Chapter 27: Pleasant & Unpleasant Surprises

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I know it's late but enjoy! Explanation in the A/N at the end!

The chapter is short and sucky, sorry about that!


☮Charlotte's POV☮

I looked at Drew and watched his face change from shock to hurt then anger. I turned to look at Vanessa and saw that she was as beautiful as Drew described her.

I suddenly started feeling a deep hatred for her.

It's probably because she hurt someone I loved and that really pissed me off.

"What are you doing here?" Drew asked his voice full of venom.

"I'm here with my school for a camping trip. It's so nice to see you," she said with a smile but was rewarded by a glare from Drew.

"I wouldn't say the same for you," Drew replied.

"Aww come Drewy bear, you can't possibly be still upset," she said.

"Don't, call me that," Drew said angrily his tone angry and loud and I saw Vanessa flinch, "And yes, I do still hate you. But, I'm no longer upset since I found someone better."

"Who? Don't tell me it's that ugly girl beside you," she said pointing at me and giving me a mean look.

"Yes, actually it is her. And she's the most beautiful girl in the world so watch your tongue," he said then grabbed my hand, "Come on, Charlotte."

I turned to look at Vanessa who was shooting daggers at me while I just gave her a smug look. I don't care if she thinks I'm ugly or whatever because in the end I'm the winner since I've got Drew.

"Drew, are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, don't worry," he replied walking faster.

"Drew, slow down a bit and calm down," I said keeping my free hand on his which was holding my hand.

"I'm sorry, I just really didn't expect that and it brought back unpleasant emotions," he said.

"It's alright. Just relax it's not like we're going to be seeing her that much right? And even if we do who cares? You can just ignore her," I said.

"Yeah, you're right," he said.

"You know you're going to have to go the the camping site while I continue the game right?" I asked smirking at him.

He shook his head at me smiling then pulled me closer his lips close to mine, "You better win since you shot me. My girlfriend is definitely a winner," and with that he kissed me then let go walking in the direction of the camping site.

I giggled then started walking straight in search of the boys' flag. I heard a sound of walking behind me and quickly turned, shooting the guy who just happened to be Mason.

"Shit," he cursed.

I stuck my tongue out on him.

"Not bad," he praised.

"Why, thank you," I said and skipped past him.

I started running to get to the boys' flag as fast as I can. I heard a sound a hid behind and a tree and started to tip-toe by the trees so I can stay hidden.

I looked from behind the tree and gasped.

In front of me were none other than Caleb and Jasmine who were kissing. I covered my mouth to stop myself from squealing in joy.

I started to walk back, not wanting to disturb them when my bad luck striked and I ended up stepping on a branch making noise.

Both of their heads snapped in my direction and I smiled at them sheepishly.

"Don't mind me guys, I'm leaving. You can return to what you were doing," I said.

Hearing my words, they both blushed hard and stared down as if their shoes were the most interesting things.

I quickly turned around and walked away wanting to give them their privacy and hopefully removing the awkwardness of the situation.

'I hope I didn't ruin their moment,' I thought.

I walked more when I heard high-pitched cheers coming from the right direction. I walked towards the sound when I saw the girls dancing with a blue flag, the flag the boys had to hide.

"We won!" Natalie told me happily.

I high-fived her and went to cheer with the rest of my team mates. 

We all walked away together, back to the campsite. As soon as we reached I headed over to Drew who congratulated me.

They told us to go rest until the food was ready. 

Jasmine came over to me and dragged me away.

"Well hello there. Are you and Caleb together now?" I asked eagerly.

"Umm, I'm not very sure. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. We kind of just awkwardly left after you appeared," she said.

"Aww, I'm so sorry, Jazzy," I apologized.

"It's alright," she said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll ask you out soon," I said.

We walked back to the rest of the boys and sat down beside them. The food was being prepared and so we just sat and talked.

Soon, we were told that the food was done being cooked. We all got up and got our food and sat down eating together.

After we were done we all got up to go to sleep as we were tired after todays events.

"Good night, sweetheart," said Drew kissing me lightly.

"Night, babe," I said and walked over to our cabin.

I got to my bed, sleeping the minute my head touched the pillow hoping we don't see Vanessa at all tomorrow for Drew's sake.



Hiiiiiii!!!! Yes I know I took for ever but I have my reasons.

Honestly every time I try to get ready to type I start getting sick and just wanted to lay down or I would vomit. 

And to be honest I might also be slow in updating now-a-days as school started and it's my IG year so like I have so much studying. I'm only like a week in to school and I feel tired.

The homework is so much and the studying is exhausting. I already had a test on the first week and I have two next week.

It's torture.

Also sorry for the sucky chapter it's a filler but I'll try my best to update as soon as possible.

Also I cancelled the one-shot contest cuz no body entered. Awkward....... I'm pretty upset about it but it's alright.

I'll do something simpler which I HOPE people will reply to. 

Write the funniest joke you have and the winner gets to pick the character name and characteristics of the person I mentioned in the one-shot contest.

What book are you currently reading? Both from Wattpad and from real life published books?
I'm reading from Wattpad 'The Anon' and from real life 'These Broken Stars'
Lemme know what you're reading in the comments.

Once again I'm really sorry for the delay.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it sucked!!

Please vomment and share!!!

WUV YOU GUYS!!!! ~ Fawzia <3

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