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It's been a year since you moved away to London. Everything was going friends. And as for guys..? Nope. You tried so hard to forget HIM. You tried so hard to get rid of the feelings you had for HIM but no. You always thought and said to yourself that he's probably moved on and got another girl from the moment he realised you were gone...typical. You tried to persuade yourself in every possible way you can think of, that he's an asshole who just played you. But the feelings just kept getting stronger. Everyday you missed him even more.

Little did you know that Jungkook was just as bad as you. He became a cold person...regretted everything he did to you. When you left, he completely changed...and not in a good way. He didn't talk to anyone anymore. Jimin and Taehyung had a hard time because he would be depressed all the time. Even his parents couldn't help it. Girls gave up on him and didn't dare talk to him because he'll just lash out and become violent. Every night since you left he would cry himself to sleep to try get rid of the pain he was going through....all the things he did to you...he hated himself for it and he tried to find you...he asked his overseas friends in London to look for you but you couldn't be found. Well...after changing your hair...ditching the glasses...and changing the way you weren't the same person anymore. You were more social, easier to talk to and much happier...on the outside at least. You had to do everything to be a stronger person and that's why you decided to become more like an actual person that a stone wall that everyone just targeted. was your last day in London before goin back to Korea. You were going back to Seoul Arts High School to continue your second year. You were sad to leave all the new friends you've made but they promise to visit so it's all good. couldn't help but feel scared...anxious to see Jungkook again. Will he be happy to see you or will he just ignore you.


Today is the day I go much as I want the same time I dont. Yes I've changed...Yes Im not a pushover anymore and yes I look different but...Im still weak for him. When I think of heart hurts but at the same time I smile? Ha...I must be going crazy...

I got up from my bed and got my self prepared. I wore my uniform...let my hair down and curled the bottom of my hair. I put a little bit of tinted moisturiser on since I still don't like makeup that much and a little bit of mascara. I brought my glasses just incase I needed them but since I got eye surgery in London, I only need to use them for reading. Before making my way to school...I got a piece of toast and said goodbye to my parents and Jiyeon. I got into my car and drove to school. When I got to school my cousin, Mark(from GOT7), was waiting for me. He transferred from his school here the moment I left so no one knows that we're cousins...and him being a senior...people are definitely going to talk but i don't care. I got out of my car and already people were staring and talking. Mark then came and said hi...people looking at us.

MARK: "Y/N! Hey you!" He said while bear hugging me.

YOU: "Yah...let me go..I can't breathe" I said giggling and giving him a light punch. Everyone took their phones out and probably texted all of their friends about me...typical. Mark accompanied me on the way to the office and we were just talking to each other like we normally do with a bit of play fighting...I mean...we are cousins and I grew up with this weirdo.

As I turn the corner I bumped into someone and fell on my butt. How embarrassing.

YOU: " hurts" I said as I got up.

MARK: "Hahahahahaha! Omds...your first day back Y/N and you already got me laughing!" Mark said taking the piss. I didn't even realise who bumped into me until I diverted my attention to the person...oh my gosh....KIM TAEHYUNG. I looked at him shocked and so did he. It looks like he saw a ghost. I looked beside him and there they were...Park Jimin and Him. The guy I've missed...the guy that got me going cazy. The same guy who hurt me the most but yet makes my heart beat so fast. I finally see you again...JEON JUNGKOOK.

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