Chapter 10: Fun At The Rink

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Charlotte's POV

We all headed out to our cars. I got into Drew's car with Mason and Caleb while Drew and the twins went to get their skateboards. They finally came down and Drew got into the driver's seat and shut the door. He said that the twins would follow us with their car.

I was sitting in the passenger seat as the boys insisted on me taking it but I don't really know why. But I just agreed anyways.

We drove and reached oour destination in about 20 minutes. I just spent my time playing Minion Rush on my phone.

We all got out and the boys grabbed their skating boards from the car. Drew got out two and came over to me and handed me one.

"This is my old one so you can use it." he said.

"Thanks." I said grinning at him.

All the boys started skating around and doing some cool jumps and tricks. I decided to just skate around a bit since I don't know how to do any tricks. To be honest I'm not really good at skating either but it looks like fun so what's the harm in trying?

I was skating around a bit when I lost my balance and closed my eyes ready to feel the hard ground beneath me. I never felt it. Instead I felt a strong arm around me keeping me from falling.

I opened my eyes slowly and came face to face with Drew and let out a sigh of relief. That is when I noticed just how close we were and slowly moved out of his grasp.

"T-Thanks." I stuttered.

"No problem. So, I'm guessing you don't know how to skate." he stated and I blushed in embarrassment and nodded.

"Well, looks like I will have to teach you huh?" he said and I looked up and smiled at him.

"Thanks." I say again grinning at him.

"Alright, first you keep one foot on the skateboard and the other one you use to give a slight push then keep both on the board. Ok?" He instructed and I nodded.

I tried to skate again but the board wobbled a bit and I let a squeal and held onto Drew's arm.

"Don't worry. I got you." he reassured and I nodded and tried again while holding onto his arm.

After a while he let go of my arm and I was skating straight ahead.

"I did it!" I cheered enthusiastically as I skates.

"Yup." Drew said chuckling as he walked behind me.

"Uh Drew? How do I make it stop?" I said in a panicky voice.

"Don't worry. All you need to do is jump off it." he said and that exactly is what I did before I tripped and almost landed face first on the ground but Drew, yet again, saved me.

"Thanks." I thanked for the third time today.

"You're welcome." he stated, "Now come on let's keep trying."

I nodded and tried again.

And again.

And again.

And finally I was able to get the hang of it and was able to skate on my own.

I skated in straight lines while Drew skated beside me.

"You know you can go and do some tricks if you want to." I stated.

"It's okay." he stated and continued skating ahead of me.

"Hey Drew?" I called out.

"Yeah." he said as he stopped.

"Wanna race?" I asked excitedly.

"Sure." He said and that is how we ended up racing about like 5 times.

And of course Drew won like 4 of them.

And of course he took no time and started to rub it in my face.

Cocky idiot.

I mean I am a newbie.

He should have went easy on me.

It was starting to get dark and I was starting to get tired and hungry from all the skating. I hopped off my skateboard and went and sat on a bench.

"Hey Charlotte, we're going to eat now so come on." Drew said.

I let out a sigh and got up then followed the guys back to the cars. I entered and they drove to some diner.

We went and took our seats. This time Drew was sitting beside me.

We all ordered and were waiting for our food to come. I sat silently, tapping my fingers on the table while the boys talked.

"So Charlotte, did you have fun?" Ryan asked.

"Sure did!" I said with a big smile.

"Yeah, I beat her four times in racing." Drew bragged.

"Well excuse me for not knowing how to skate." I said.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair. I slapped his hand away and started to quickly fix my hair.

"I hate you." I stated as I fixed my hair.

"Sure you do." he said back.

Our food finally came and we all started eating away. We were finally done with our food when Drew asked, "Deserts anyone?"

My hand shot up.


I love sweet things.

"Alright, what would you like?" He asked.

"Ice cream." I exclaimed and he chuckled and paid the bell then we drove over to an ice cream shop.

We all headed in and the boys ordered what they wanted and started eating it. I got to the counter and where a cute boy was standing. He had sandy blonde hair and green eyes. What a nice combination.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" he asked with a smile.

"I want a chocolate ice cream scoop with chocolate chips and chocolate sauce." I said.

"That sure is a lot of chocolate." he stated.

"Indeed it is. How about you also add a bit of m&ms." I said and he chuckled amusement in his eyes.

He started making my order and asked, "So what's your name?"

"Rebecca." I replied.

"You're lying." he said.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You don't look like a Rebecca." he said casually.

"Oh yeah? What do I look like then?" I asked.

"A Charlotte." he stated.

"Ring, ring, ring we have a winner. But seriously how did you know?" I asked surprised.

"You're wearing a necklace that says Charlotte." he said pointing at my necklace.

"I completely forgot I had this on." I said.

"Are you guys done yet?" Drew asked irritatedly.

Looks like somebody is on their man period.

I mean even I wasn't that grumpy on my period.


Oh Charlotte, you're such a comedian!

"Well, here is your order enjoy!" the guy said handing me my ice cream.

"Thanks!" I said grinning.

"So, can I have your number you seem like a pretty nice girl." he asked.

"Hmm I don't know." I replied.

"Don't worry, I just wanna be friends. I already have a girlfriend whom I love very much." he said.

"Okay then..." I trailed off.

"Jake." he said.

"Ok, Jake. See ya later." I said giving him my number.

We then exited and headed back home. As soon as we reached, I headed upstairs, changes my clothes and decided to go to sleep.



Hola ma fellow kittens!!!

I am super duper sorry with chocolate on top for taking like forever to update. I hereby give you guys permission to throw tomatoes at me just not the face.

I promise to try my absolute best to update asap.

Who is your favorite character in this story, excluding Charlotte and Drew?

Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

P.S. Did you guys listen to midnight memories? I love it!!

Well until next time my kitties.

Please vomment and share!!!

WUV YOU GUYS!!!! ~ Fawzia<3

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