Ch3 - Village Tour

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Annnnddd I'm back with another chapter! Sorry for taking so long to update!!

To make it easier and to avoid even more confusion. I will now be calling the older Hiccup Henry, like what all the other characters call him. Just remember that it is still Hiccup from HTTYD2!

Henry walked around, following the younger version of himself. Hiccup was showing him around the village. Henry tried to sound interested, but it was hard when he knew the village incredibly well, probably even better than the scrawny boy in front of him. It will still interesting to relive past memories with the exact people and in the exact same looking place as before.

"This is the forge. Gobber is our blacksmith here, and I'm his apprentice." Henry's head jolted up, looking at the old shack. It was so simple! He was used to the machines in the forge on his version of Berk.

"That's cool, I'm also a blacksmith" Henry said, without thinking.

"Awesome! Do you want to see some of my inventions?" Hiccup said, beaming with excitement. Henry smiled, knowing most likely exactly what he was going to show.


"Ok follow me" Hiccup summoned. He walked through the forge, pushing all the items hanging from the roof out of the way. Henry kept on bumping his head. When he was in this place 6 years ago, he was a lot shorter.

"Ok right through here"

Henry followed the shorter boy through the door. In his version of the study, he made the door taller so he could easily walk through without ducking. He never thought he would say it, but he kinda missed being short.

Henry watched, stifling a laugh as he watched the young boy quickly hide the papers on his desk. He was pretty sure he knew what the papers were. Hiccup coughed awkwardly, trying to cover up what just happened.

"Anyways, this is my study" Hiccup said. Henry nodded, pretending he didn't notice the pictures of Toothless.

"Nice, it's a little like mine at home." Henry mentally slapped himself, he did not mean to say that.

"Oh, so you invent as well?" Hiccup said, eyes wide. He hadn't met many other smart Vikings in his time. The man actually reminded him of himself..... Nah, he didn't even know that much about the man for Thor's sake!

"Yup" Henry nodded, "Anyway! Let's get on with the tour shall we?" He didn't exactly want that particular conversation to continue. The last thing he wanted was for Hiccup to discover his true identity.

"Ok then.... Let's go!"

They went on for a while. Hiccup blabbering on about all the different places in the village. Henry hardly paying attention. People giving the strange man weird looks...

"Hey Astrid! Over here!" Hiccup shouted, snapping Henry out of his trance. He looked over at the scowling girl. Hiccup went over to the girl and Henry.

"What do you want Hiccup?" She hissed. Spitting his word out like it was venom.

"Oh, um, I just wanted you to meet Henry" Hiccup said, turning a little red. Astrid glared at the boy, her eyes then moving up to Henry.

She studied the young man. He had some sort of very un-Viking like intricate leather armour on, as well as a leather helmet. She could she some brown hair peeking out from his helmet, it looked a little like Hiccup's actually. Well it kinda made sense, apparently they were related. She kinda liked the look of him actually.

"Astrid? Astrid? Astrid!" Henry called, making her look up. She felt her face turn red with embarrassment.

"Um, are you alright?" He asked. Astrid nodded, gulping. She then quickly scurried away.

"Ugh she hates me" Hiccup sighed. Henry knew exactly what was going on in his head.

"So you like her?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

"Uh, yeah kinda..." Hiccup turned an even darker shade of red.

"Aww that's cute, I think you two would be adorable together" Henry grinned. Hiccup's head snapped up.

"You think so?!" He gleamed. Henry nodded.

"Well I don't... She hates me, after all, why would she like me? I'm useless!" Hiccup cried, miserably. Henry's eyes widened, he remembered feeling this way. And he knew exactly what to do...

"Useless? You're not useless! Think of all the things you've done! All the inventions you've made! All the ways you have helped your village!" Henry encouraged him.

"Yeah but..."

"No buts! You are a big help too this village! They just have to see it."

"You think so?" Hiccup said, eyes bright. Henry nodded.

"And you know what? While I'm here, I will try and get Astrid and you together!" Henry declared. He had no idea why he was here, so he may as well help his younger self! He didn't really have anything better to do anyway.

"Thank you! I doubt you can do it, but thank you for trying!" Hiccup said elastically. Henry smirked under the helmet, maybe this trip would be worth it.

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