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I try to stop crying but the tears keep coming. I hate him so much but I need him, I can't leave him. I'm still slouched outside the pub when Joe comes out and sees me. 

"Woah, what happened?" he says, coming over and looking me up and down. "Did he tell you?" I want to answer but I can't stop sobbing. He stands there awkwardly before putting a stiff arm round my shoulder as I manage to stop for a minute."What's wrong?" he asks. his voice soft.

"What's wrong? What's wrong is that Mick Jones is a self-centred bastard," I say, sniffing. 

"Tell me something I don't know," he says.

"I'm serious Joe. He's acting like this is all about him when it's not..."

"Why don't you come with us? It wouldn't be a problem at all."

"I can't just leave my whole life behind...I have to start college and get a job, I need to support myself..."

"Tell me something April," I look at him and he looks straight back. "Would it really be your whole life if he wasn't there with you? Maybe you and Mick are just a fling, you've said it yourself, but so what? Maybe that fling will be the best memory you'll ever have. Isn't that worth it?"

I know he's right.

"I wouldn't be able to go a day without thinking about him, but what about when you're not touring? I have no where to go...Neither do you," I say.

"It'll work out..." 

"No it won't. It won't Joe. If I leave then I've left behind all the chances I have at life, and I won't be able to get myself anywhere. But if I stay then I'll never be able to be happy again. People like me have to work to live, and I can't stay cooped up in that crappy flat with no money forever."

Joe stares intently at me and speaks as though he hasn't heart anything I've just said.

"Do you love him?" he asks. I can't help feeling slightly taken aback.


"Do you love Mick?" 

"Love's a strong word ... I mean, I want to be around him all the time and I think he's great ..."

"Then hold onto him and don't ever let him go."

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