Ch 11: What the Hell is an Aplaca?

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*Luke's POV*

Something was up with Kat. She avoided Luke's gaze, and his presence all together. Each time he would walk up to her she would run in the other direction, dragging Chrissy by the arm. Whenever Chrissy and Michael would be together at Lunch, Kat would situate herself as far as she could from Luke. Either on the other side of the table or having Calum or Ashton between them. He didn't know why, but one moment always came back to him. When they snuck into his house and she gave him that... Yeah.... But he thought she liked him back. Why would she shy away in her shell again?

"Dude, I just don't understand why she's avoiding me! Its just like when school started and she hated me." Luke ranted to Michael as they hung out in his friends house one day after school. Michael wasn't paying much attention, his eyes stuck to his phone, his fingers typing furiously.

"And when I tried to talk to her when I saw her at hot topic, she told her co worker she was going to the bathroom and hid in there for a good half hour before I decided to leave- hey are you listening?" Luke glared at Michael, snapping his fingers in front of his face. The, now silver haired boy, squinted at Luke with an annoyed expression.

"Dude I'm texting Chrissy."

"And you say I'm whipped?"

"At least I'm not in the friendzone with the girl I love."

"Fuck you." Luke said quietly, flipping Michael off, even though it was true. They sat in silence, Michael going back to his furious texting and Luke pouting on the couch. Suddenly an idea came to Luke. He shot up, a big smile on his face.

"Dude dude! Chrissy is Kat's best friend right?" Michael nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was. They were hardly seen without each other. "Well she would know why Kat has been avoiding me for the past two weeks! Can you ask her for me?" Michael looked hesitant, taking in the situation of it all. But Luke was desperate. He wasn't used to a girl being like this. And when he thought he was finally getting close to her, she turned him away again. Luke really missed her laugh and warm hands whenever she'd hold his hand in the cold fall weather. He pouted his lips, pulling off a silly puppy dog face.

Michael finally broke. "Okay fine. Fine. I'll call her." He pressed her contact, clicking on the speaker button so they both could hear what she had to say. After the 4th ring she picked up.

"Hey Mikey!" She exclaiemd cheerfully. Soap by Melanie Martinez played in the backround. "What's up? You may wanna hurry up before Kat comes back. Plus I thought you were hanging with Luke?"

"Oh yeah, he's in the bathroom right now. Plus I just wanted to see how you were doing." Michael half lied, earning a glare from Luke.

"Ask the question!" He hissed under his breath.

Michael rolled his eyes and leaned towards the phone. "Plus I was wondering what was up with Kat. She's been acting really weird since the Halloween party. Especially towards Luke."

Chrissy sucked in a breath. She obviously knew what was up. It was silent for a moment. God I wish I never spoke now I've got wash my mouth out with soap. Was all Luke heard from her side of the line. "Um... Yeah. I'm not sure if I'm in the right place to say that.... But she does trust you most... After me of course." She added after, making Michael chuckle.

"Yeah of course. So what's happening with her?"

Chrissy was silent for another moment. "Promise not to tell anyone? Especially Luke."

"I promise!" He said as he glanced towards Luke who was on the edge of the sofa, his eyes wide and focused on the phone on the table.

"Okay." Chrissy took a deep breath. "So you know the Halloween party and everything, well you know that rumour that was going around that Kat gave Luke a blowjob, but it was quickly stomped out?" Michael nodded subconsciously before realizing she couldn't see him and answering with a short yes. The song in the background had changed to Dollhouse, the lyrics seeming to vibrate through the whole house. "Well.... Kat really did give a blowjob to Luke when they were both drunk off their asses, and she woke up next to him in his bed and all that shit and she now thinks that Luke is going to remember and hate her, if he already hasn't already, and all that teenage crap. But she really is worried. She hasn't had a crush on a boy since New York when he broke her heart, which is a totally different story, but now she thinks Luke is going to do the same thing." She finished taking a deep breath.

The two, secretly three, people were silent. Luke was smiling wildly. So Kat DID have a crush on him! This was possibly the best day of his life! But what did that one guy back in New York do that made her scared to have even just a crush on anyone?

Michael replied with a small "oh" before Christ's started up again.

"Now if you tell anyone I will chop your dick off."

"But then we won't be able to have any fun." Michael flirted, making Luke gag.

"You can always give me oral, babe." Chrissy answers cheekily. "I think Kat's here."

Luke heard some shuffling, hearing a door swing open and close. "Chrissy, what the hell is an alpaca and why is one in your backyard?"

"What?!" Was all he heard before the call ended. Michael and Luke stared at each other with wide eyes.

"Well now you know why she's avoiding you and the problem. Don't know how your going to solve it though."

Luke shook his head. He was right. How the hell was he going to earn her trust and make her know he wouldn't hurt her, EVER. This was going to have to call for some major planning with his friends.

"Well time to get started then mate. And you're helping me."

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