Ch4 - Don't Run Away

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Henry walked around the village. He really didn't have very much to do. Usually he would be flying Toothless, working in the forge or spending time with Astrid. That's when he wasn't doing chiefly duties that is. Like an answer to his prayers, Gobber ran up.

"Henry, was it?" He asked, waving his hook around. Henry nodded. "Ah good, well you see, um, I could use a bit of help in the forge. Are you any good?"

Henry nodded once again.

"Great! Right this way! I need a little help with making weapons" He blabbered, leading the tall boy. They reached the forge and Henry looked around, spotting the young Hiccup, who was sharpening weapons.

Gobber told him what to do, he also showed him where everything was. Henry, of course, knew. He got to work, pouring molten iron into moulds, putting sword handles and blades together, sharpening the weapons. The whole time, he was glancing over to Hiccup. The young boy had a pile of old weapons to sharpen. Henry watched as he struggled to pick the blades up and sharpen them.

Ah he remembered those days of sharpening. Standing inside the forge during raids. Looking out at the fighting. He remembered when he went and shot toothless down with his bola launcher... Toothless! The dragon would probably be in the cove right now.

When was it? Oh yes, right after the battle between Hiccup, Astrid and the Gronkle, so Toothless would be there. Oh... oh no... That was right when Hiccup had tried to run away. Astrid stopped him of course, but the only reason she knew he was going was because she saw him while training in the woods. Henry had seen the blonde going to the great hall, not training!

Henry glanced over to the sharpening wheel, Hiccup was gone. Henry excused himself from making weapons. Gobber didn't seem to mind. He couldn't let Hiccup run away. If, somehow, he had freakishly gone back in time, then anything that happened would affect the future. If Hiccup ran away, then who knows what would happen to Henry! He could become a crazy nomad, or even dead!

He raced to the forest, not even having to think about where he was going. It was like the route to the cove was hardwired into his head. Henry got there in what felt like seconds. He hid behind one of the rocks at the entrance, listening.

"Leaving, we're leaving. Let's pack up, it looks like we're taking a little vacation, forever" Henry chuckled, hearing the words from the boy. Next, he didn't hear of the sound of Astrid sharpening her blade, but Toothless bounding up. Henry cautiously peaked around the stone. For a moment, he saw dragon and boy, happily together but Toothless, almost instantly, put on his worried face.

Henry watched as the reptile sniffed the air, his head snapping directly towards his hiding spot. He immediately hid back behind the rock. He shuddered, remembering how good Toothless' sense of smell was. He had his helmet on, it should have helped to mask his scent, right? Well apparently not.

"What's wrong, bud?" Hiccup mumbled, patting the worried dragon's head. He looked around the cove, finding nothing. Despite the empty area, Hiccup felt like someone was watching them both. Keeping his watch, Hiccup mounted Toothless. He was ready to leave. He hated this place, he couldn't kill the dragon, and he couldn't live here anymore! Toothless crouched, ready to take off.

"STOP!" A voice echoed out, bouncing around the walls. Hiccup winced, that voice really sounded familiar...

Henry's eyes widened as the words left his mouth. A part of his brain told him that he shouldn't have said that, but another part told him that if he didn't, Hiccup would leave for good, and he would have no way of following. He watched as Hiccup immediately stiffened, hearing the shout. Henry considered showing himself. He decided that he should, after all, Hiccup knew he was there. He would have to pretend he didn't know Toothless, though. He stepped out of hiding.

"HENRY?!" Hiccup shouted, "Uh, I can explain!" he said gesturing to Toothless. Henry, pretending to have no idea, crossed his arms and cleared his throat, waiting for the response.

"Uh, well..." Hiccup proceeded to explain how he shot down Toothless, and trained him, and how he planned to run away on him. Henry nodded, remembering the things as he said it.

"Yeah, well, you won't tell anyone, will you?" Hiccup pleaded, then continuing, "WOW this is crazy! You come out of nowhere, you work in the forge like me, you help me with Astrid, well promise to anyway, and now you find Toothless! And all in one day, too!"

"Yeah, it is pretty crazy, isn't it? And don't worry, no one will find out" not yet, anyway.

"Thankyou! I've never met anyone as nice as you! Actually, you kinda remind me of..." Hiccup trailed off, thinking.

"You" Henry finished for him.

"Yeah, you do actually!" Hiccup said, rather happily.

"Uh huh, funny about that..." Henry trailed off.

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