Bonus Scene 2

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Jasmine's POV

I held the gun closer to me as my eyes scanned the area, alert for any movement.

I heard a crunch behind me and quickly turned, ready to aim.

In front of me stood no other than Caleb.

Both of our eyes were trained on each other, though neither of us made a move to shoot.

I don't know what we were both waiting for but what I did know was if neither of us made a move soon someone else would find and shoot both of us.

"Well, do you plan on shooting or what?" I finally asked.

"Why don't you shoot?" he replied.

I shrugged not having an answer.

I could hardly think straight with my heart beating at such a high rate.

"How about a deal? Neither of us shoots. We both put the guns down," I suggested.

"How can I be so sure?" he asked with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"We'll shake hands to seal the deal that way no guns in our hands," I said.

"Deal," he said dropping his gun and I followed suit before moving forward extending my hand.

He took my hand in his and sparks erupted through my whole arm.

I wonder if he felt them too.

Our hands were still together for a much longer period of time than a handshake should be, our eyes trained on each other once again.

Involuntarily, my eyes shifted to look at his lips for a mere second, though I know he noticed when his eyes did the same thing.

Before I knew it, he had pulled me into his arms, our lips meeting in a soft kiss.

It took me five seconds before I started responding and it was like all kinds of sparks erupted from my lips to every part of my body that he was touching. Butterflies gathered in my stomach and I felt very lightheaded.

It was like floating on a cloud.

A noise behind me caused us both to break apart and our heads to snap in the direction of the noise.

There stood Charlotte with a sheepish smile.

"Don't mind me guys, I'm leaving. You can return to what you were doing," she said causing both me and Caleb to turn a bright shade of red while looking down to stare at our shoes as if they were the most interesting thing on the planet.

I heard the sound of rustling and soon, Charlotte had disappeared back into the forest to continue her quest of finding the flag.

A quest I should probably be getting back to seeing as the moment was gone now.

"Umm," Caleb started, "We should probably be getting back now."

I nodded.

That's when we heard the sound of cheering and I grabbed my gun and began jogging towards the direction of the sound.

We had won and were all heading back to the campsite.

We were told to go rest until the food was ready.

I quickly went to Charlotte, dragging her away for us to talk in private.

"Well hello there. Are you and Caleb together now?" She asked eagerly.

"Umm, I'm not very sure. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. We kind of just awkwardly left after you appeared," I said.

"Aww, I'm so sorry Jazzy," she apologized.

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