Assaulted Sixteen-Year-Old

318 13 7

Leo's POV / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

"Well then let's go!", I whisper. "It's at the very end of the hall.", she says, nodding to the door. "Naw! I thought the door with the sideways 69 was Li's door!", I hiss. She looks down. "I don't like her...", she mumbles. "She's not that bad.", I say, expressing my own feelings. "I just.... don't like the way she acts. Like she's entitled to everything and it's just fine.", she mutters. I draw back. "Huh... I honestly don't have a strong opinion either way. She's not buddy buddy with me, I don't intend to chase her, and she's not my mortal enemy either. I could honestly care less.", I say honestly. She nods silently at my opposing opinion.

We quietly make our way down the long, dark colored corridor. It's true that all of the higher up zodiacs are on this level, but it also includes the 'low light' zodiacs. The ones that are very secluded and prefer the dark are up here. Like me, and Scorpio, we are both in higher levels than Gemini, but he's up here with us. Not to mention me and Scorpio love the dark as well. This floor is clothed in darkness, a dark red paint covers the walls, and dark brown curtains cut out the light. This floor is full of classic furniture and prints. The zodiacs up here are : li, me, candy, Aries, Scorpio, and Gemini. It's known as : the dark side, as well as all its occupants. We're all in a group named for the floor, we're known as the dark siders.

The other floor however, is the complete opposite. It's bright, happy, and makes you feel like your on drugs every time you walk through it. Bright, green wall paper laces the walls, and golden, see through curtains color the light that shines through in a shimmering pigmint. It's full of modern, interesting furniture, and the doors of each zodiac are colored to they're liking. That floor is known as : the lit zone, if you ask me, sounds like drugs. But the zodiacs that inhabit this floor are : Teo, Pisces, Virgo, Sagi, Aquarius, and Capricorn. So, almost every person who can be considered on drugs is on this floor. These people are known as the lighters. What does this have to do with anything? Nothing.

We make our way down to the very end of the hall. She slowly turns the knob and pushes it open. She nods to me and we creep inside. I stare in awe at the beauty of her room.

Her room was a pretty scene that seems to be out of here, putting you in the beach. The scene is so vivid there doesn't seem to be any walls surrounding the open space. The floor underneath my feet was pure white sand.

"Where do you sleep candy?", I ask, failing to locate a bed. "In the sand.", she answers simply. I frown. "You sleep in the sand? I mean, I'm no stranger to sleeping in odd places, but the sand? Really?", I ask. "Yeah I've found its great for your skin.", she says, her face taking on a proud expression. I cringe. "Ugh, that'd stuff would get all in my fur and places I'd rather not mention.", I whisper, dreading the thought of sleeping in sand.

She cocks her head. "But.... you don't have fur?", she says, clearly confused. I sigh. "You've never seen under my clothes though have you candy?", I ask gently, knowing she'll feel stupid on her own. "Uh.... I have seen under your shir- AAHHHAHAAAAAHAAAAA!!", she wails. I draw back. She's flailing her arms everywhere. A smirk creeps on my lips. "Heh, didn't need to know that did you? Yeah, I could actually walk around the house naked if I wanted to, nobody could see anything. And even though I don't sleep in the nude, I still would hate sleeping in sand.", I say coolly. Her face has grown red, and she has a disturbed and embarrassed look on her face. "Wh-Why would you tell me that? ", she whispers shakily. "Cuz I wanted to.", I laugh.


"Huh?", I ask as my ears turn towards the doorway. "You heard that? ", I ask softly, not taking my swift eyes off of the open door. "Uh-huh...", she whispers in a high voice.

"Come on. Lets go already, they'll be here soon.", I say, wanting to get to the point. I turn my gaze to her and she looks suprised when it falls on her. "Oh, uhhh, yeah, yeah, well uh, there's a hatch that was made in case there was ever a fire. All we need to do is go to the bottom of the water and-" "THE WATER???!!", I shriek. "Yes, the water.", she says patiently. "No! No candy I'm not going in the water! I hate water!!", I refuse aggressively. "Uh, this was your idea! You're doing it.", she scoffs. "But I don't waaaaaaaannnnnaaaaaa!", I whine. She grabs my collar and starts to drag me towards the edge of the beach. "But I didn't ask if you waaaaaaaannnnnaaaaaa. ", she mocks.

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