup let out a loud huff, storming his way up to his small room. Henry cautiously followed, remembering it being said that he was to stay with his younger self.

Hiccup honestly didn't know what to think now. Astrid? Flirting with HENRY?! It was WEIRD. Well he could see why. The older man was tall, muscly, smart, and if the brown hair peeking from the helmet and emerald green eyes shining through where anything to go by, quite handsome too. Oh how he wished he looked like that. Who knows? Maybe he would one day. Hah! Imagine that! Astrid flirting with him! Wouldn't THAT be something? Hiccup was interrupted from his thoughts by the sound of Henry slowly coming up into his room. The boy let out a sigh, releasing his earlier anger. After all, it wasn't really Henry's fault.

"OK, uh, you can sleep over here. Just let me, um, get my sleeping mat for you." Hiccup said, walking over to his bed and pulling out a rolled up mat. Henry took it, placing it on the floor. The younger boy took his time in getting into the bed, watching the man take off his armour to reveal a green tunic, much like his own, underneath. He then watched, fascinated, as he then took his helmet off.


Ok I am terribly sorry for what happened. I accidentally published this (because I am super clumsy) when I was like, half done. Vere silly of me. 

Anyway I would like to say that now I am homeschooling (hooray!) so I should be able to update more often, especially since this is basically my English work now :) I should hopefully update some time soon.

- Wolfygrace

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