16: Rush to Hallmark

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Around midnight we arrived at my place. Once the vehicle came to a full stop, we unfastened our seatbelts and stepped out of the car.

The cool evening breeze immediately hit me and the faint sounds of crickets was heard as I made my way towards the porch with Leon following behind. 

"Thank you." I said, while toying with the sleeves of my sweater

"It was my pleasure, I had a great time with you today, Madam Leila." He said, smiling at me the whole time.

I was hesitant at first, but managed to give him a light hug.

"I had a great time myself.. I guess I'll see you later then?" I said, after letting go.

"Sure, Goodnight Leah. Take care." He replied and gave his back to me as he made his way towards his SUV.

I took one last glance at him before I went inside. Once I was in, I found my mom in the kitchen and my dad in his office, so I made sure that they knew I was home.

I told them about how I ditched the dance to hang out with some friends. Thankfully they knew I wasn't lying- why would I anyways?

So after that I just changed into my night gown and then sent a 'thank you' text to Leon, for the food and hanging out. It was actually the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me.

Before I went to bed, I got a message from Jace- it was 2 in the friggin morning!

I just ignored it, because texts from a guy like him, at this time of night, isn't such a good idea.

As I got into bed, I realized: Leon and I basically went out on a date. I might be exaggerating, but this is a big deal for me, I've never been so close to my crush (although my feelings are beyond that).

I had some trouble sleeping, so I went ahead and put my earphones on and put some soothing music, slowly falling into a deep sleep.


I wake up startled by my alarm, and in less than five minutes I was up. I opened the window for some fresh morning air.

I got dressed in a white sweater with a skull drawn on it, and a pair of striped jeans (black and grey) and slipped a pair of black converse.

Once I was done with my hair, I made my way down to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Half way through the stairway, the smell of French toast filled the air, which made me even more hungry. To my surprise it was my brother and dad making breakfast.

"What's going on?" I asked obliviously.

"It's mom's birthday, so we are making her some breakfast in bed," my brother answered.

"Looks like someone forgot," my dad said, in between chuckles.

"I'll be right back, wait for me," I said hurriedly.

I got my purse and bolted out the door, got on my bike and peddled to the nearest hallmark- which wasn't that far.

When I made it there, I got a card- in which I signed later on- and a cute framed Disney quote- because I know how much my mom loves Disney. I then rushed to the counter to pay, and get it wrapped.

"Last minute gift?" The cashier asked with a smile.

"You guessed it," I said, gasping for air.

"That'll be $20.78," she said, pressing random buttons on the cash register.

"Here you go," I extended my hand out to give it to her.

The moment she finished wrapping it, I sprinted out of the store, then suddenly felt a sharp pain across my forehead.

"Woah, you alright?" I heard a familiar deep voice ask.

"Yea," I said rubbing my forehead.

I then looked up to see if I knew this person- and to my surprise- I found Bruce standing in front of me, with a worried expression across his face.

"Oh hey, how are you? How've you been?" I asked hurriedly, forgetting the wincing pain.

"I'm great, you?" He asked, as a smile appeared showing his perfectly straight teeth.

"I actually have to be somewhere. Long story short, it's my mom's birthday and this is her gift," I said gesturing to the bag I was holding, then slowly started walking towards my bike.

"Oh, nice bumping into you," he said laughing.

"Yea you too!" I said with a slight chuckle.


"Happy birthday to you!..." My father, brother, and I sang in unison.

"Aw! Thanks you guys," my mom said with tears on the verge of falling.

"We love you," my dad said, kissing her forehead.

And that's when my brother and I just left the room after that, heading our separate ways. I went to my room, plopped onto my bed, and started to imagine scenarios that have a 0% chance of happening.

Then I remembered my parents, and how they're like best friends/ lovers, the perfect relationship.

"Goals," mentally sighed.

Just thinking about them reminded me of Leon.
It really hurts to think that there's no chance of him having any feelings for me, and when his eyes light up while talking about the girl of his dreams (and me not being anything like that), I guess we'll never be anything but friends.

Everyone that knows about my feelings towards him, asked me why I don't confess to him, and to be honest; I'm scared. What if he doesn't like me as much? What if he lies about his feelings and leads me on? What if I end up ruining our relationship?...

There are moments when there's a spark of hope, that maybe he actually does like me and he's just shy, But I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Being his 'wingman' is the closest I can get to him.



I finished this chapter a few weeks back, then it got deleted, then school came along, and I totally forgot to rewrite the chapter.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this quick filler!

I'll be back to regular updates (unless school is gonna be keeping me occupied).


Until next time,
Toddles (ノ'з`)ノ

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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