Chapter 13 ~ Notes everywhere...

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I pulled the note off of the door and read it slowly not knowing what to expect.

Go to the first place we ever met...
Xx - Cam

Think Asha, think. Where was the first place we met? I should know this.
"Umm, oh right the park a few minutes' walk from here." I said out loud to no one in particular.
I took off my shoes and carried them as I walked to the park, knowing I would look extremely overdressed not to mention uncomfortable walking to the park just down the road. I pulled out my phone knowing Kenz would kill me if I didn't tell her all the goss. I started texting her, finding it extremely difficult as I clumsily juggled my shoes and purse.
After I finished texting Kenz I continued to walk to the park, kinda regretting the fact that I'm wasn't wearing any shoes and just carrying my (really cute might I add) wedges.
I eventually arrived at the park and looked around to see if I could find Cam but he was nowhere to be seen. All I COULD see, besides the normal things in the park, was another note taped to a tree. As I walked over to the tree I remembered that it was the tree that Cam and I used to climb together when we were younger. As I reached the tree I pulled off the note noticing a carving underneath. A memory suddenly rushed into my mind of Cam and I carving our names into this very tree on his 15 birthday in 2013 just as MagCon was starting.
(A/N: Cam's Birthday is September 8th in 1998 for this story, so he's currently 16, 17 in September and Asha's birthday is April 5th 1999 and she turned 16 this year. I am aware that Cam is actually born in 1994 but to make sure he's in high school and closer to Asha's age he's is born in 1998 for this story.)
I eventually came back to reality from my memory and read the second note.

You've obviously found the second note so now make your way two who's Evers house we've had the most sleepovers at. (Including all MagCon + Kenna)
Xx - Cam

I instantly knew where to go. I began walking to Johnson and Gilinsky's house. That's where we always have the MagCon meetings and we end up having too much fun and we all spend the night there. I love hanging with the squad there. It's one of my favourite places to be.
It was about a 10 minute walk there so before I left the park, I got my earphones and plugged them into my iPhone before starting my playlist that had songs by Jack and Jack, Maddie (Maddison Beer) and Shawn.
(I know that Maddie and Gilinsky are dating but let's forget about that for now please. Thank you!☺️)
The first song that came on was Melodies by Maddie. I'm so proud of all my friends and what they've done. Some have music. Some have books and some just have extremely successful YouTube or vine channels. Which ever it be, I'm proud.
After a few songs I got to the Jacks house. I lifted my hand up to knock on the door but before I could, Johnson opened the door.
"Hey Ashaaa" Johnson said dragging out the 'A'.
"Hey Johnsonnnnn" I replied dragging out the 'N'.
He told me to follow him and as I was following him to the backyard, which had a back gate that opened to the beach, I saw Gilinsky sitting on the lounge looking extremely sad but also in deep thought. He looked up and saw me which just made him even more depressed.
Note-to-self: Ask about that later.
I'll just forget it for now though. I have a date with Mr Dallas to get to.
Johnson lead me to the back gate and before opening it he took my heels, purse and phone, which I didn't mind because I trust the boys a lot. He handed me a blindfold and told me to put it on.
I placed it over my eyes gently, careful not to ruin my makeup, and got Johnson to tie it up.
I heard him open the gate and I felt two hands on my shoulders.
"Hey Little sis. If Cameron ever hurts you, tell me and I'll kill him." I recognised Matts voice and I was super happy. We need to have that brother sister weekend really soon. I miss how close we used to be. I turned around and hugged Matt as tight as I could.
"Thanks Matty boo" I replied in a baby voice. He just laughed and lead me along the beach. After what felt like an eternity of walking, Matt took off my blindfold and I couldn't believe what I saw in front of me...

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